NOUN e-Exam Timetable 2024 First Semester Final Draft

Exam Timetable

It’s 2021/1 Noun e-Exam timetable. The semester noun e-Examination has been scheduled to start on the 28th of June 2021 and end on the 14th of July, 2021 (A 3 weeks interval).

All effort has been made to put together this noun exam time table, so as you can find exact course examination date, accurate location and time that’s reliable.

About the NOUN E-Examinations

The Noun e-Examination is a computer-based examination administered at 100 and 200 levels only. The examinations comprise Multiple Choice questions (MCQs) and Fill- in- the Gaps (FBQs) question types. The number of questions per course is according to the credit units of a course.

Three (3) credit unit courses have 150 MCQ and FIB FBQ questions, while two (2) credit unit courses have 120 questions.

The Noun e-Exams are conducted at the Noun Study Centres or any other location as may be arranged by the Study Centres.

For undergraduate students, the e-examinations account for 70% of the total score for the course, and Results are issued after Senate ratification of the semester results.



GST101 Use of English and Communications Skills I

GST103 Computer Fundamentals

GST105 History and Philosophy of Science
GST202 Fundamentals of Peace Studies and Conflict

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 4 – Thursday 1st July, 2021

AEM251 Introduction to Agricultural Econom
CRD204 Man & His Environment
CRS111 Old Testament (o.t) Survey
CRS202 Comparative Study of Religions
ENG121 Structure of Modern English I
ENG224 Advanced English Composition II
FRE141 Introduction to Composition Writing
HCM146 The Culture Heritage
IGB111 Introduction to the Igbo People and Language
MKT201 Element of Marketing (principles)
NSC206 Environmental Health
PHL205 Philosophical Anthropology
ISL241 Prophethood and The Prophets In Isl
ARD251 Introduction to Agricultural Econom

AEM201 Principles of Agricultural Extensio
ARD201 Principles of Agricultural Extensio
CRS113 Bible Geography
CRS210 History and Religion of Israel
ENG111 An Introduction to Literature and L
ENG226 English Morphology
FRE131 Textual Analysis I
HAU101 Introduction to the Hausa People and Their Lang
HCM232 Menu Development & Planning
MKT205 Entrepreneurial Marketing
NSC208 Nursing Ethics and Jurisprudence
PHL101 Introduction to PHILOSOPHY
SLM201 Principles of Soil Science
YOR113 Introduction to the History of the Yoruba People

AGR202 Introduction to Agric. Engineering
AGR203 Principles of Crop Production
CRD208 Nigeria & International Cooperative
CRS101 Introduction to The Study of Islam
CRS212 Pentateuch
ENG113 Introduction to Nigerian Literature
ENT209 Theory of Entrepreneurship
FRE102 French Grammar II
FRE121 Textual Analysis /practical French
HAU105 Introduction to Hausa Literature
HCM234 Facility Maintenance Management
ISL245 Ilm _l-kalam and Development of Mus
NSC210 Introduction to Sociology II
PHL106 Introduction to PROBLEMS OF PHILOSO

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 5 – Friday 2nd July, 2021

AGR205/SOS203 Introduction to Agro-climatology
ARA283 Arabic Reading II
CRS214 Pauline Epistles
CRS231 Christian Ethics
EHS201 General Microbiology
ENT102 The Nigerian Entrepreneurial Enviro
ENT203 Introduction to Entrepreneurial Fi
FRE111 Language Laboratory Work/oral Frenc
HAU107 Introduction to Hausa Cultural Studi
HCM136 Introduction to Food & Beverage Ser
HCM236 Beverage Management
HCM239 Menu Planning & Catering Services
NSC201 Human Anatomy II
NSC212 Nutrition In Health and Disease
PHL105 Introduction to Logic I

