
NECO Syllabus For Data Processing

If you are a prospective Candidate for the National Examination Council NECO, this article will serve as a guideline for your search for NECO Syllabus for Data Processing. After thorough studies of this syllabus, you are sure to come out with flying colors in your examination.

The NECO Data Processing Syllabus is intended for students who will be taking this subject in their examination. Students would benefit from this guide when studying data processing because it is a broad subject. It is crucial that students use the NECO Syllabus as a guide as they get ready for their upcoming exams.

Since questions may come from any of the topics in the curriculum, it is crucial to cover them all. What you need to know about the NECO Syllabus and its purpose will be covered in this post. Additionally, it would include the NECO Data Processing Syllabus as well as instructions on how to use it.

NECO Syllabus

This is a document that comprises subjects that students would need to learn about in order to study for their examination. Students are supposed to use the NECO (National Examination Council) Syllabus as a guide.

In the syllabus, one would find objectives that they would have to study with and also meet. This is because these objectives contain key points and questions in the examination would come from them.

Reasons for the NECO Syllabus

Like earlier, the NECO Syllabus is meant to act as a guide to students that would be taking this examination. This is because they would find topics in this that questions would come from. They would also gain a lot from the NECO (National Examination Council) Syllabus. That means they would have a higher chance of making their papers if they follow it.

If you want to be successful with Book Keepings in Your SSCE & GCE examinations, You need to spend some quality time with this NECO Syllabus.

How to Use the NECO Syllabus

Using the NECO syllabus is very easy as you just have to do is to follow the instructions. First of all, you would have to download the pdf for the nine subjects that you would be taking in your examination. The next steps are just to study the topics in them and also meet their objectives. If you want to be successful with Data Processing in Your SSCE & GCE exams, You need to spend some quality time with this NECO Syllabus.

NECO Syllabus for Data Processing

The NECO Syllabus for Data Processing would guide students that would be taking this subject in their examination. They are meant to study the topics in it while they are preparing for their examination. They should also ensure that they meet the objectives in each of the topics to improve their understanding.

Note:NECO (National Examination Council) did not release any syllabus for this year’s examination. But students can use the one WAEC to prepare. This is because both NECO and WAEC use the Nigerian Secondary School Syllabus to set their question.

The general objective of the syllabus is to test candidates towards

1. Acquisition of basic skills in data processing and management;

2. Level of competence in ICT applications that will promote the acquisition of

3. Entrepreneurial skills for everyday living in the global world;

4. Knowledge in the application of ICT in facilitating business transactions and education;

5. Preparedness for further studies in Data Processing and Management.

NECO Syllabus for Data Processing

Information Age

History of Computers

i. Computing devices.

ii. Concept of the Number system in computing.

iii. Generations of Computer: first, second, third, fourth, and fifth generations of computers.

Candidates should identify the various computing devices since the beginning of counting/computing.

Should include the importance of the number system to computing.

Relate each generation with its characteristic feature. describe each generation under the following: year of development, basic component/type of technology, speed of operation, storage capacity/component.

Data and Information

i. Definition of data and information.

ii. Types of Data.

iii. Ways of handling Data.

iv. Definition of Data.

v. Digitalization.

Differences between data and information should be emphasized


Classification of Computers

Classify computers by Type, Size, and Usage.

Application of ICT in everyday life

i. Uses of ICT in everyday activities.

ii. Impact of ICT in society.

The use and areas of ICT application should be linked to societal development.

Components of Computers

i. Input Devices.

ii. Output Devices.

iii. System Unit.

iv. Storage Devices
Examples of each component should be treated and how they are used in the data processing

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The art of Information processing

i. Definition of Information Processing.

ii. Steps involved in Information Processing.

A description of each step involved in information processing is required.


Process of Information transmission

i. Definition of information transmission.

ii. Methods of transmitting the information.

