How To Calculate National Open University CGPA (GRADE)


In National University Commission (NUC) standard, Our universities make use of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to measure ones academic excellence.
I the writer of this Great blog, will open your eyes on how you can calculate your CGPA .
It is very vital to that all university students, especially the freshers, to know how to calculate their CGPA upon release of each semester’s result and to also know their Cumulative Grade Point Average at the end of the every session. It can help you improve your academic performance from time to time.
CGPA Scale in Nigerian Universities
Performance in semester examinations and assessments for courses/subjects/modules are classified into letter Grades (from A, B, C, D, E, to F ) which represent a range of score or marks a student can obtain. A particular grade point is assigned to these grades, see below.
Marks/Score Letter Grade Grade Point (GP)
70% and Above A 5.00
60 – 69 B 4.00
50 – 59 C 3.00
45 – 49 D 2.00
40 – 44 E 1.00
0 – 39 F 0.00
Calculating Your Grade Point Average (GPA)
Every course has its own Credit Unit (CU). Quality points (QP) are derived from multiplying the Credit Units (CU) for a course by the Grade Point (GP) earned by the student in that course.
Eg. If in a 2 Credit Unit course, a student scores 75% which is A with a Grade Point of 5, the Quality points for the student in that course is 2 x 5 = 10.
Grade Point Average (GPA) is derived by dividing the Total Quality point (TQP) for the semester by the Total Credit Unit (TCU) for that semester.
Eg. If in a semester, a student earned 56 quality points for 18 Credit Units, the students GPA is 56/18 = 3.11
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is derived by adding the Total Quality Points (TQP) for all semesters to date and dividing by the Total Credit Units (TCU) for all semesters to date.
Eg. If a student earns a Quality Points (QP) of 56 for 18 Credit Units (CU) in the first semester and earns Quality Points (QP) of 67 for 20 Credit Units (CU) in the second semester, His CGPA is TQP/TCU = (56 + 67) / (18 + 20) = 123/38 =3.24
Below is a detailed example of how to calculate GPA and CGPA
First Year, First Semester

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