Agriculture is the most basic form of human activities in the whole world. It is the most important occupation. Infact, the source of food and development in Oredo Local Government Area. Yet agricultural development is still at primary level in study area. The research looks at the climate, soils, relief, economic market and social factors as constants of agricultural development in the study area. The farmers from the Local Government Area were randomly selected. 200 questionnaires were distributed to various farmers in the area of study.



Agriculture is the most basic form of human activities in the whole world. It includes the cultivation of crops as well as rearing of animals for human uses. Today in Nigeria, about 70% of its population is engaged in this activity. Despite the large number of people engaged in this activity in the country and the whole world in general, the activity is not 100% successful. Norman (1981) grouped the development of agriculture in the world into four. Thus: physical, social, economical and political constraints. In the developed countries the physical and economic constraints are taken care of: now left with the problem of the land scarcity. In the developing countries especially in the savannahs (Sudan and Sahel) where there is series of aridity condition, the most dominant problem in every country or nation, at least must have one or two of these problems which militate against the development of agriculture in the region.


Despite the large number of people engaged in agricultural activity in the study area, yet agriculture is still at the primary level. The study is therefore set out to find out the solution to the following questions:

1.What are the factors militating against agricultural development in the study area?

2. To what extent does the factors militating against agricultural development affects agricultural development in the study area?

3. are then possible solutions to the problem caused by these factors in the study area?


The research will therefore attempt:

1. To find out the factors militating against the agricultural development in Oredo Local Government Area.

2. To find out the extent to which the problem affects the development of agriculture in the study area.

3. To offer suggestions for the solution to the problem

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