GMAT Online Exam

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, GMAC has to suspend test-center based GMAT exam for candidates, as worldwide various countries have imposed restrictions on the movement of citizens. On April-15th-2020, GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council), administrator of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) announced the release of the GMAT Online exam. The online exam is open to all test-takers and the format is designed to support the students’ need to meet B-school deadlines.

Latest update on GMAT Online Exam

GMAC has announced the latest update on GMAT Online Test. We have explained the changes below.

  • The number of times a candidate can take the GMAT exam online will not be limited to 2 now. The online attempts will count toward the overall GMAT attempt limits of 5 in a rolling 12-month period, and 8 in a lifetime.
  • The GMAT online exam includes 5 free score reports. The 5 free score reports must be used within 48 hours once the official online exam score is available. Additional score reports can be purchased for US$35 each.

Earlier updates in GMAT Online Exam

  • Analytical Writing Assessment section added from 8th-April-2021
  • Select exam section order
  • Two 8-minute optional breaks
  • View unofficial score immediately
  • Book GMAT Online Exam appointments up to 6 months in advance

We have discussed these changes in detail below.

Section order for GMAT Online Exam after the introduction of AWA

Presently, the section order is fixed and candidates have no option to choose the section according to their preference. However, after the introduction of the AWA section (from April-08-2021) candidates will have the choice to select the section order. These will be:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, Verbal
  • Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment
  • Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment

Two optional breaks

Like an in-person exam where candidates are allowed a single five-minute break, the online exam allows test-takers two eight-minute breaks. However, these are optional, so, candidates have the choice if they wish to avail of this or not.

See your official GMAT Score right after the exam

Now, the way candidates can see their scores in test centers will now be able to see their unofficial GMAT scores immediately after the exam. These include sectional and composite multiple-choice scores, comprising Verbal, Quant, and IR scores).

Online GMAT Exam Registration

The GMAT Online exam registration fee is $275 USD (Rs 20,600 approx) and includes 5 free score reports. Candidates can select their schools after reviewing their scores.

GMAT Online Exam Structure

The GMAT Online exam includes the Quantitative, Verbal, and Integrated Reasoning sections (omitting the Analytical Writing Assessment Section). Each section will contain the same number of questions and time per section as the current in-person GMAT exam. The sections include:

  • Quantitative: 31 questions / 62 minutes
  • Verbal: 36 questions / 65 minutes
  • Integrated Reasoning: 12 questions / 30 minutes
  • Analytical Writing Assessment: 1 question / 30 minutes (will begin from 8th-Apr-2021)

Schedule GMAT Online Exam up to 6 months in advance

Now candidates have the choice to book GMAT Online Exam appointments on a rolling 6-month basis.

Exam Pattern for Online GMAT Exam

Sections Measuring skills

(31 questions / 62 minutes)

Analyze data and draw conclusions using reasoning skills

(36 questions / 65 minutes)

Read and understand written material and evaluate arguments and correct written

material to make it into standard written English

Integrated Reasoning

(12 questions / 30 minutes)

Analyze data and evaluate information presented in different formats
Analytical Writing Assessment (will begin from 8th-Apr-2021)

(1 question / 30 minutes)

Think critically and communicate ideas
Total time: 3 hours 7 min.

Sections for the GMAT online exam have been fixed as Quantitative ReasoningVerbal ReasoningIntegrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment. The total exam time is approximately 3 hours 30 minutes including two optional 8-minute breaks.

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Test Dates for Online GMAT Exam

To increase flexibility, appointment times are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you can schedule an exam appointment up to 24 hours before an available testing window. Appointment dates are available for the current version of the GMAT online exam till April 7, 2021. Registration for the new GMAT online exam will open on February 17, 2021, for appointment dates beginning April 8, 2021. We will continue to monitor conditions and look to add future appointment dates as needed. The GMAT Online exam can be taken on both Windows and Mac personal computers and laptops.

GMAT Online exam Scoring

The GMAT Online exam includes the same type and number of section times and items as in the exam administered in the test centers. Also, it will use the same scoring algorithm and score scale for the Section Scores and Total Score as the test-center based exam.

Score Report

In the score report, candidates will see the individual section scores and as well as the total score of the exam. Candidates will also be able to view the percentiles of their score in the score report.

Send GMAT Online score to schools

Once you receive your official GMAT online score, you can review it before sending it to schools. You can send your GMAT online score to as many programs as you want at no additional cost. You can send the scores through the following method:

Step 1: Log in to your official account

Step 2: Click on the ‘Send GMAT online score’ button

Step 3: Select the programs you wish to send score reports to

Step 4: Verify and click the ‘Send GMAT online score’

GMAT Online Exam Score Validity

GMAT Online exam scores are valid for 5 years and will not count towards their 12-month and lifetime GMAT limits.

Sending GMAT Online Exam scores

5 free score reports have been included in the GMAT Online exam fee. So, candidates can send score reports up to 5 programs of their choice. These score reports must be used within 48 hours upon receipt of your official score. Also, for GMAT test (s) taken before October 20, 2021, test-takers can continue to send unlimited free score reports until January 31, 2024. After this, candidates need to purchase additional score reports at US$35 each.

Rescheduling or Cancelling GMAT Online Exam

Candidates can reschedule or cancel their exam appointment up to 24 hours before their scheduled exam by logging into their account.

  • Reschedule fee: $25 USD
  • Cancellation fee: $100 USD

Also, no appointment changes can be made within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time.


The number of times a candidate can take the GMAT exam online will not be limited to just 2 now and online attempts will count toward the overall GMAT (including offline) attempt limits – 5 in a rolling 12-month period, and 8 in a lifetime.

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