Modes of information transmission such as visual (newspaper), audio(radio, telephone), and audio-visual(GSM, Television) are required.

Medium of Information Transmission

i. Types of Information Transmission.

ii. Classification of means of transmission.

Medium of information transmission such as radio, television, newspaper, etc.


i. Meaning of Networking, Internet, and Intranet.

ii. Types of Networking. The significance of networking should be mentioned

Types such as MAN, LAN, and WAN should be treated.


i. Definition of the Internet.

ii. Benefits of the internet

iii. Internet browsers

iv. Internet security

v. Abuse of the Internet

Candidates should be able to develop skills in the use of various services available on the internet


Operating System

i. Definition of Operating System.

ii. Types of Operating Systems.

iii. Examples of Operating Systems.

iv. Functions of Operating System.

Differences between the text (character) base interface and Graphical User Interface should be treated.


i. Definition of Word Processing.

ii. Uses of Word Processing

iii. Examples of word processing software.

iv. Starting, loading, and exiting word processing

v. Creating, saving, and retrieving documents

Candidates should be able to make use of a word processor to create and manipulate documents


i. Definition.

ii. Uses.

iii. Examples of Spreadsheet Applications.

iv. Loading and exiting spreadsheets.

v. Creating, saving, and retrieving Spreadsheet files.

Candidates should be able to make use of a spreadsheet to create and manipulate worksheets


i. Definition.

ii. Uses.

iii. Examples of Database Applications.

iv. Loading and exiting DBMS.

v. Creating, saving, and retrieving database files.

i. Candidates should be able to use DBMS to create and manipulate database files.

ii. Include examples of packages for database management such as Microsoft Access.


i. The definition uses examples.

ii. Loading and exiting Presentation programs.

iii. Creating, saving, and retrieving presentation files.

i. Candidates should be able to use presentation programs to create and manipulate slides.


i. Definition.

ii. Uses.

iii. Components.

iv. Examples. Designing web pages is not required.


i. Definition.

ii. Uses of Graphic software packages.

iii. Examples of graphic packages. The focus should be placed on Corel Draw


Maintenance of Computer

i. General Cleaning.

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ii. Battery Charging and replacement for portable systems and UPS.

iii. DVD drive lens cleaning.

iv. Details of Hardware maintenance.

v. Details of Software maintenance.

vi. Computer crash and data recovery.

Candidates should take note of basic maintenance procedures. students should be able to ensure data integrity and recover data after a crash


i. Computer room management ethics.

ii. Laboratory rules and regulations.

iii. Responsible ways of using and securing computers


i. The sitting arrangement.

ii. Positioning of the monitor, keyboard, CPU, mouse, and any other peripheral devices.

iii. Illuminating the computer room.

iv. Maintaining a dust-free environment.

v. Keep liquid away from the computer room.

The importance of safety measures should be emphasized.

Career opportunities in Data Processing

i. Professions in computer.

ii. Qualities of a good data processing professional.

iii. Computer professional bodies.

The duties of each professional/professional body should be treated.


i. Definition.

ii. Types/Examples.

iii. Sources.

iv. Signals of virus warning

v. Virus prevention, detection, and deletion. Destructive effects of virus infection on computers


Relational Model

i. Database and table creation using application packages.

ii. Creating relationships between tables

iii. Creation of forms, queries, and reports.

Arranging data in tables and forms should be emphasized

The concept of primary and foreign keys, entities, attributes, and relationships should be emphasized.

Query language should be limited to those available to the database application package (e.g. query by example, SQL).


i. Definition of File organization.

ii. Types of File organization.

Comparison between the various types of File Organization is required.


i. Concept of data security, access control, and data encryption.

ii. Role of a database administrator.

The importance of securing data is required


i. The basic concept of parallel and distributed databases.

ii. Storing data in a distributed database (DBM)

Definitions of concepts are required. The significance of storing data in a distributed database management system is also required.

Eyes 958

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