11 Tips on How to pass WAEC in one sitting; www.waecdirect.org

How to pass WAEC in one sitting – The West African Senior Secondary School Examination (WASSCE) is a type of standardized examination for students in West Africa. Students who successfully pass the examination will receive a certificate confirming their graduation from senior secondary education. The exam is administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and is offered to only candidates residing in Anglophone West African Countries like Nigeria. Upon successful completion of the exam, candidates are awarded the West African Senior School Certificate.

Passing the WAEC examination is mandatory for every senior secondary student in other to get admission into an institution of higher learning like the University or Polytechnic. The WAEC examination is made up of multiple-choice questions, theory-based questions, and practical examination.

Most students find the WAEC examination very difficult to pass, some even require more than one sitting to be able to apply for admission into the University. But, did you know that you can easily pass your WAEC examination, and in one sitting only? I know you’re probably thinking that it’s close to an impossible task to achieve, but that’s not really true. Numerous students have benefited from our study tips and have been successfully admitted into the Universities of their choice. You don’t need to be scared of the upcoming WAEC examination as you have landed on our page today, just keep reading and you’ll find the secret to passing the WAEC examination in one go.

How to Pass WAEC Examination easily

The WAEC examination to many students is a difficult mountain to overcome, but to us, it’s just an examination that if you follow our tips you’ll find yourself having one of the best results. Here are 11 tips you need to prepare and pass your WAEC examination easily:

1. Get to know the WAEC Exam format

One of the most important steps in preparing for any examination is getting to know the format of the exam. It is highly important that you know how the exam is set, and the proper way to solve the problems. You must know the number of papers, and the subject combinations for the examination. In the WAEC examination, you are required to register for at least six and at most nine subjects. The English language is compulsory for every student. The examination has both theory and multiple-choice questions, and the science students are required to take the practical examination in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

2. Study with WAEC Syllabus

One of the secrets to passing the WAEC examination is studying with the WAEC syllabus. The WAEC syllabus contains the actual topics that you are required to cover for the examination. The syllabus serves as a guide during your study for the exam. I know it’s good to cover more topics on each subject, but to pass the WAEC examination with excellent grades, it’s better to cover more of the WAEC recommended topics contained in the Syllabus. This is because all the questions for each subject will come from the recommended topics.Pass WAEC in one sitting

3. Create your study timetable

Creating a study timetable helps to boost your study performance. Most students can’t keep track of how much they have studied, what they have studied, and what’s left to study. But, when you have a well-structured timetable, you’ll be able to keep track of your learning pace and know where you’re lagging behind. Assign a different subject for each particular day, and also set your plan for how to intend to cover the WAEC recommended topics. Set your timetable according to the place you can keep it, and make sure to stick to it.

4. Find your weaknesses

While studying for your WAEC examination, try to find out your weaknesses. Some students are strong in chemistry but weak in mathematics, while others are good with calculations but find biology and geology very difficult. Once you find your weaknesses, try to confront them. It is advisable that you get a tutor to help put you through and overcome your weaknesses.

5. Practice with WAEC Past Questions

One of the best ways to prepare for the WAEC examination is to practice with past WAEC questions. Buy the past WAEC questions with correct answers. As you read and study, try practicing with these past questions. It will help you to familiarize yourself with the WAEC examination. Do not rush to check the answers while studying, try to answer them without any external help, then check for corrections. After a while, you’ll notice that your marks for each last question year you answer will be rising steadily.WAEC Result

6. Write the WAEC Mock Exam

The WARC mock examination is a preliminary examination organized by most senior secondary schools to test their students for the upcoming WASSCE exams. The Mock exams are set with the same standard as the main WAEC examination. Hence, it’s a good test to check if you’re ready for the WAEC examination.JAMB Result

7. Eat and Exercise

To stay sharp and healthy while preparing for your WAEC examination, eat healthy foods and exercise frequently. Eating healthy foods and regular exercise helps keep your brain sharp and ready. Eat foods rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. Avoid junk foods, and hydrate regularly.Npower Recruitment

8. Avoid Distractions

One of the greatest hindrances to studying is social media. If you wish to pass your WAEC examination in one sitting, then stay away from social media while preparing for your exams. There will always be a new gist or a new fun thing to do online, hence it’s better to switch off your phone when it’s study time. Always have your goal in mind, and learn to shut out these distractions.

9. Be time conscious during the Exam

During the WAEC examination learn to be time conscious. Many students have failed to successfully pass the WAEC examination due to poor time management. Learn to move to the next question if the one you’re currently answering is taking too much time. You can always come back to it after answering all the questions you know the answer to. Spending more time on a particular question is risky, as you may end up wasting time you have used on other questions. Also, have it in the back of your mind that not all questions have the same allocated marks in the theory section. Avoid spending too much time on questions will lesser allocated marks.

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10. Read instructions carefully before attempting any question

Many students have fallen prey to this problem due to their ignorance. Every question has its own set of rules and instructions. Make sure you fully understand what you are being asked to answer before you attempt the question. Some students will immediately start answering a question because it seems easy without going through the instructions first, and may end up finding answers that weren’t necessary to find.JAMB Form

11. Believe in the Yourself

Last but not the least, what you need to pass your WAEC examination is to believe in yourself. Do not doubt yourself and your effort. Do not look at others and feel they are more prepared than you. If you have diligently followed through with our tips, then be confident because you’ve got this. Doubting yourself will only cause you to panic in the exam hall and make you forget things easily. Be calm and write your exam. You’ll be amazed at how excellent your grades will be.


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