Faculty of Physical Sciences

University of Benin




There are currently six Departments in the Faculty of Physical Sciences. The six Departments are:
1. Department of Chemistry
2. Department of Computer Science
3. Department of Geology
4. Department of Mathematics
5. Department of Physics.
6. Department of Statistics.
Each Department offers courses leading to B.Sc.Honours Degree in at least one discipline. In this prospectus, students will find the combination of courses they are required to take and pass in order to qualify for the award of a chosen degree. Therefore, it is imperative for students to read carefully the prospectus and seek clarification when they are in doubt.
Please note that the University of Benin extant rules supersede the regulations specified in this prospectus. Efforts have been made to minimize the discrepancies between what we have in this prospectus and the University of Benin extant rules.
It is worth pointing out that the pass mark for all examinations in the Faculty is 45% for all students admitted into the Faculty from 2013/2014 Session. Further, there is no more Pass Degree.


Please note that the University has zero tolerance for examination malpractice. Each case of examination malpractice has a prescribed punishment. Therefore, avoid examination malpractice.
In each Department, there is a Head of Department and each student is assigned a course level adviser. Please take advantage of the presence of these key University staff based in your Department. A course lecturer may or may not be in your Department.
Each student should know that there are University regulations governing temporary withdrawal from the University. You must apply before departing and the University can only grant one year at a time. Please submit your medical report promptly if you are away for medical reasons.
On behalf of members of the Faculty of Physical Sciences, I wish you a happy stay in the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.
Professor F. E. U. OSAGIEDE
Dean, Faculty of Physical Science


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