PTE Scores and Results FAQs;
How many PTE Mock Tests should I take?
The more the better. Candidates are highly advised to solve as many PTE practice papers as possible. Students can visit the official PTE website for paid and unpaid PTE sample papers and also refer to our website for guidance.
How long do PTE tests take?
The total testing time for the PTE Academic test is around two hours.
Do you get PTE scores immediately?
Candidates should note that PTE Academic scores are now available within two working days (48hrs). After the completion of your PTE Academic exam, you will receive PTE Academic scores for each of the skill sections in a band range of 10 – 90. Along with that, you will also get an overall score.
What is a good score for the PTE Academic exam?
There is no good or bad score. Your preferred university would have a set PTE Academic score as part of their admission criteria and you are required to achieve that or higher to be considered for admission to the university. Higher PTE Academic scores would also qualify you for financial grants if the university has any.
Is one month enough for PTE preparations?
Candidates are advised to prepare for the PTE exam before booking their PTE test slot. Hence, candidates who have appeared for their PTE Academic before or who are well prepared for the PTE Academic can use the one month for revision and appear for the exam. Others would definitely need a more substantial amount of time to be well-versed in the exam.
Has the PTE Academic exam become tougher over the years?
The test has evolved over the years to stay relevant to the demands of the university and students. However, rest assured the main focus of the PTE Academic test has remained the same – to provide quality education to deserving candidates.
What PTE Academic score do you need for Stanford?
Candidates can check out PTE Academic score requirements for Stanford University, here.
What PTE Academic score do you need for Harvard?
Candidates can check out PTE Academic score requirements for Harvard University, here.
How long should I study for PTE Academic exam?
This is entirely at the discretion of the candidate. While students who have appeared for the PTE test before and are on their second attempt would take lesser time preparation time than first-time test takers. Putting a number would be technically not right.
What is the validity of my PTE Academic score?
Your PTE Academic scores are valid for two years.
Can I write my PTE Academic test from home?
Yes. Candidates can opt for the PTE exam from the safety of their homes by registering for the PTE Home Edition of the test.
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