Steps on How Login into NOUN E-learn Portal for Tma Submissions

NOUN E-learn Portal GUIDE

Here we talk about the portal for TMAs and online facilitation/lectures. Password had always been a major weakness of the portal, that a lot of students will likely fail this 2022_1st semester because of their inability to access (login to)

Generally, every students’ default/initial password is the matriculation number in small letters.

So the first thing you’re supposed to do is to change it to something else that you can easily remember but hard for someone else to know.



  • OLD students are to login with their matric number as username and their last semester pasword as password.
  • NEW students are to login with their matric number as username and also as password

NOTE: If you have already registered your courses, you will find them on the website.


So, to be able to take your TMA:

1. Go to

2. Click/Touch the (Red) Login button

3. Enter your matric number in small letters in both Username and Password fields.

4. Click/Touch the Submit button on the page

At this point, if it says invalid or unrecognized matric number then your registration details hasn’t been uploaded to the portal. Retry once in the morning and evening.

5. If it’s successful, you should see a page asking for Old Password and New password.

5a. Enter your matric number in small letters in the Old Password field.

5b. Enter your 10 digits bank account in the New Password field.

6. Click/Touch the Save Changes button on the page


Tips On Tma For Freshers

📌 1. TMA is the acronym of Tutor Marked Assignment

📌 2. It is the continuous assessment of NOUN.

📌 3. It carries 30 marks while exam carries 70 marks.

📌 4. A course, ENT409 for instance, has 3 TMAs. Namely, TMA1, TMA2, and TMA3.

📌 5. Each TMA has 10 questions. (10 marks)

📌 6. It is done and submitted online from d students portal.

📌 7. Whatever you score in a TMA (TMA 1 for instance) eventually be over 10marks.

📌 8. Your total 3 TMA score is what will be used for your assessment.

📌 9. You cannot re-attempt your TMA again once you submit it.

📌 10. If what happened last semester is to go by, it then means that you can’t see TMA 2 until you submit TMA 1. In the same way, until you submit TMA 2, you cant see TMA 3.

📌 11. A good TMA score will go a long way in boosting your result at the end of the day

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