The study examined the chemical composition of fresh, sun dried tender leaves and husks of cowpea ‘Adengee’ (Vigna unguiculata) and organoleptic attributes of their traditional soups. Information on processing, preparation and utilization of soup meals based on cowpea leaves and husks were obtained during the focus group discussion. The tender leaves and husks were parboiled and sun dried. Proximate, micronutrients, phytochemicals and anti nutrient levels were determined using standard procedures. The soups based on fresh and sundried leaves and husks were analysed prior to sensory evaluation. The data collected were statistically analysed using means, standard deviation and standard error. All values were based on residual moisture. Protein for dried leaves was higher (p<0.05) (39.24 vs. 21.98 and 13.95%) than those of fresh leaves and dried husks. Dried leaves and husks had lower fat than the control (1.31 and 0.75 vs. 9.10%) (p<0.05). Sun drying increased ash in both dried leaves and husks (14.74 and 10.86 vs. 4.82%). The lower value for fibre in the dry samples was rather surprising (14.20 and 20.42 vs.25.13%) (p<0.05). Carbohydrate significantly increased more in dried husks than in dried leaves. (53.76 Vs. 30.22%) (p<0.05).The micronutrients in both dried leaves and husks were reduced due to their volatile nature. Tannins, saponins, flavonoids and polyphenols decreased significantly (p<0.05) in processed samples due to drying. Soups based on dried leaves (DS) had higher protein (p<0.05) relative to the soup based on dried husks (HS) and fresh leaves (FS) (34.40 vs.34.10 and 33.30%). Similarly, husks based soups had higher fat (34.10 vs.34.05 and 31.44%)(p<0.05) Ash was higher in dried leaves based soup(7.83%) and fresh leaves soup (7.20%). Fibre for the husks based soup was higher (p<0.05) relative to fresh and dried leaves based soups (6.13 vs.5.58 and 6.11%, respectively). The carbohydrate levels were generally appreciable. All soups had appreciable levels of calcium, phosphorus and iron. These minerals varied significantly amongst the soups (p<0.05). Zinc and iodine also differed (p<0.05).β-carotene content of soup based on fresh leaves was higher (p<0.05) relative to those based on dried leaves and husks (6.08 vs.5.07 and 5.46RE).Vitamin C varied significantly (0.90 to 1.10mg) in soups based on fresh leaves and dried husks. Tannins, saponins, polyphenols and flavonoids in soups based on fresh leaves and dried husks were comparable. Anti nutrients levels in all soups were generally low. Scores for all organoleptic attributes of the three soups were more than half (6.17 to 7.70) of the 9-point scale. The soups were generally acceptable. As judged by the results, cowpea leaves, husks and their soups have high nutrient potentials to justify its cultivation, consumption promotion and diversification. Consumption related information such as nutritional properties should be packaged and extensively promoted to broaden the knowledge of health and nutritional benefits of consuming cowpea leaves and husks. The results demonstrate that, there is a potential in developing multi-purpose varieties with good performance, which are well-yielding in both leaves and seeds. Therefore, production related information, such as variety, yields and cultivation practices as well as processing should be packaged and made available to extension personnel and governmental agricultural research institutes that often have a good outreach to farmers.


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