AGR207 Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Anim
CRS216 Greek Syntax
ISL231 Intorduction to The Shariah
EHS205 Climate Change and Contemporary Iss
ENG241 Introduction to Phonetics & Phonolo
ENT101 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ENT202 Introduction to Entrepreneurial Ven
FRE112 Oral and Aural Comprehension
HCM142 tourism As An industry
HCM238 Introduction to Food & Beverage Pro
HCM241 Understanding tourists and Hosts
LIN111 Introduction to Linguistics I
PHL152 Introduction to LOGIC II
PHL203 Introduction to Epistemology
PHS202 Nutrition In Health and Disease

AFS220 Introduction to Fisheries and Wild
ANP201 Introduction to Biotechnology
ARA224 Contemporary Arabic Prose
ARA281 Arabic Literature I
BUS205 Introduction to Business
CRS218 Biblical Hermeneutics
CRS261 Christian Counseling
ENG251 Language and Society
ENT204 Entrepreneurship and Change Manage
FRE122 Textual Analysis/practical French I
HAU109 Introduction to Hausa Orthography
HCM144 tourism Marketing
HCM243 tourists Sites: Products and Oper
HCM244 tourists Sites: Products and Op
ISL271 The Rightly Guided Caliphs
PHS204 Introduction to Sociology

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 6 – Saturday 3rd July, 2021

ACC206 Introduction to Cost and Management
ARA183 Arabic Conversation
ARA284 Translation: Arabic / English
CRD206 Economics For Co-operatives
BFN209 Introduction to Finance
CRS213 Synoptic Gospels
ENG114 Introduction to Nigerian Literature ????
ENG221 Introduction to Syntactic Models
HCM131 Introduction to Hospitality Management
HCM231 Introduction to Food ???? & Beverage ???? Pro
IGB211 Survey of the Literature in Igbo
ISL172 As-sirah: Biography of The Prophet
ISL213 Textual Study ???? of The Quran
NSC102 Human ???? Anatomy I
PAD122 Industrial and Organisational Psyco
PHL252 Philosophy of Religion ????
PHS201 Anatomy

AGR201 General Agriculture ????
BFN104 Elements of Banking
BUS105 Elements of Management I
CRS102 Major Religious Groups In Nigeria ????????
CRS211 Introduction to The Bible
ENG141 Spoken English
ENG162 Elements of Drama ????
FRE222 French ???????? Grammar and Composition II
FST202 Principles of Food ???? Science ???? and Technology ????
HAU111 Introduction to Hausa Linguistics I
HAU205 Traditional Grammar & Syntactic Analysis
HCM133 Agriculture ???? Nutrition & Health ????
HCM145 Geography of tourism
ISL101 General Introduction to Islam ????
NSC104 Human ???? Physiology I
NSC203 Human ???? Physiology II
AFS202 Principles of Food ???? Science ???? Technology ????

ACC201 Taxation 1
ARA181 Basic Arabic
BUS106 Elements of Management II
CRS122 Types of Theology
CRS173 Introduction to The Study ???? of Religion ???? ????
ENG215 Survey of English Literature ???? I (med
FRE231 Introduction to French ???????? Phonology
FRE282 Introduction to French ???????? Literature ????
HCM135 Introduction to Food ???? & Beverage ???? Ser
HCM141 Understanding tourism
ISL212 Introduction to Tajwid
NSC207 Medical Biochemistry II
PHL241 Comparative Philosophy
YOR111 Introduction to the Yoruba People ???? and Language
MKT206 Customers Relationship Management

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 7 – Monday 5th July 2021

ACC203 Financial Accounting I
AEM203 Introduction to Home Economics Ext.
ANP202 Principles of Animal Production
ARA127 Introduction to ARABIC LITERATURE
ARD203 Introduction to Home Economics
CRD120 Sociology of Co-operation
CRS142 Church History II
ENG211 History of The English Language
ENG212 Creative Writing I
FRE271 Introduction to Francophone African
HAU211 Varieties of Prose Writing in Hausa
ISL102 Mosque In Islam
ISL111 Studies On The Qur_an
ISL214 Textual Study of Qur_an II
NSC108 Medical Biochemistry I
PAD202 Introduction to Public Administrati

