National Open University, NOUN Latest Updates (NEWS), 2022
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STUDENT ARRIVE is an educational website made for students of the National Open University of Nigeria to get latest updated information. We employs a variety of media and communication platforms to help the university create and maintain its reputation by disseminating information and acting as a link between the university and the general public.
Should in case as a student you think you’ve missed any information in the past, here you can easily get these updates/news information from the first to the last week of August,2022. NOTE: Not all information here is related to your field of study/concern, hence you’re advised to digest the information concerns you. Remember to save this page for revisiting. Thanks
All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (August, 2022)
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1st Week August, 2022:
1. NOUN Exam malpractice
What You Should Know About The Approved Noun Exam Malpractice List
Exam malpractice is honestly not the way to go wallahi. If you were caught and you’re sure you’re innocent, you should stand up tall and face it to prove your innocence and I’m sure you’ll be exempted, in most cases.
It is believed those on the list are found guilty. Now that it has happened, what do you want to do?
– If your name is on the list and you can’t find a legal and ethical way to clear yourself of the charge, it is advisable you don’t try register this semester to avoid lose of money eventually.
– The school has its way of leaving your portal opened and then close it after you make payment and do registration. Your money gone, and expectations in the mud.
– Stop looking for illegal and unscrupulous ways to be exempted. Are you not tired of wasting your time, money, efforts and eventually not even having the courage to fight back if your expectations from those unscrupulous agents are not met? Save your money. To be found guilty doesn’t mean the end of the world. You have learnt, you should not go back to your old ways.
– You can do something to avoid falling into scenarios like this in the future. Prepare and find a reliable trustwd guide for yourself in this Open University, but remember that if it is to be, it is up to you.
Got issues, feel FREE to ask in the group. Are they personal? Kindly DM for PAID services.
2. GST courses
The courses you can’t ignore in NOUN are;
GST courses
Non-examinable courses
Even if they are added after you are done with the level.
Another thing came to my mind now. Some students are found of not finishing up their core courses in a semester either because of financial constrains, individual negligence or giving their work to unprofessional agents.
In this case you might be seeing some courses in previous semester and thinking they are newly added. Please make sure you are able to differentiate newly added courses from the ones you left yourself.
- GST Courses’ Registration Guidelines
1. Art, Education (Arts, Social Science and Foundation) and Social Science programmes are to register for GST 105 – History and Philosophy of Science
2. Science programmes including Science Education are to register for GST 203 – Introduction to Philosophy and Logic
3. All general studies courses are facilitated
4. All GST courses examinations are e-examinations except GST302 that is 40% e-examination and 60% for practical through business plan presentation and enterprise.
5. All direct entry students must take GST107 in addition to their 200 level GST
6. All graduate students who finished from NOUN are excepted from GST707/807/907
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3. GST302, ENT210 and ENT312
GST302 is a compulsory course for all 300level students titled Business creation and growth. It is a 2units course. All you need to pass the course are detailed business plan, business sample, an E-exam and a successful presentation at your centre. Make use of the guide or write on the business you are told to write on according to the directives given to your centre. You can do yours alone while In some centres you will be told to group yourselves.
ENT210 is a compulsory course for all Entrepreneurs titled Startup Funding. It is a 2units course. No exam needed. All you need to pass the course is a successful presentation at your centre and a detailed business plan. Write on any business you know about or the job you are doing presently for easy and articulated defence. You can do yours alone while In some centres you will be told to group yourselves.
ENT312 is a compulsory course taken by all Entrepreneurship and business management students. It’s a 2units course. The course registration fee is 10k while its exam is 1k. No exam required! You only need to visit an industrial company where they produce things with your study centre counselor or director and write a report on what you see there because the course is about research only (write everything about the company) then you wait till your centre announce the date for presentation to defend your report.
N.B you will be given a letter to take to the company before the visitation.
4. NOUN IT/Siwes
Introduction of ACC330 IT/Siwes for Accounting Students.
Bsc. Accounting are now included in the Industrial Training Scheme.
This is to inform you all that the Accounting Students of National Open University of Nigeria can now go for IT (industrial training).
If you are in your 300 level or 400 level, check your portal to register it. It’s compulsory for all ACCOUNTING students. It’s a good one and good news, because this will expose you to the Accounting Practical Field Work.
Although your faculty handbook has the answers, this post is driven by the many repeated questions I receive privately from our students.
Number of semesters:
NOUN runs two semesters like conventional universities, however, it could also run a 3 semesters if there was obstruction that caused a semester to be omitted like COVID.
Gaining Admission in second semester instead of first:
NOUN offers admission TWICE yearly or every semester… whereas conventional universities offers admission once. That’s why NOUN also has graduates every semester. The school is at second semester while you’re at your first semester – it doesn’t matter.
