In recent times, service delivery has been an issue of controversy in respect to the quality of service received by the public. A wide range of factors such as conservative bureaucracy, ethnicity and ethical considerations have been identified as a cul de sac to efficiency despite various government policy reforms in the public sector.

The Nigeria public service is a vital government institution consisting of the staff of the central administrations, state administrations, the police and the Nigerian Armed forces among others of the nation. The public service refers to all organizations that exist as part of the federal government system responsible for the implementation policy decisions and delivery of social services (Tamuno, 2004). According to Adamolekun (2001), the public service in Nigeria is made up of the following: the civil service, which is often referred to as the core service. It is composed of ministries, extra ministerial agencies and directorates; the public bureaucracy, which is composed of the enlarged public service, is including: Services to the states and national assemblies; the judiciary; the armed forces; the police and other security agencies.Public Service Delivery

Although the Nigeria public service has greatly deviated from the inherited British system of administration, which is noted for prompt and efficient service, an argument many scholars like Badmus (2012), Igwilo (2012) and Alalade (2006) noted was due to improper learning, clave for wealth, poverty and insincerity on the part of the technocrat who collect the instrument of administration from the British.Public Service Delivery

This has constituted a serious impediment to effective implementation of government policies; and thereby culminating into dwindling standard of service provided by government institutions. In the current situation, Ezeani (2006) noted that the damaging effects on the amount of trust the people have in the ability of the government has become a problem.Public Service Delivery Nigerians are well aware of the unpleasant manifestations of the appalling standard of service delivery in the country. Under the popular caption of the „Nigerian way‟ many Nigerians have grown accustomed to regarding public service as something you battle for; and you cannot succeed unless you know someone inside the system (King, 1988).Public Service Delivery


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