The study focused on the provision of infrastructure in public private partnership housing scheme by estate developers in Abuja. Cases of no and poor infrastructure have been reported by residents in estates under this scheme. Adequate infrastructure plays an important role to the wellbeing of individuals in any society hence the need for this study. The research administered 63 questionnaires to private estate developers randomly in order to assess the factors affecting the provision of infrastructure in public private partnership housing scheme. A sample size of 56 estates was selected to ascertain the compliance of private estate developers in the provision of infrastructure, a checklist was used for this purpose. From the research findings, the inability of government to provide primary infrastructure to districts, insufficient finance and high interests on loan ranked as the high significant factors affecting the provision of infrastructure. Early provision of primary infrastructure by government, availability of funds to provide infrastructure in estates, low interest on loans, provision of subsidies on materials by government and availability of long term loans ranked as the high significant practices that would enhance the provision of infrastructure in housing estates under the public private partnership arrangement.
From the estates visited, there is poor provision of sewer lines (0%), water supply (10.94%), shopping facility (14.6%) and recreational parks (29.2%). From the findings, it was concluded that government’s inability to provide primary infrastructure in districts is the most significant factor affecting the provision of infrastructure, while early provision of infrastructure in districts by government and availability of loans and subsidies for developers are practices that would enhance the provision of infrastructures in PPP housing scheme. The research recommends active participation from the government in the provision of primary infrastructure, the provision of soft loans and subsidies for private estate developers.
1.1 Background to the Study
Housing has been viewed as the process of delivering a large number of residential buildings on a permanent basis, with sufficient physical infrastructure and social amenities, in planned, decent, safe and sanitary neighborhoods (The Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, 2002; Ibrahim and Mbamali, 2013). Rapid growth in population creates high demand towards shelter and efficient supply and distribution of basic utilities and services for city dwellers (Bala and Bustani, 2009). In most urban centers, the problem of housing is not only restricted to quantity but to the poor quality of available housing units (Ajayi and Omole, 2012). According to Coker et al., (2007), a satisfactory home is one in a suitable living environment with portable water, adequate shelter and other services and facilities. The housing condition of a country is a pointer to the health motivation, economic well-being and the social circumstances of her citizens. Housing affects the life of an individual as it provides the space for protection, privacy, economic activities, recreation and livelihood (Ajayi and Omole, 2012).
The introduction of Public Private Partnership in housing in Nigeria started in the early 1990s with the introduction of National Housing Policy (NHP) (Ademuyi, 2010). According to
Ukwayi et al., (2012), the poor performance of the National Housing Policy in meeting its set goals and objectives led to a comprehensive review. A new approach to the partnership between the government and private sector in providing housing and infrastructure was initiated in the year 2000 (National Technical Working Group on Housing, 2009). According to Ukoje and Kanu, (2014) the partnership between the Federal Capital Territory.
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