ACC101 Elements of Book-keeping I
AEM202 Introduction to Rural Sociology
CRD122 Nigeria Agriculture
CRS152 Marriage and Family
ENG151 Introduction to English As A Secon
ENG216 Survey of English Literature II
FRE132 Textual Analysis II
FRE221 French Grammar and Composition I
HAU115 Hausa People in Diaspora
HAU213 Folktales
ISL121 Studies On The Hadith
NSC202 Human Anatomy IIi
PAD204 Introduction to Political Science
PHL253 Social and Political Philosophy
ARD202 Introduction to Rural Sociology
PHS217 General Microbiology

CRD124 Introduction to Cooperatives
CRS192 Intro. to African Traditional Relig
ENG161 Theatre Workshop
ENG222 Advanced English Syntax
FRE211 Advanced Study In Oral and Written
FRM211 Forestry and Wildlife Management
HAU207 Survey of Hausa Oral Literature
IGB241 Phonology of Igbo I
ISL113 Qur_anic Ethics
ISL136 Women In Islam
NSC204 Epidemiology
PAD251 Introduction to Social Psychology
PHS203 Introduction to Public Health
YOR211 Survey of the Literature in Yoruba

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 8 – Tuesday 6th July 2021

ACC204 Introduction to Financial Accountin
CRS151 Religion and Society
CRS215 Greek Grammar
ENG281 The African Novel
FRE152 Introduction to French Culture and
HAU201 Survey of the Literature in Hausa
IGB113 Introduction to the History of the Igbo People
LIN112 Introduction to Linguistics II
MKT108 Introduction to Marketing
NSC205 Cellular and General Pathology

ACC102 Element of Book Keeping II
CRS217 Prophets
ENG223 Advanced English Composition I
FRE101 French Grammar I
HAU209 Introduction to Hausa Popular Fiction
HCM235 Food Beverage & Costs
ISL132 Advanced Study of Salat and Zakat
ISL222 Textual Studies of Hadith
PHS210 Introduction to Biostatistics
YOR213 Use of Yoruba

ACC210 Auditing
ARA182 Arabic Reading
CRS141 Church History I
CRS222 Christian Doctrines
CRS271 Christianity In Nigeria
EHS210 Biodiversity and Climate Change
ENG181 Introduction to Fiction
FRE162 Introduction to Francophone African
HCM134 Food & Nutrition
IGB215 Introduction to Igbo Oral Literature
NSC209 Physical and Health Assessment
YOR215 Introduction to Yoruba Oral Literature

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 9 – Wednesday 7th July 2021

CRD101 Principles and Practice of Co-opera
CRS272 Ecumenism
ISL272 The Abbasid Caliphate
EHS204 Introduction to Environmental Healt
BFN203 Basic Financial Literacy
HCM147 tourism Policy and Planning

ENT208 Biographical Studies of Entrepreneu
ANP204 Introduction to Agricultural Bioche
EHS202 Introduction to Ecology and Environ
ARA282 Arabic Grammar I
HCM237 Hospitality Sales and Marketing
YOR241 Phonology of Yoruba I
IGB213 Use of Igbo

NSC106 Medical Microbiology and Parasitolo
MKT104 Retail Management
ENG122 Structure of Modern English II
FRE212 Advanced Oral French
ISL142 Islam and Inter-religious Dialogue
BUS207 Business Communication
HAU215 Hausa Literary Criticism

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 10 – Thursday 8th July 2021

BED111 Keyboarding ⌨️
BIO102 General Biology II
BIO211 Coelomate Invertebrates
CIT204 Computer Appreciation and Applicati
CSS133 Introduction to Criminology I
DES112 Introduction to Development Studies
ECE222 Developing Professional Skills and
ESM291 Map ????️ Analysis
HED127 Organisation and Administration of
HED213 Family ???? Life and Sex Education ????
INR221 History ???? and Practice of Diplomacy
LIS216 The Information User/Customer & Information ℹ️ seeking
LIS217 Business ???? ℹ️ Systems/Service
MTH210 Introduction to Complex Analysis
PED237 Measurement and Shapes
POL123 Introduction to Public Administration
SED226 Industrial Processes/ Application