What happens to my wallet balance?
Any money in your wallet will NEVER get lost, in fact, you can save your NEXT SEMESTER school fees in your wallet however it’s important that during your last semester in school, you calculate your fees and fund your wallet such your ewallet balance is exactly equal to the cost of registrations. That’s to have ZERO balance.
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I’d like to clarify this before registrations begin fully;
NOUN introduces new courses from time to time for different programmes and for different levels.
Sometimes students who had crossed a certain level of which the new course was introduced would go back and register those new courses 🤓
Please don’t!
When you reach a level, take note of the courses available for you at that moment; register them and pass them, that’s what you owe NOUN to earn your degree award.
Registering some GST COURSES or newly introduced courses are necessary only when your current CGPA is lower than you expected and you’re sure that scoring a couple of “A” in those courses would upgrade your CGPA, then you may take the trade otherwise don’t, it could be your downfall if you fail the course.
So, if registration begins and you see 5 or 7 new courses added in your previous level, ignore them.
Thank you.
You were given admission into one Programme you asked for but now you want to change to a different programme perhaps due to some difficulties you’ve encountered.
However, before you do, take these questions to the counselor at your study centre;
(1) Will change of Programme force you to start from first semester year one of the new Programme?
(2) Is there a minimal GPA required for this migration?
Then ask yourself;
(1) How am I sure that the new Programme would benefit me more in future?
(2) Can I really make it to graduate from the new Programme?
(3) Have I seen the course outline of the new Programme and fully decided to change?
(4) Am I changing the programme because someone advised or that’s what I really want?
Solve these questions before you proceed and good luck!
Invalid Credentials means that your details exists in the system but you might have entered either wrong password or wrong matric number. If you had never logged in then you’d have to wait because there’s no password at all for your matric number in the system.
Unknown User means that your details may not have been uploaded at all in the system.
The managers of the E-ticketing system is working on your ability to retrieve your password automatically delivered to your school email which currently isn’t functional on the platform.
However, it all requires patience
Please before you wait until infinity, someone you used to share your password with may have changed your password on e-ticketing platform thereby causing the INVALID CREDENTIALS error!
Go now and open the Forgot Password link to see if you’d receive a new password or new link to change your password for e-ticketing platform.
As I’ve been posting, NOUN only recognizes your school email and no other. So it’d be sent to your school email if someone already has access to your e-ticketing platform.
Try first then wait if nothing happens.
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2nd Week August, 2022:
It’s not a thing of surprise to see the much anticipated result released and yet has kept a lot of students mute and some confused.
You so much anticipated the result? What then happened? Why the total silence?
Do you feel cheated? Were your grades higher than expected or lower?
Well, while it is true you can make complaints and hope you’ll be attended to, the reality is that in most cases, you only got what you did.
And sure you can do better and change the story to a positive one, if and only if you want to.
So now that it has happened, a lot of us suddenly started paying attention to admins, sending screenshots and asking questions (most of which has been answered times without number via many group’s posts that we all refused to pay attention to).
One of the many screenshots and questions are those of outstanding courses. I’ll explain what outstanding courses mean briefly and I hope it’ll help to calm a lot of us, do what’s appropriate and most importantly take necessary actions if need be.
Asides not reading posts, one careless acts of students is not keeping records of your previous performance. Thankfully the new E-TICKETING site now shows previous results.
But can it be 100% trusted? Well it all depends on if you as a student have your own records, else you might just have to accept what the school gives you.
Understand that outstanding courses are usually:
1. Courses that you’ll still register in the future (subsequent semesters). They are usually courses ahead of you, courses that are you are yet to register.
2. Outstanding courses are courses that you were supposed to register in the past but you didn’t, either due to not knowing or simply because you decided not to, even if they’re electives (they may or may not have effect on you, but either ways, will show as outstanding courses)
3. Courses that you registered in the past but have not passed, either due to failing it (Carry Over) or being absent for the exams.
If the courses you find under the list of your outstanding courses happens to be ALL or ANY of these, then you need not panic.
However if you find courses that you have done successfully and passed under your list of outstanding courses on the e-ticket platform, then there’s need for concern. In that case, you’re to open a ticket, lodge a complaint and attach a proof that you’ve done it before and passed (importance of keeping records).
Without doing these three, even if you’ve done it before but can’t find it on list of courses done successfully and you’re seeing it under outstanding courses, then get ready to register it again and write its TMA and exam, and this is all on your carelessness.
