PTE Exam Books FAQs;
Which is the best site for PTE preparation?
Candidates are advised to rely on the official website of the PTE Academic Exam for their preparation. The official PTE website would contain the latest information and developments regarding the PTE test.
How can I self-study for PTE?
Candidates are advised to build a PTE study plan that would equally focus on the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses to start with. Candidates should also leave enough room for weak topics and above all practice as many PTE Mock Tests as possible. Practising PTE Mock Test papers that are available on the official website is extremely important to achieve your desired score on the PTE test.
Which are the best PTE books to prepare?
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The Official Guide to PTE Academic by Pearson PTE Academic, PTE Practice Test Plus with Key, Vol 1 and 2, and the PTE Academic Official Preparation App are the best resources (books +app) to prepare for the PTE exam.
Is 79 PTE easy to score?
A PTE 79 score falls under the ‘Very Good’ category of scores and is equivalent to an 8.0 on the IELTS band score. A 79 PTE score is if the candidate is well prepared for the exam. The PTE exam is scored on a scale of 10 – 90 points.
How can I cheat in PTE?
Candidates are strictly advised against using unfair means. As this would lead to the conducting body severely penalizing the candidate which could also include banning the candidate from taking the exam for life.