
Accounting as a course was first offered as part of the B.Sc. Economics
Programme that was first offered by the University of Benin in 1975/76 session.
The course later became an important component of the B.Sc. Business
Administration Programme.
Accounting as a Department was created in October 1981 to offer the
B.Sc. Degree in Accounting. Since then (1981/82 session), the B.Sc. Honours
Degree has been offered as a three-year and a four-year full time programme.
The five-year part time programme was added in 1994/95 academic year. A two
year Diploma in accounting programme commenced in 1991/92 session. The
M.Sc. Accounting programme came on stream in 1997/98 session. Currently,
the Department is running a Ph.D. programme which started in the 2008/2009

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The B.Sc. Accounting programme has produced high quality graduates
who now occupy top managerial level in both public and private sectors in the
national economy. Afew have also made their marks in academics.
The Department seeks to be a front-runner in the nation in Accounting
scholarship and practice. It has long integrated computer technology into its
curriculum. It updates all the newest developments in Accounting into the
curriculum. For example, Forensic Accounting, International Accounting,
Financial Entrepreneurship & Corporate Governance, Accounting Ethics &
Value and Oil & Gas Accounting have been incorporated into B.Sc. Programme

The Department which started with only three (3) full-time academic staff now
has over 30 full time academic staff with four (4) of them in professorial cadre,
ten (10) in senior lecturer position, eight (8) in lecturer grade I, twelve (12) in
lecturer grade II, and thirteen (13) graduate assistants, dedicated to making the
Department a beacon on top of a hill in Accounting research and education not
only in Nigeria and Africa, but globally

There are two endowed professorial chairs in the Department. They are the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) professorial chair of
Accounting currently chaired by Prof. Prince Famous Izedonmi as the pioneer
occupant and the Federal Inland Revenue Services professorial chair for
Taxation with Prof. Eric Arinze Okoye as the pioneer occupant.
The Department was headed by Professor Richard Anao (1981-1990),
Ms Pat Donwa ( 1990-1993, 1996-1999 & 2002-2004), Professor Eric Arinze
Okoye (1993-1996 & 1999-2002), Dr (Mrs.) P.A Isenmila (2004-2007),
Professor Prince Famous Izedonmi (2007-2012), Dr. A. O. Enofe (2013-2015).
Professor C. A. Okafor (2016-2018) and currently Professor A. S. Omoye (2018
to date)
A. The Departmental Board, made up of all academic staff members of the
Department is responsible for decision making. Decisions are usually made
at Departmental meetings called by the Head of Department, who is the
Chairman of the Board. Issues are usually settled consensually or by vote.
The Head of Department coordinates all activities in the Department. For
matters affecting the students, regular meetings are held with class
representatives and executive members of the Nigerian Accounting
Students Association (NUASA). It ensures the enthronement of
participative management style in the Department over the years.
The Primary focus of the Department of Accounting is to be a leader in the
continent of Africa in producing high quality and high caliber research and
teaching in the field of Accounting. Our vision is to be a frontier Department in
producing researches aimed at enhancing accounting knowledge and practice in
the global market as well as contribute meaningfully to development of Nigeria.
The Department of Accounting, University of Benin, seeks to produce
highly skilled accounting personnel, well grounded in accounting, business and
computer, as well as equipped with sufficient inter-personal skills to enable
them operate effectively in the global market place. However, the specific
objectives of the Department include:

  • To enhance national development through application of Accounting
    knowledge impacted on the students
  • To foster team spirit in the student so that he can participate effectively in an
    organizational work setting;
  • To promote ethical standards, attitude and skills that is consistent with
    professionalism in accounting.
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