The need for the effective financial management in any business organization which has the intention to make progress, profit, to expand and to grow in size has no alternative. The need to obtain funds, wisely invest funds in a viable or profitable prefects and manager effectively and efficiently the day-to-day cash in flows and out – flows with any business organization calls for a professional with the necessary skill and experience. This study tried to highlight the role of financial manager and the study was limited to Emenite Building product (Emene) Limited. The second chapter of work will deal extensively on this work will deal extensively on the review related literatures and studies which are both local and foreign. The source of information were library, textbook, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, Lectures, discussions with fellow student etc. The third chapter will deal with the methodology to be used in obtaining the data required for the were. The survey instruments will contain facts from interview method and observation of relevant documents relating to Emenite Building Product (Emene) Limited. The chapter four of this prefect will deal with the history organization and problem of the Emenites Building product (Emene) limited, the status, duties, achievement and problem of the financial manager, whether financial management is recognized as one of crucial aspects of the firms decision making and whether the role of the financial manager are fully specified and whether he is given a free hand to perform his duties rather than receiving orders and approval from above. Chapter five of this work which is the conclusion will be mainly recommendation based on findings in chapter three and four.
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