BIO192 General Biology Practical II
BIO213 Chemistry of Amino Acids and Protein
CIT208 Information ℹ️ Systems
CSS211 Sociology of Crime and Delinquency
DES216 Nigerian Economy in Perspective II
ECE123 Health ???? Care In The Early ???? Years
ECE230 Introduction to ???? Childhood Education ????
HED203 Field experience in Health ???? Education ????
INR231 South-south Cooperation
KHE101 Foundations of Human ???? kinetics
KHE206 Human ???? Anatomy Physiology and Sports ???? II
LIS219 Multimedia Application in Libraries
MTH101 Elementary Mathematics I
MTH212 Linear Algebra II
PED121 Childhood and Adolescent Psychology
POL121 Introduction to African Politics
POL216 Evolution of Nigerian Local Government

BED112 Word Processing
BIO215 General Biochemistry Laboratory 1
CSS241 Basic Security ???? and Security ???? Threats
DES218 Communication ☎️ and Development
ECE221 Language and Literacy In The Early
ECE232 Observation Recording and Assessment
HED205 Health ???? Protections
INR251 Evolution of Modern International ???? S
KHE103 Sociology and Psychology of Sport
KHE208 Nutrition and sports ???? Performance
LIS218 Introduction to Telecommunications
MTH103 Elementary Mathematics III
MTH232 Elementary Differential Equation 1
PCR111 Introduction to Peace Studies
POL226 Organization and Administrative The

2021_1 NOUN E-Exam,Day 11- friday 9th july 2021

BIO204 Biological Techniques
BIO217 General Microbiology
CIT236 Analog and Digital Electronics
CSS243 Principles of Security Practice and
DES213 Introduction to Public Finance Mana
ECE113 Introduction to Philosophy of Early
EDU112 Professionalism In Teaching
INR261 International Environmental Politic
INR262 International Migration II
KHE102 Introduction to Sports Facilities
KHE105 Organization and Administration of
LIS212 Indigenous Knowledge Management
MTH105 Mathematics For Management Sciences
Mathematical Methods II
PED221 Developmental Psychology
POL228 Introduction to Comparative Politic

BIO206 Statistics For Agriculture and Biology
CHM101 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry I
CIT246 Introduction to Computer Organizations
DES211 Environment and Sustainable Development
ECE225 Meeting Special Needs In E.c.e
EDU114 History of Education In Nigeria
EDU292 Primary Education Methods
INR222 Europe From French Revolution to Th
KHE107 Skills Development and Techniques
LIS214 Literature & Library Services for young people
MAC116 African Communication Systems II
MTH211 Abstract Algebra
PED233 Religious and Moral Education
Electricity Magnetism and Modern Ph
POL221 Nigerian Government and Politics
TSM142 tourism As An Industry

BIO208 Seedless Plants
CHM103 Introduction to Physical Chemistry
CIT292 Computer Laboratory I
CSS244 Types and Analysis of Security Thre
ECE227 Organization and Service Provision
ECO122 Principles of Economics II
EDU212 Sociology of Education
ESM238 Air Photo Interpretation
HED106 Health Care Delivery System in Nige
ECO232 Micro Economic Theory II
JLS111 Introduction to Journalism
KHE109 Introduction to Outdoor Sports
MTH213 Numerical Analysis |
PED235 Clothing and Textiles
PHY192 Introductory Practical Physics II
POL223 Foundation of Political Economy
TSM144 tourism Marketing

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 12 – Saturday 10th July 2021

BIO210 Seed Plants
CSS242 Measurements and Patterns of Crimes
DAM212 Database Laboratory
ECE231 Science In The Early Years
EDU214 Philosophy of Education
INR212 International Law and Diplomacy In
KHE210 Introduction to African and Folk Dance
LIS204 Technical Services in Libraries and Information Centr
MAC111 Introduction to Mass Communication
MAC132 Principles of Advertisement Sales P
MTH241 Introduction to Real Analysis
PCR112 Democracy and Good Governance Or
PCR271 Understanding Conflicts and War
PED110 Philosophy of Primary Education
PED261 Primary School Social Studies Curri
PHY202 Modern Physics I
TSM146 The Cultural Heritage
MAC213 Foundation of Communication Researc

