Unofficial GMAT Score Report includes Integrated Reasoning score;
Unofficial GMAT Score Report includes Integrated Reasoning score
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), the premier test for admission to graduate business and management programs worldwide, is used by nearly 6,000 graduate business and management programs worldwide. GMAT test takers are provided Unofficial GMAT Score Reports at test centers worldwide immediately after they take the computer-based test.
GMAT introduced a new section on Integrated Reasoning (IR) in June 2012. But the scores for this section were not available to test takers in the Unofficial GMAT score report. But now the report will include scores from the IR section as well along with unofficial Quantitative, Verbal, and Total scores, announced by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).
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Test takers who opt to report their scores can get a printout of their unofficial score reports at the test center. Official GMAT Score Reports are delivered within 20 days, but with a much faster turnaround in most cases, test takers and schools receive Official GMAT Score Reports within five or six days. The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) essay scores are not included in the unofficial score report but are included in the Official Score Report sent to students and to schools.
GMAT is delivered exclusively on computers year-round at more than 590 test centers in 112 countries. The standardized exam measures quantitative, verbal, analytical writing, and integrated reasoning abilities and has a total testing time of three hours, and 30 minutes.
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