What is SAT Subject Test; www.collegeboard.org

Latest update: SAT Subject Tests will be discontinued for international students after June 21.

A lot has been talked about SAT General Tests. However, today we will discuss all SAT Subject Tests. Broadly speaking, SAT Subject Test is divided into 5 subjects. These subjects are further categorized into smaller topics. The various SAT Subjects include:

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • English
  • History and
  • Languages

SAT Subject Test vs SAT General Test

SAT 1 vs SAT 2 – Subject Test or SAT 2 is a more subject-focused test. Candidates looking to apply to a particular course in a college can take the SAT Subject Test to exhibit his knowledge and understanding of that particular subject. The SAT General Test, on the other hand, has been developed to evaluate the written, verbal and mathematical skills of the candidates seeking admission to undergraduate schools. The Scholastic Assessment Test is conducted by The College Board.

SAT Mathematics Subject Test

The Mathematics subject is divided into 2 levels,

  • Math Level 1
  • Math Level 2

SAT Mathematics Level 1 and Level 2 are for candidates who are looking to study in similar fields pertaining to mathematics. The main difference between the syllabuses for the SAT Math Subject Tests is that while the Math Level 2 has all the subjects covered in Level 1 along with the inclusion of trigonometry and elementary functions (precalculus). Candidates can check out the detailed SAT Mathematics Syllabus for SAT Math Level 1 and SAT Math Level 2 below.

SAT Subject Test Mathematics – Math Level 1

Particulars Syllabus
Questions: 50 (multiple choice)Duration: 60 minutes

Points: 200-800

Number and Operations Algebra and functionsGeometry and measurement (plane Euclidean, coordinate, three-dimensional, and trigonometry)

Data analysis, statistics, and probability

 SAT Subject Test Mathematics – Math Level 2

Particulars Syllabus
Questions: 50 (multiple choice)Duration: 60 minutes

Points: 200-800

Number and operationsAlgebra and functions

Geometry and measurement (coordinate, three-dimensional, and trigonometry)

Data analysis, statistics, and probability

Confused between SAT Mathematics Level 1 and Level 2: Candidates who are confused between the two should opt for the one that they are most familiar with. Candidates who have shown extraordinary skills in trigonometry or elementary functions (precalculus) or both should opt for SAT 2 Math whereas candidates looking to score high points and not so familiar with topics covered in level 2 should opt for SAT 1 Math. It is important to factor in the requirement of the candidates’ University and Programme of choice.

SAT Science Subject Test

The SAT Science Subject is further classified into

  • Biology E/M
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

SAT Subject Test Biology E/M

Candidates who are opting for SAT Biology Ecological or Biology Molecular are basically inclined towards pursuing Science in their higher education. This section of SAT tests candidates on their knowledge of diversity, evolution, concepts around micro-level biology and other major concepts that they would have read in their high school. The SAT Science paper tests the candidates on their fundamental concepts and knowledge, application processes and Interpretation skills.

SAT Science – Biology E/M

Particulars Syllabus
Questions: 80 (multiple choice)Duration: 60 minutes

Points: 200-800

Cellular and molecular biologyGenetics

Organismal biology

Evolution and diversity

SAT Subject Test Chemistry

SAT Chemistry Subject Test evaluates the candidates’ understanding of major concepts of chemistry and their ability to apply these principles to solve specific problems. This section of the test measures the fundamental concepts, application, and synthesis of knowledge of the candidate.

SAT Science – Chemistry

Particulars Syllabus
Questions: 85 (multiple choice)Duration: 60

Points: 200-800

Structure of matterReaction types


Equilibrium and reaction rates



Descriptive chemistry

States of matter

SAT Subject Test Physics

SAT Physics Subject Test measures the candidates’ understanding of concepts of introductory physics on as well as reasoning and problem-solving skills derived from lab experience. This particular section evaluates the candidates’ knowledge of fundamental concepts and his ability to solve single and multi-concept problems.

Particulars Syllabus
Questions: 75 (multiple choice)Duration: 60

Points: 200-800

MechanicsElectricity and magnetism

Heat and thermodynamics

Modern physics


Waves and optics

SAT English Subject Test

SAT English Subject Test allows candidates to highlight their strength in reading and interpreting literary texts from a variety of historical periods and genres. Candidates are mostly required to solve questions from prose passages, primary excerpts from fiction, essays, poetry, and drama.

Particulars Syllabus
Questions: 60 (multiple choice)Duration: 60

Points: 200-800

American literatureEnglish literature

Other literature is written in English

SAT History Subject Test

The SAT History Subject is further classified into

  • US History
  • World History

SAT US History Subject Test

Candidates looking to appear for this section of the exam are required to showcase their grasp of history since pre-Columbian times.

Particulars Subjects
Questions: 90 (multiple choice)Duration: 60

Points: 200-800

Political historyEconomic history

Social history

Intellectual and cultural history

Foreign policy

SAT World History Subject Test

Candidates looking to appear for this section of the exam are required to showcase their grasp of developments across the globe since ancient times.

Particulars Subjects
Questions: 95 (multiple choice)Duration: 60

Points: 200-800

Global or comparativeEurope


Southwest Asia

South and Southeast Asia

East Asia

The Americas

SAT Languages Test

Candidates appearing for the SAT Language Test is required to highlight their understanding of the particular language through the writing or/and speaking methods. The languages for which candidates can appear for the exam are mentioned below. Candidates appearing for the listening exam will be allowed 20 minutes for listening questions and 40 minutes for reading questions out of the total 60 minutes duration.

Particulars Languages
Questions: 85 (multiple choice)Duration: 60 minutes

Points: 200-800

SpanishSpanish with Listening

French with listening

Chinese with listening



German with listening

Modern Hebrew


Japanese with listening

Korean with listening


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