EDU111 Introduction to Foundations of Educ
KHE203 Basic Psychology in coaching
SED121 Biology For Integrated Science
CHM201 Physical Chemistry II
MAC113 History of Nigerian Mass Media
TSM141 Understanding tourism
PED112 Reading In Early Childhood and Prim
BIO212 Helminthology
ESM102 The Nigerian Environment
PHY204 Electromagnetism
ECO154 Introduction to Quantitative Method
MAC134 Principles and Practice of Public R
TSM244 tourist Sites: Products & Operation
INR112 Introduction to International Law A
POL124 Organisation of Government
PCR211 Education For Peace
CSS246 Legal and Social Framework of Priva

BIO209 Chordates
BIO214 Structure and Functions of Major Ce
CHM203 Organic Chemistry II
CIT202 Applications of Computer In Busines
DES219 Climate Change and Development
EDU220 English Methods
EDU231 Curriculum Development Theory and P
INR211 International Law and Diplomacy In
KHE205 Accident Prevention and Safety Educ
LIS206 Introduction Information science
MAC115 African Communication Systems I
MAC142 Introduction to Radio and Televisio
PED120 Principles of Family Living
PHY206 Optics I
POL111 Elements of Political Science
POL231 Essentials of International Relatio
SED123 Physics For Integrated Science
TSM143 tourism Services & Operations

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 13 – Monday 12th July 2021

BIO216 Chemistry of Carbohydrates, Lipids
CHM205 Inorganic Chemistry II
CSS111 Introduction to Sociology
ECO254 Statistics For Economist II
EDU222 French Methods
EDU233 General Teaching Methods
ESM106 Environmental Resource Management
HED208 Personality and Growth in Health Education
KHE201 Human Anatomy Physiology and Sports
LIS108 History of Writing
LIS213 Library & Information Services to P
MAC117 Writing For Mass Media I
PED122 Primary English Curriculum and Meth
PHY101 Elementary Mechanics Heat andprope
PHY208 Network Analysis and Devises
POL215 History of Political Thought I
SED211 Assessment and Evaluation In Integr
TSM145 Geography of tourism

BIO218 General Biochemistry Laboratory 11
CHM291 Practical Chemistry IIi- Inorganic
CIT104 Introduction to Computers
EDU240 Mathematics Methods
ESM112 Introductory Ecology
ESM231 Introductory toxicology
FMC113 History of Nigerian Films & Cinemas
HED101 Personal Health
INR232 Introduction to Foreign Policy
KHE106 Skills Development and Techniques in Sports
KHE209 Gymnastics
KHE212 Driver Education
MAC121 Introduction to News Writing & Repo
MAC214 Investigative & Interpretative Repo
PCR261 Culture Values and Conflicts In War
PED130 Introduction to Social Studies
PHY103 Geometrics andwave Optics
TSM147 tourism Policy and Planning

BIO220 Fisheries and Wildlife
CIT143 Introductory to Data Organisation A
CSS245 Security Planning Development and O
ECO121 Principles of Economics 1
ECO292 Environmental Economics
EDU250 Subject Methos I (biology)
ESM204 Environmental Hazards and Disaster
HED103 Introduction to Health Education
KHE211 Pedagogical Elements of Sports
LIS202 Information Retrieval (Cataloguing) I
MAC211 Theories of Mass Communication
MAC232 Environmental Public Relations
PED144 Primary Mathematics Curriculum Meth
PHY191 Introductory Practical Physics I
POL214 Introduction to Political Analysis
SED223 Physics For Integrated Science
STT205 Statistics For Management Sciences
TSM221 Ecotourism\

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 14 – Tuesday 13th July 2021

