SOCIAL ECONOMIC IMPLICATION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE A case study of Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government


The main purpose of the research work is to find the socioeconomic implication of domestic violence in Nigeria. Primary data was used for the study; the study made use of a sample size of 200 respondents; the method of chi-square and use of charts and graphs for all respondents were adopted for the data analysis; at the end of the data analysis, we found out that there is a significant relationship between domestic violence and socioeconomic status.

From our findings, High rate of poverty in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government is the major cause of domestic violence and that Domestic violence has significant effect on the socio-economic development of Nigeria

We made our various conclusions based on the findings and data analysis; then finally gave a recommendation.




The continuous discussion on the issue of domestic violence today has increased overtime; domestic violence has negatively affected the activities and the common workplace productivity of people.

Domestic violence can simply be defined as the continuous abuse of the right of any citizen in their various homes intentionally which in turns causes pain, discomfort or injury.

Domestic violence in another term is an abuse of a family member by another family due to poor standard of living. It can be a sexual abuse on an individuals, marital issues and other traditional practices or occurrences that are usually harmful to victims’ physical or emotional status.

Dalberg and krug, (2002) in collaboration with (UNICEF, 2005); states that domestic violence occurs globally in families from various social, racial setting it could be also educational and religious background as they experience domestic violence in diverse ways.

UNICEF (2001) states that the beating of wives and children as a method of discipline is widely noticed in Africa. African believes that in beating their children install a particular level of discipline in them and so on. The beating of wives usually occur among the lower class where the woman is unemployed or when a woman is economically dependent on a man; women are generally classified as the subordinate in most of the African traditions and believes.

The issue of domestic violence is noticed in most of the interior areas in Nigeria; families, the state government and the federal government has put in so much effort to the resolution of domestic violence in Nigeria; it is to this regard that the researcher wishes to take of Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government as the case study of the research work.


Nigeria today is regarded as a third world country as a result of developmental redundancy. The common assertion of sociologist that the attitude of every individual is a product of their domestic conformation is relevant in this discourse. It is not out of place to imagine that people’s domestic actions and experiences at home can have a possible effect on their socio-economic activities in the public.

Domestic violence has eaten deep in the socio economic development of most people in the society, especially on the class of children and women. The issue of domestic violence in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government can be traced from the family background. Women experience violence in their homes, either from husband battering their wives or parents hitting their children or foster children unnecessary, thereby inflicting a level of intimidation on their minds. This grows into a state of inferiority complex and further hinders the victim from free participation or contribution to the societal activities. The major cause of domestic violence could be as a result of low standard of living. Tis study hence will tend to seek how these vices can be controlled.


The main aim of the research work is to investigate on the effect of domestic violence on the socio economic development of Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are stated below as follows:

  1. To examine the effect of domestic violence on the behavioural pattern of children in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government
  2. To examine the causes and types of domestic violence in Nigeria
  3. To discuss the effect of domestic violence on women in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government
  4. To examine the relationship between domestic violence and socio economic development of Nigeria


In order to ascertain the objectives of the research work the study came up with the following research questions. The research questions are:

  1. What is the effect of domestic violence on the behavioural pattern of children in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government?
  2. What are the causes and types of domestic violence in Nigeria?
  3. What is the effect of domestic violence on women in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government?
  4. is there any relationship between domestic violence and socio economic development of Nigeria?


H0: There is no mean difference in gender responses of the respondents that high rate of poverty in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government is the major cause of domestic violence

H1: There is mean difference in gender responses of the respondents that high rate of poverty in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government is the major cause of domestic violence

H0: Domestic violence does not have significant effect on the socio-economic development of Nigeria

H1: Domestic violence has significant effect on the socio-economic development of Nigeria

H0: The family background does not have significant effect on level of domestic violence in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government

H1: The family background has significant effect on level of domestic violence in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government


The research work will be of immense benefit to the people of Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government, the state government, the federal government and other researchers that wishes to carry out a similar research on the socio economic implication of domestic violence in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government, the study will also discuss the origin of domestic violence in Surulere, the best way to eradicate domestic violence in this area of Lagos; the research work will discuss the effect of domestic violence on the socio-economic development of Nigeria and the roles of education in the resolution of domestic violence in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government


The research work is only limited to the socio economic implication of domestic violence in Iresadu / Arolu district in Surulere local government


The research method adopted in this study is the survey method. This will give a more reliable information on the subject matter and a realistic data collection.


As used herein refers to “any behavior which threatens or causes damage physical or psychological to a person. Violence unlike force is considered to be socially non-normative. It is okay to punish a child by slapping him, but not okay to slap him so hard that visible bruises result (Hirsch, 1981, O’Brien, 1971).


As used here in, refer to the types of relationships involved rather than the place where the violent act occurs.

Domestic Violence

Includes violence against women and girls by an intimate partner, including cohabiting partner, and by other family members, whether this violence occurs within or beyond the confines violence of the home.


Refers to a social group whose members are united by ties of blood, marriage, or adoption and who live together, cooperate economically, care for the young and create a new culture.

Marital Violence

Refers to threat or actual physical assault by husbands or male partners upon their female counterparts wives.

Wife Battering

Refers to infliction of violent assaults frequently upon a woman to whom one is married to.


Refers to unlawful sexual intercourse with another person-women-without that person consent.

Sexual Abuse

As used here refers to the subjection of a woman to sexual activity likely to cause physical or psychological harm.


Means to take undue advantage of; to maltreat; to violate; and to betray a confidence.


As defined by Firestone (1970) and as used here, broadly means the rule of men.


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