NOUN Siwes Report

How to write NOUN Siwes Report

SIWES 584x380

ENT312: industrial learning

It is a compulsory course taken by all Entrepreneurship and business management students. It’s a 2units course. The course registration fee is 10k while its exam is 1k. No exam required! You only need to visit an industrial company where they produce things with your study centre counselor or director and write a report on what you see there because the course is about research only (write everything about the company) then you wait till your centre announce the date for presentation to defend your report.

SIWESstands forStudents Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES),it is a skillstrainingprogramme that is designed to expose and as well preparestudentsof Universities, Polytechnics/Colleges of Technology/Colleges of Agriculture and Colleges of Education for theindustrialwork situation they are likely to meet after graduation. In Nigeria, it is designed in such a way to fit into the curriculum ofstudentsmostly in 300Level and 400Level, and it as well carries a large credit load that can easily boost ones GP if one actually gets an “A” grade in it.

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First, start with:-
The report of the Industrial Training/Siwes is an essential part of the programme. The programme is, therefore, not deemed to have been passed through by the student, by the School Board of Studies and the University of Senate until a satisfactory report has been written. The guidelines for writing the reports are therefore set out below and the student should write the report stressing what he/she did during his/her attachment.
The plan of the report is the student’s own responsibility. To streamline all reports, the following outline is to be followed by every student.
  • Title
  • Name of Student (Surname first)
  • Matriculation Number
  • Course and Year (e.g. Bus. Edu. 3)
  • Location & Firm of Training
  • Summary or Abstracts of report (about ¾ – 1 page) it should be containing all the essentials inside the report)
  • Acknowledgement
  • Introduction:- Here, the student should state what he/she is going to write about. He should briefly outline the organizational structure for the company.


This is the most important part of the report and the student must show own innovations. The plan and order sequence should include mainly:

  • The skills and practices the student required
  • The operation and maintenance training received
  • The specific work done must be given adequate coverage
  • Any design, calculations, and analysis must be carefully but briefly recorded.
  • Supervision and any leadership role played in a given project or assignment (if any) must be briefly reported so as to leave no one in doubt as to student’s actual involvement.
  • Sketches, diagrams, graphs, and drawings (if any) must all have titles and designated as Fig. 1, 2 etc. and each must be referred to at least once in the report.
  • Experimental test, together with the tables of results must also be given adequate coverage. Each table should be given a title in a sequential order as Table 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc. with related titles and must be referred to at least once in the text.


Here, the student should state again what he has achieved, contributed and learned during this attachment.


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