CHM102 Introductory Organic Chemistry I
CIT211 Introduction to Operating Systems
CSS121 Introduction to Psychology Or
ECO153 Introduction to Quantitative Method
EDU252 Chemistry Methods
ESM206 Community Participation In Environm
FMC116 Elements of Film Production
INR122 Concepts In International Relations
KHE110 Social Institutions and Sports
LIS106 Foundation of Information Systems
LIS205 Internet and Information Searching
MAC242 Foundations of Broadcasting
MTH281 Mathematical Method I
PED150 Primary Science Curriculum and Meth
PHY201 Classical Mechanics I
SED225 Nigerian Integrated Science Curricu
STT206 Statistics For Management Sciences

CIT213 Elementary Data Processing
CSS112 Sociology of Law
DES215 Nigerian Economy in Perspective I
ECO231 Micro Economic Theory I
EDU254 Integrated Science Methods
ESM212 Tropical Climatology
HED204 Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases
INR111 Introduction to International Studi
INR132 Africa and The Western Powers
KHE204 Skills Develeopment and Techniques in Sports
LIS103 Introduction to Library & Informati
MAC221 Editing & Graphics of Communication
MAC246 Educational Broadcasting
PED230 Introduction to Music In Primary Sc
PHY203 Oscilations and Waves
TSM243 tourist Sites: Products & Operatio
VTE115 Introduction to Vocational Educatio

BED113 Fundamentals of Business Education
BIO101 General Biology I
CHM192 Introductory Practical Chemistry II
CIT215 Introduction to Programming Languag
CSS132 Ethnography of Social Structure of
DES221 Social Change and Development
ECO247 The Nigerian Economy In Perspective
EDU256 Physics Methods
ESM216 Water Resource Evaluation
ESM221 Ecotourism
HED124 Community and Health Education
INR142 Introduction to Public Administrati
LIS105 Information Systems, Resources and
LIS207 Bibliography and Citation Technique
MAC223 Magazine & Feature Article Writing
PCR114 Introduction to Conflict Resolution
PED232 Aesthetic Expression In Primary Edu
PHY205 Introduction to Space Physics

2021_1 NOUN e-Exam – DAY 16 – Thursday 14th July 2021

KHE108 Introduction to Movement Analysis
KHE214 Prevention and Care of Sports Injuries
LIS101 Information Literacy
LIS203 Reference and Information Services
LIS102 Libraries and Society
ESM104 Introduction to Environmenatal Science
ECE223 Plays and Learning
CIT212 Systems Analysis and Design
INR121 Structure of The International Syst
POL212 Basic Statistics For Social Science
BIO205 Introductory Developmental Cell Bio
MTH106 Mathematics For Management Sciences
SED224 Energy and Matter
POL126 Citizens and the State

KHE202 Human Kinetics Methods
EDU290 Early Childhood Education Methods
PED234 Man Energy and Resources
DAM207 Indexing & Classification
BIO191 General Biology Practical I
INR242 Pre-colonial African Diplomacy
PCR113 Introduction to Peace Education
BED212 Fundamentals of Data Processing
ECE121 Child Development
FMC217 Films and Aesthetics Theory
CIT102 Software Application Skills
ESM211 Global Environmental Issues
MTH251 Mechanics

BIO207 Lower In Vertebrates
CHM191 Introductory Practical Chemistry I
ECO146 The Nigerian Economy In Perspective
ECO256 Mathematics For Economist II
FMC221 Fundamentals of Scriptwriting, Directing and Acting
KHE125 Adaptive Physical Education
KHE207 Skills Development and Techniques in Sports
LIS210 Library Application Software Packages
MAC212 Media and Society
SED221 Biology For Integrated Science
STT102 Introductory Statistics
TSM241 Understanding tourist and Hosts
CIT237 Programming & Algorithms


KHE108 Introduction to Movement Analysis
KHE214 Prevention and Care of Sports Injuries
LIS101 Information Literacy
LIS203 Reference and Information Services
LIS102 Libraries and Society
ESM104 Introduction to Environmenatal Science
ECE223 Plays and Learning
CIT212 Systems Analysis and Design
INR121 Structure of The International Syst
POL212 Basic Statistics For Social Science
BIO205 Introductory Developmental Cell Bio
MTH106 Mathematics For Management Sciences
SED224 Energy and Matter
POL126 Citizens and the State

