• Without the submission of TMA1, 2 and 3 you cannot pass your exam.

  • If non of your TMA is not available yet, HOLD ON and patiently wait if they will release TMA1 during TMA 2 period.

  • Do not partake in any exam that the TMA is not available because if you do you will fail.

  • If you did not register a course or all your courses for exam their TMA will not be available.

  • TMAs are not available for some courses because they are not examinable (YOU ARE TO WRITE A REPORT OR BUSINESS PLAN & DO PRESENTATION).

  • Your TMA score is also a key to a good grade. ( IF YOU HAVE GOOD SCORES IN ALL YOUR TMAs YOUR EXAM IS 40% CORVERED).

  • If all the options in your TMA question are equal or you were marked wrong after choosing and submitting the right answer or option, kindly note the Question number and take it to your center to make a complaint.

  • If all your TMA options are correct, kindly screenshot or snap the question then you send it to your study center ICT department mail or you visit your center ICT department for proper rectification.

  • Revise your TMA because 40% of your questions may come from it.

  • Read extensively and intensively.

  • Do not flaunt your TMA printout because your matric number is vividly written on it.


  • Your matric number is your username and password but let your password letters be in lower case(small letter)

  • Endeavor to be in the school premises 30mins before the exam to ease tension, stress and rush.

  • Do not leave your exam slip and ID card at home because that’s your permit to the exam hall.

  • Kindly check where you sit if there is any implicating object and if found report to the examiner immediately.

  • Make sure you fill in the blank space correctly while filling your subjective. (FILL THE ANSWER EXACTLY THE WAY IT’S WRITTEN IN NOUN STUDY MATERIAL).

  • P.O.P is for 300level above while E-EXAM is for 200level downward.

  • P.O.P- theory only
    E-EXAM- objectives and subjectives(FILL IN THE GAPS)

  • Some of your courses are P.O.P in 100level and 200level especially LAW students. (DO CHECK THE FINAL P.O.P TIMETABLE SO THAT YOU WON’T BE LEFT OUT)

  • Do not bring your valuable things to the center except you have a car or safe place to keep them because during the exam period some people would come from their home to make other people cry.

  • Be conscious of time because exam is not like TMA. (YOU HAVE LIMITED TIME IN THE EXAM HALL)

  • Quickly report to the ICT agents or examiners in the hall if you are facing any difficulties or your system is malfunctioning.

  • Don’t be too nervous and relaxed in the exam hall.

  • Make sure you submit and log out your system properly before leaving the exam hall.

  • Learn how to make use of notepad to jot down some necessary things during the exam.

  • Plain sheet of paper will be given to those offering calculation courses in the hall for solving or calculating.

  • Indecent dressing attracts full focus on you. Dress decently to the hall.

  • Quickly report any disturber or disrupter before both of you are caught.

  • P.O.P students write your matric number well spelt on your answer booklet for proper recording to avoid missing script.

  • Kindly improve in your handwriting and make it clear because the markers are human being like us you don’t expect them to use microscope before they could see your handwriting.


Eyes 989

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