
PTE Cut Off: Check Course/Country-wise Cut Off Marks across Popular Universities;

PTE cut-off marks is the minimum PTE score required by a candidate to be admitted to a university of their choice. The PTE Cut off score would range from 10 – 90 points, 10 being the lowest and 90 being the highest PTE score. Conducted by Pearson PLC Group, students and aspirants who desire to go abroad for studying or immigrate to a major English-speaking country are required to take thePTE examto prove their English language competency. The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic exam is a computer-based English language test accepted by educational institutions around the world. In this article, we are going to be talking about PTE Academic Cutoff and PTE Cut-Off Marks.

Candidates would be glad to know that the conducting body of the PTE Exam,Pearson PLC Group has launched the PTE at Home. The PTE at Home is identical to the PTE test. However, the PTE at Home is held in the safety of the home of the candidate keeping student safety in mind. The conducting body has also shortened the total duration of the PTE exam from three hours to two hours with effect from November 16, 2021. Candidates can stay tuned to all the latest updates on the PTE exam on our website. A lot of times candidates appearing for their PTE Academic Exam are left wondering, what is a good PTE score? Or do colleges abroad have a PTE Cut Off score? Read on to know more about PTE exam cut-off scores and their importance during the selection procedure and much more.

PTE Cut-Off

What is a good PTE Score: Now to answer your question about what a good PTE score should be. This entirely depends on the choice of your college and course selection. While some colleges might ask for a higher PTE score other colleges could settle for a mid-range PTE score. Provided below is a list of popular universities and their eligible average PTE score for the admission process. Candidates are reminded that these are average PTE scores, the PTE score could vary depending on the selection of course and preferred university.

PTE Cut-Off Marks – By course

As informed earlier, the PTE cut-off is a benchmark PTE score that universities/courses expect candidates to have to be applicable for admission into a particular university or apply to a particular course. Below is PTE Cut Off scores for Courses for candidates looking to study abroad:

  • MS Colleges Accepting PTE scores
  • MBA Colleges Accepting PTE scores
  • BE/Btech Colleges Accepting PTE scores

PTE Cut-Off Marks – By country

Below are PTE Cut Off scores by country for students looking to study in the UK, the USA or Canada. Candidates can get in touch with our counsellors for more information on admission.

  • PTE accepted Universities in the UK
  • Minimum PTE score for the USA
  • Colleges Accepting PTE Exam Scores 2022 for Canada
  • PTE Score for Australia PR
  • PTE Score required for New Zealand Student Visa

PTE Cut-Off Marks across Popular Universities

UniversityLocationPTE Cut Off Marks
University Canada West (UCW)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada60 and above
EU Business School – MunichMunich, Germany59 and above
Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong (SBS)Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia57 and above
EU Business School – BarcelonaBarcelona, Spain60 and above
University of Alberta (UofA)Edmonton, Alberta, Canada60 and above
The University of British Columbia (UBC)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada60 and above
Harvard UniversityCambridge, Massachusetts, USA|54 and above
University of WindsorWindsor, Ontario, Canada54 and above
University of Waterloo (UWaterloo)Waterloo, Ontario, Canada60 and above
University of Calgary (UofC)Calgary, Alberta, Canada60 and above
University of Ottawa (uOttawa)Ottawa, Ontario, Canada60 and above
Concordia UniversityMontreal, Quebec, Canada60 and above
The University of Melbourne (Unimelb)Melbourne, Victoria, Australia57 and above
National University of Singapore (NUS)Singapore, Singapore54 and above
University of East London (UEL)London, London, UK59 and above
University of Regina (U of R)Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada60 and above
Stanford UniversityStanford, California, USA54 and above
The University of Sydney (Usyd)Sydney, New South Wales, Australia57 and above
Ryerson University (Ryerson)Toronto, Ontario, Canada60 and above
Dalhousie University (DAL)Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada60 and above

How to send PTE Academic Scores to Colleges?

Candidates who wish to send their scores can do so via a secure online portal set up by PTE. Candidates should note that universities/colleges do not accept paper or PDF versions of PTE Academic score reports.

Steps to sending your PTE Score Report

  • Login to your PTE Academic account on the official website of PTE
  • Click ‘View Score Reports’
  • Click ‘Send Scores’
  • Type the name of your chosen institution
  • Review your details then scroll down the page and click ‘Next’ and then ‘Next’ again to confirm

PTE Exam Pattern

PTE Academic Syllabus includes three sections – Speaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening. You get marked on these three sections and you get the PTE Academic total score as well. ThePTE Exam Patternmentioned below talks about the components of the PTE Academic Paper in detail for the benefit of the candidate. Candidates looking to appear for their PTE Academic Exam can check out the PTE Exam Pattern 2022 mentioned below. Note: The PTE Exam Pattern has been shortened by 1 hr and now the entire PTE exam is for 2 Hrs.


PTE Exam Preparation

PTE Exam Preparation: Candidates looking to perform well in their PTE Academic Exam would be required to follow a solid PTE Preparation plan to achieve a good PTE score. Read on as we divulge in detail about PTE exam preparation 2022, PTE preparation online, PTE preparation material, and PTE exam preparation at home among other important topics revolving around PTE preparation.

Similar to other exam prep, you can choose to study on your own or join a PTE coaching centre for your PTE preparation. The decision lies entirely to you, as you need to see whether you have enough time and resources to opt for both or select either. Newer methods of studying are gaining popularity, like PTE preparation online. It includes both self-studying and coaching class methods. You join a virtual classroom and you learn in the comfort of your home. To choose the best method on how to prepare for the PTE test you first need to look at your criteria and decide accordingly. Candidates can also check out PTE Sample Papers.

Top 10 PTE Exam Preparation Tips

PTE Preparation: A lot of times PTE test takers are often confused about the direction of their PTE preparation plan. Fear no more. We have come up with a personalized top 10 PTE exam preparation guide for candidates looking to ace their PTE test. Check out the top 10 PTE exam preparation tools provided below:

  1. Plan ahead
  2. Know what you’re getting into
  3. Take lots of practice tests
  4. Start studying vocabulary
  5. Focus on your subject
  6. Don’t ignore the other subject
  7. Use good materials
  8. Know question types
  9. Keep an error log
  10. Plan on taking the exam twice

PTE Registration

Candidates wanting to register for the PTE exam 2022 would be required to follow the steps mentioned below to successfully book their PTE exam slot. Candidates should note that for booking your PTE Academic online, you need a valid ID – a valid Indian passport. Candidates will also be required to show their valid ID on the day of the PTE exam or else they will not be allowed to enter the PTE Test centre.

Steps to register for PTE Academic online

PTE Registration

  • Visit the official PTE Academic website:
  • Create your Pearson account by providing your personal details.
  • Once you complete the PTE registration process, you will receive an email within 48 hours from Pearson with your login details.
  • The next step is to search for your nearest PTE test centre.
    • Candidates can also opt for the PTE at Home version of the test, at this step
  • Also, select a suitable time and PTE date to appear for the PTE exam.
  • After selecting all your details like time, date, and PTE slot you will be asked to proceed to the checkout button.
  • Then pay the PTE Exam Fee of 14,700 Indian rupees and finalize your PTE exam booking.

Other methods of registering for the PTE Exam

PTE Phone Registration: Apart from the much preferred online method of registering for the PTE exam, candidates can also register for the PTE Exam via phone. Indian students wanting to register for the PTE Exam can contact the PTE Academic testing body by dialing: 00080 0440 2020. (Operating hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm local time; closed on local holidays.)

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