BIO212 –
KHE202 Human Kinetics Methods
EDU290 Early Childhood Education Methods
PED234 Man Energy and Resources
DAM207 Indexing & Classification
BIO191 General Biology Practical I
INR242 Pre-colonial African Diplomacy
PCR113 Introduction to Peace Education
BED212 Fundamentals of Data Processing
ECE121 Child Development
FMC217 Films and Aesthetics Theory
CIT102 Software Application Skills
ESM211 Global Environmental Issues
MTH251 Mechanics

BIO207 Lower In Vertebrates
CHM191 Introductory Practical Chemistry I
ECO146 The Nigerian Economy In Perspective
ECO256 Mathematics For Economist II
FMC221 Fundamentals of Scriptwriting, Directing and Acting
KHE125 Adaptive Physical Education
KHE207 Skills Development and Techniques in Sports
LIS210 Library Application Software Packages
MAC212 Media and Society
SED221 Biology For Integrated Science
STT102 Introductory Statistics
TSM241 Understanding tourist and Hosts
CIT237 Programming & Algorithm

2021_1 McCarthy Study Centre Special e-EXAM Day 3- Wednesday July 28, 2021. (Venue: NOUN, Victoria Island Office)

ACC201 Taxation 1
AGR207 Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Anim
ARA229 ARABIC RHETORIC I:AL-BAYAN ANP201 Introduction to Biotechnology
CRS216 Greek Syntax ARA181 Basic Arabic
EHS205 Climate Change and Contemporary Iss
ENG251 Language and Society
ENT101 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ENT202 Introduction to Entrepreneurial Ven
FRE112 Oral and Aural Comprehension
FRE122 Textual Analysis/practical French I
HAU109 Introduction to Hausa Orthography
HCM142 tourism As An Industry
HCM144 tourism Marketing
HCM238 Introduction to Food & Beverage Pro
HCM241 Understanding tourists and Hosts
HCM243 tourists Sites: Products and Operat
HCM244 tourists Sites: Products and Operat
ISL231 Intorduction to The Shariah
LIN111 Introduction to Linguistics I
MKT201 Element of Marketing (principles
NSC206 Environmental Health
PHL203 Introduction to Epistemology
PHS202 Nutrition In Health and Disease

AFS220 Introduction to Fisheries and Wildl
AFS202 Principles of Food Science Technolo
BUS106 Elements of Management II
ANP201 Introduction to Biotechnology
ARA181 Basic Arabic
ARA224 Contemporary Arabic Prose
BUS205 Introduction to Business
CRS122 Types of Theology
CRS173 Introduction to The Study of Religi
CRS218 Biblical Hermeneutics
CRS261 Christian Counseling
ENG215 Survey of English Literature I (med
FRE231 Introduction to French Phonology
FRE282 Introduction to French Literature
HCM135 Introduction to Food & Beverage Ser
HCM141 Understanding tourism
ISL212 Introduction to Tajwid
ISL271 The Rightly Guided Caliphs and The
PHL241 Comparative Philosophy
PHS204 Introduction to Sociology
NSC207 Medical Biochemistry II

AGR201 General Agriculture
BFN104 Elements of Banking
BUS105 Elements of Management I
CRS102 Major Religious Groups In Nigeria
CRS211 Introduction to The Bible
ENG141 Spoken English
ENG162 Elements of Drama
FRE222 French Grammar and Composition II
FST202 Principles of Food Science and Tech
HAU111 Introduction to Hausa Linguistics I
HAU205 Traditional Grammar & Syntactic Analysis
HCM133 Agriculture Nutrition & Health
HCM145 Geography of tourism
ISL101 General Introduction to Islam
NSC104 Human Physiology I
NSC203 Human Physiology II
NSC212 Nutrition In Health and Disease
PHL152 Introduction to LOGIC II
PHL105 Introduction to Logic I
MKT206 Customers Relationship Management
YOR111 Introduction to the Yoruba People and Language

