We dedicate this project work to Almighty God, the source of all knowledge, wisdom and understanding, for being there for us throughout the period of our study and to our lovely parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abido, and Sir & Lady Christopher Korugbo for their parental care, who has always been our inspiration. Thanks to God Almighty, the source and supplier of all potential, the father of all creation for the privilege to go through our first degree without Him, nothing would have been accomplished. Our sincere and profound gratitude to our affectionate parents, Sir & Lady Korugbo, and Mr. & Mrs. Abido and our siblings for their moral, spiritual and financial support. May God bless you all. Special thanks go to our gentle and impeccable supervisor, DR. C.E MOKOBIA, for his efforts, advice, fatherly love, corrections and knowledge in carrying out this research work. Our appreciation also goes to the Head of Department Dr. ARTHUR EKPEKPO, all our lecturers and staff of the Department of Physics for their impartation and to all those who contributed to this work in one way or the other. We will not fail to appreciate the efforts of our friends especially, Joshua, Favour and Osas, loved ones and all those who contributed to the success of this research work, we are indeed grateful. May God richly bless you all Amen. Normally, in mobile phones, the battery level is shown in dot or bar form. This lets us recognize the battery level. Here we present a circuit that lets us know the battery level of a device from the number of LED s that are glowing It uses 10 LED’s in all. In this we used LM3914 IC…….
The battery level indicator consists of very less component and thus occupies very little space of the surrounding. Since only DC input voltage levels are indicated, components which work in AC supply can be used to detect AC levels. Since AC voltage having continuously varying amplitudes the leds will turn ON and OFF continuously making a good looking pattern. Thus our battery level indicator can be used for decoration purpose also.
1.2 ADVANTAGESv A battery level indicator is with electronic appliances to arrange as to display, on an indicator, a real time voltage detected by voltage indicator. v Indicator indicates how much power the battery will be able to supply to electronic apparatus. v It is used to check the battery level with the help of LED’s for example if three LED’s, indicates battery capacity of 30 percent. And if 10 LED’s glow then it is 100 percent. v Easily indicate the battery level v Enhanced version of this circuitry is the present mobile phone battery level indication system v This circuit can be used in household applications like INVERTER. This circuit connected to inverter can help the users to know when to charge and when to leave the inverter idle v Minimized version of this circuit can be also used for automobiles to indicate the battery level and low cost.1.3 DISADVANTAGESv In case of voltage matching, correct level wouldn’t be indicated v 1f input voltage is higher than the calibrated voltage, for full scale input error will be shown.1.4 FUTURE SCOPE
This project can be further extended in a useful manner, The basic design of battery level indication using single IC LM39 14 can be further improved by adding display control function and alert mechanisms to enable the easy knowing of the battery level. Instead of using the LED’S and LED controller in this circuit using a microcontroller can enable battery level indication as in mobile phones.
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