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This is to inform all the students that will be taking Seminar as a non-examinable course this semester that the submission of proposed seminar topics has begun. Each student is to make the submission to his/her Faculty Officer latest next week Friday, 19th August, 2022
3. Academic Probation
The first two times your grades fall below 2.0, you receive an Academic Warning. The next time it happens, you are on Academic Probation. If you fail again to make a GPA of at least 2.0, you are on Academic Suspension.
If you find yourself on academic probation, you’re not alone. About 20% of students who attend a four/five-year course will be on academic probation at some point.
Academic probation is a temporary, 12-month status. When you are on probation you must achieve an average of at least 60%, with no failures, on all courses taken during the probation period.
May I reiterate the fact that currently; CARRYOVER has ZERO effect on your results in NOUN. ZERO! No division of scores.
If you failed a course or missed the exam or missed the TMA or that you had its result missing; all you’ve to do is TAKE BOTH TMA and exam afresh and move ahead.
Carryover results from three things;
(1) you submitted TMA and/or took examination but failed.
(2) you registered the courses but couldn’t take their TMA and/or Exam.
(3) you took part in all assessments but your results went to Germany (missing).
NE= No Exams
Never forget, Carryover doesn’t necessarily mean failure in NOUN. The policy remains the same for now.
Thank you all.
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5. National Open University Of Nigeria Academic ACTIVITIES for 2022:
- NOUN Admission/Registration of Courses/Examination Begins
12th July, 2022 - NOUN Facilitation Commences for new students, though not compulsory
25th July, 2022 - NOUN 1st TMA begins
26th August, 2022 - NOUN 2nd TMA begins
9th September, 2022 - NOUN 3rd TMA begins
23rd September, 2022 - NOUN Matriculation
24th September, 2022 - NOUN Admission/Registration of Courses/Examination Ends
30th September, 2022 - NOUNPen on Paper Examination begins
18th October, 2022 - NOUN Pen on Paper Examination ends
10th November, 2022 - NOUN E-examination begins/Marking Exercise begins
14th November, 2022 - NOUN E-examination ends
30th November, 2022 - Release of 2022_2 Results
16th December, 2022
3rd Week August, 2022
4th Week August, 2022
4th Week August, 2022:
NOUN has suspended international relations admission and also environmental management and toxicology from the admission status for now.
Those two departments are facing some internal issues for now.
We shall update you guys back immediately after they are settled.
NOTE: those who are still in the program already can continue but always be very careful with course registration.
Hello everyone,
Please be informed that the practicals for BIO 191, BIO 192, CHM 191, CHM 192 , PHY191 and PHY 192 , ESM 222, ESM 234, EMT 409 and EMT 411 will be held from 22nd August to 16 September ,2022 at the following designated centres-
south-south: Benin and Uyo Study centres
South East Zone: Enugu and Owerri Study centres
South West Zone: Abeokuta, Osogbo and Lagos Study centres
North Central Zone: Abuja Model and Makurdi Study Centres
North East Zone: Bauchi and Yola Study centres
North West: Kano and Sokoto Study centres
Please locate the nearest Study centre to you and participate in the practical.
NOTE: It will be part of your assessment, therefore, attendance is MANDATORY.
Thank you.
From the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Science.
3. National Open University, NOUN DROPPING OF COURSES
Good day all, this is to inform students that dropping of wrongly registered courses has commenced in some study centres according to news reaching us.
Kindly go to your study centres with your registration slip to drop your wrongly registered courses and get a refund of the equivalent amount in your portal.
This applies to courses registration and exam fees if you want to.
4. The Meaning of Probation Result in National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN
Probation On Result (All You Need To Know)
Probation simply means a student is asked to repeat the year such a student just finished.
The reason for such repeat could be because of one of the conditions below or both.
1. A student of any year must have failed within (10 to 15) credit units in first and second semesters, or from first semester/second semester only after the completion of a particular academic session.
2. A student’s GPA or CGPA is less than 1.5 after completing a session.
It must be further noted that condition (i) overrides condition (ii).
Meaning that, regardless of the GPA or CGPA, if a student fails within (10-15) credit units in any year, he/she will be asked to probate/or repeat the year.
Moreso, Probating or Repeating the year, the student is expected to register and seat for only his/her previously failed or dropped courses.
He is not expected to take any newly introduced courses of the year he/she is repeating or any new level course.
3. A student may be asked to withdraw or change programme, if after probation that is if He/she fails to attain a GPA/CGPA of 1.5
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All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (January, 2022)
All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (February, 2022)
All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (March, 2022)
All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (April, 2022)
All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (May, 2022)
All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (June, 2022)
All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (Julyt, 2022)
All Relevant Updates/News in NOUN (August, 2022)

Thanks so much this information was helpful and very detailed. You just saved me from missing my TMA’s.