Wishing you success

2021_1 McCarthy Study Centre Special e-EXAM Day 8- Tuesday August 3, 2021. (Venue: NOUN, Victoria Island Office)

BED114 Business Methods
BIO191 General Biology Practical I
BIO217 General Microbiology
CHM102 Introductory Organic Chemistry I
CHM205 Inorganic Chemistry II
CIT211 Introduction to Operating Systems
CIT236 Analog and Digital Electronics
CSS111 Introduction to Sociology
ECO121 Principles of Economics 1
ECO254 Statistics For Economist II
EDU222 French Methods
EDU290 Early Childhood Education Methods
ESM106 Environmental Resource Management
ESM234 Soil Resources
HED208 Personality and Growth in Health Education
KHE108 Introduction to Movement Analysis
KHE201 Human Anatomy Physiology and Sports
LIS108 History of Writing
LIS213 Library & Information Services to P
MAC117 Writing For Mass Media I
MTH210 Introduction to Complex Analysis
PCR272 Concept and Practice of Peace Build
PED122 Primary English Curriculum and Meth
PED237 Measurement and Shapes
PHY201 Classical Mechanics I
PHY208 Network Analysis and Devises
POL123 Introduction to Public Administrati
POL215 History of Political Thought I
SED211 Assessment and Evaluation In Integr
TSM145 Geography of tourism

11:30am papers
BED212 Fundamentals of Data Processing
BIO218 General Biochemistry Laboratory 11
CHM103 Introduction to Physical Chemistry
CHM291 Practical Chemistry IIi- Inorganic
CIT104 Introduction to Computers
CIT292 Computer Laboratory I
CSS243 Principles of Security Practice and
CSS244 Types and Analysis of Security Thre
ECO122 Principles of Economics II
ECE222 Developing Professional Skills and
EDU112 Professionalism In Teaching
EDU240 Mathematics Methods
ESM112 Introductory Ecology
ESM231 Introductory toxicology
ESM222 Water Resource Evaluation
FMC113 History of Nigerian Films & Cinemas
HED101 Personal Health
INR142 Introduction to Public Administrati
INR232 Introduction to Foreign Policy
KHE106 Skills Development and Techniques in Sports
KHE209 Gymnastics
KHE212 Driver Education
LIS106 Foundation of Information Systems
LIS205 Internet and Information Searching
MAC121 Introduction to News Writing & Repo
MAC214 Investigative & Interpretative Repo
MTH105 Mathematics For Management Sciences
PCR261 Culture Values and Conflicts In War
PED130 Introduction to Social Studies
PHY103 Geometrics andwave Optics
TSM147 tourism Policy and Planning

2;30pm papers
BIO207 Lower In Vertebrates
BIO220 Fisheries and Wildlife
CIT143 Introductory to Data Organisation A
CIT212 Systems Analysis and Design
CSS134 Geography of Nigeria
CSS245 Security Planning Development and O
DAM207 Indexing & Classification
DES213 Introduction to Public Finance Mana
ECE110 Childhood Education In Traditional
ECE223 Plays and Learning
ECO253 Statistics For Economist I
EDU233 General Teaching Methods
EDU250 Subject Methos I (biology)
EDU258 Computer Science Methods
ESM204 Environmental Hazards and Disaster
HED103 Introduction to Health Education
KHE211 Pedagogical Elements of Sports
KHE214 Prevention and Care of Sports Injuries
LIS202 Information Retrieval (Cataloguing) I
MAC211 Theories of Mass Communication
MAC232 Environmental Public Relations
PED144 Primary Mathematics Curriculum Meth
PED236 Elementary Mathematics
PED271 Primary School Phe Curriculum & Met
PHY191 Introductory Practical Physics I
PHY207 Thermodynamics
POL214 Introduction to Political Analysis
SED223 Physics For Integrated Science
STT205 Statistics For Management Sciences
TSM221 Ecotourism

Eyes 968

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