PTE Academic 2024

PTE Academic 2022 Candidates would be glad to know that the conducting body of the PTE exam, Pearson PLC Group has launched PTE at Home. The full form of PTE is the Pearson Test of English or PTE in short. The PTE Academic exam is an English language test for candidates looking to apply to universities or countries abroad that use English as their primary source of communication. Candidates wanting to register for the PTE test can check out the multiple PTE dates available at a test centre near them here. Keeping the distress…

Scholarships For Bolivian Study

Scholarships For Bolivian Study   Engage in Arts, Language or Socio-Political Studies Bolivia offers students a number of enticing fields for research. Three indigenous American languages (Quechua, Aymara, and Guarani) are spoken there, and the country is rich in archaeological sites like Tiwanaku and Iskanwaya. Located in the center of South America, Bolivia’s neighbors include Peru, Chile, and Brazil. Bolivia is an excellent location for political and social studies, since it is one of the least developed South American nations and many of its people are subsistence farmers. Bolivia’s position in the Andes range…

Scholarship Awards For Hungary

Scholarship Awards For Hungary   Leave the States for College After World War II, Hungary fell under communist rule lasting until the late 1980’s. There were over 2,000 people executed and thousands imprisoned during this time. Hungarians worked tirelessly to overthrow this tyranny and create a democratic government. Now that they are no longer a communist country, they have been working toward continuing economic and political change. Hungary is a prime location for students to study the difficulties and effects of transitioning from an oppressive rule to a democratic society.…

Scholarships For College In Honduras

Scholarships For College In Honduras   Sensitive Ecosystems and High Poverty Provide Experiential Classrooms The Honduras are smack-dab in the middle of Central America and share a wealth of Mayan relics and ruins along with neighboring countries that were once one great Mayan civilization. Because of the politically unstable history of the nation, many students pursue peace studies, sustainable development programs, marine biology, or engage in some form of humanitarian project.  Study in Honduras provides students the opportunity to study the culture and economic development of what is the third…

Scholarship Programs For Guatemala

Scholarship Programs For Guatemala   Pure Central America Guatemala is a beautiful country in Central America filled with black sands and numerous volcanoes. It’s a country filled with many rainforests, coastlines, mountains and incredible wildlife. There are even ancient Mayan ruins and indigenous peoples located throughout the country. Many go to Guatemala to study different subjects such as culture and language, archaeology, and environmental studies. Traveling and participating in varied types of study abroad programs can be costly. Luckily, there are ways in which students can receive funding. Government Funding…

Botswana Study Abroad Scholarships

Botswana Study Abroad Scholarships   Diamond in the Rough Botswana is closely associated with the diamond industry and an ongoing struggle to fight AIDS. Located in the southern region of Africa, the country is bounded by Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia. The history of diamond trade in this part of Africa has been roiled with controversy, and all indications are that improper practices continue to exploit natives. In addition to academic studies centered on the country’s socio-political fabric, students frequent Botswana study abroad programs to further environmental and ecological studies, as…

Benin Study Abroad Scholarships

Benin Study Abroad Scholarships   Study in Benin – Healthcare, Anthropology, Language Studies Benin in Western Africa may be small and relatively unknown, but there are certainly students and scholars who choose to conduct studies and research there. Benin is poor, like many Sub-Saharan countries. There are healthcare shortages and crises—HIV/AIDS and malaria are a constant problem—as well as a poor educational system. Benin is a former French colony that gained independence in 1960, followed by a tumultuous period of political coups and instability. It now operates under a representative…

Scholarships For Study In Belize

Scholarships For Study In Belize   Study Sustainable Development in the Caribbean Belize — bordered by Mexico, Guatemala, and the Caribbean Sea — is a permier Caribbean destinations, especially for its beaches and Mayan ruins. Located on the northeastern coast of Central America, it is the only country in the region where English is the official language, although Kriol and Spanish are commonly spoken. The country boasts a remarkable diversity of culture, history and natural resources. Students engaged in studies in Belize may pursue sustainable development, general studies, economic development and tourism,…

Belarus Education Scholarships

Belarus Education Scholarships   Get Paid to Study Overseas Since gaining its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Belarus has suffered separation anxiety. It apparently liked being told what to do by an authoritarian overseer, and is on course for a political reunion with Russia. Old habits die hard, and while close neighbors, such as Lithuania, Poland and Latvia, have earned accolades for their fresh-faced policies and economic democratization, Belarus is criticized for its persistent Soviet-like ways.  This Communist Bloc attitude may turn some students away, but perhaps it…

Scholarships In Bangladesh

Scholarships In Bangladesh   Brush Up on Your Bangla Bangladesh is a low-lying Southeast Asian country bordering India and Burma and the Bay of Bengal. Students headed to Bangladesh are typically studying in culture and language. Economically, the country remains relatively poor, with the garment industry and rice production heading its main economic sectors. It has long suffered from inefficient governance, infrastructure and corruption, but many forecasts suggest the country is an emerging factor in the global marketplace. Bangladeshis regularly battle monsoons and floods and scratch out a meager existence,…