The study provided an economic analysis of the losses fromdeforestationin Enugu State of Nigeria. Specifically, the study evaluated the effects of socioeconomic factors affecting deforestation in Enugu State. It also identified the factors that influence the decision to deforest. The study further examined the nature and extent of deforestation in the state. Primary and secondary data generated were analyzed with descriptive statistics, multiple regression and legit analytical techniques. Also total economic valuation (TEV) model of valuing deforestation was used to achieve aggregate economic loss from different deforestation operations in different sectors of forest use. The major finding of the study shows that bush fire was the highest cause ofdeforestationin Enugu State. From the study, 69% of the respondents stated that they had no knowledge of any forest extension services. Furthermore, the total economic value (TEV) loss of forests in the last three years were N75,855,558.00 for 2014; N89,674,707.00 for 2017and N85,683,956.00 for 2006. Multivariable linear results of farmland clearance of forest for cropping activities show that only size of land, land tenure system and types of cropping were significant at 5% in explaining the observed variabilities in the dependent variable (Y). The study further found out thatdeforestationexperience, household size, total landholdings, educational attainment and gender of respondents were significant at 10% in explaining the observed variabilities for socioeconomic characteristics influencing the decision to clear forest for agricultural activities using farmers level legit regression results.


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