Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 1

Humphrey program Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I access the Humphrey Fellowship application?

To access the Humphrey Fellowship application and learn more about applying, please contact the U.S. Embassy (Public Affairs Section) or Binational Fulbright Commission in your country.

Is the Humphrey Program a degree-granting program?

The Humphrey Program is a non-degree program. Participants may complete academic coursework at their host university to update their academic and professional knowledge in their field, but they do not receive an academic degree as a result of their participation in the Program.

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I worked part-time in a professional position while I was in graduate school. Does that qualify me for the Humphrey Fellowship Program?

Candidates for the Humphrey Program should have at least five years of full-time experience in their professional field and should be at a point in their careers to fully benefit from this mid-career program. Candidates with only part-time work experience may not be considered eligible.

What is the application deadline?

Application deadlines vary by country. The nominating U.S. Embassy or Binational Fulbright Commission will advise you of its internal deadline for receiving applications.

Embassies and Commissions must submit their nominations to the Institute of International Education office in Washington, DC by October 1.

If I’m selected, what are the time demands of the Program?

The Humphrey Program is quite rigorous and life as a Humphrey Fellow does not resemble that of a graduate student with regular hours and a predictable schedule. There are many activities required of Humphrey Fellows as part of the Program. Fellows go on field trips, attend a weekly Humphrey Seminar, as well as other conferences and networking meetings, and may spend long hours each day in classes and involved in campus and community activities, in addition to spending time with other members of the group on campus. Fellows also travel away from their host campus as part of the Program, spending two weeks in Washington, DC for national program events. Fellows may also attend workshops and conferences in other parts of the country at various times throughout the year.

May I bring my family with me?

Fellows may choose to apply to have their family join them shortly after they have arrived in the U.S. Careful consideration should be given to bringing one’s family, however, as the Humphrey Program is very demanding, and Fellows spend considerable time away from their host campus. The Humphrey Program also does not provide an additional maintenance allowance for dependents. Fellows must show proof of financial support, adequate insurance coverage for their dependents that meets U.S. State Department requirements, and child care plans before they may be approved to apply for J-2 visa(s) for their dependents. Not all countries permit Humphrey Fellows to bring their dependents during their Fellowship year. Please check with the U.S. Embassy or Binational Fulbright Commission for country-specific policies.

May I choose the university I will go to?

Fellows are not able to choose which university they will attend. Rather, they are assigned in diverse groups of 7-15 to the most appropriate host institution based on their area of interest and professional field.

What does the Fellowship stipend cover?

The Fellowship provides for:

  • Payment of tuition and fees at the assigned host university
  • Pre-academic English language training, if required
  • A maintenance (living) allowance, including a one-time settling-in allowance
  • Accident and sickness coverage
  • A book allowance
  • A one-time computer subsidy
  • Air travel (international travel to and from the U.S. for the Program and domestic travel to required program events)
  • A Professional Development allowance for professional activities, such as field trips, professional visits and conferences

What is the timeline of the Program?

Embassies and Commissions must submit their nominations to the Institute of International Education office in Washington, DC by October 1. Fellowships are announced in March the following year and Humphrey Fellows start their program in the U.S. between April and September of the same year, depending on the amount of English language training required. The Program ends the following June. Fellows with inadequate TOEFL scores may be required to attend intensive English language training before the start of their Fellowship.

If I’m not selected this year, may I reapply?

Participants generally may reapply for the Program; however, please consult the Embassy or Fulbright Commission in your country for specific guidelines about doing so.

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