WAEC Subjects Combination for Business Administration; www.waecdirect.org

Business Administration is a popular course of choice for Arts students who are interested in the professional administration of a commercial entity or enterprise. However, the WAEC candidate must ensure that they choose the right subjects to be able to secure placement in the university. In this article, we shall be discussing the best WAEC subject combination for Business Administration.

Business Administration as a Profession in Nigeria

Business Administration is a profession in Nigeria which is overseen by a Business Administrator.

A Business Administrator, also known as a Business Director, is the person in charge of monitoring and directing the day-to-day activities of a company. Their responsibilities include recruiting new staff members, presiding over departmental meetings, and maintaining open lines of communication with upper management in order to integrate newly formulated policies and procedures into day-to-day operations.

Business administrators are responsible for completing tasks related to management and organization that contribute to the overall productivity and growth of an organization as well as the growth of its individual departments or teams.

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Business Administration as a Course to Study

The field of business administration in Nigeria is extremely broad and encompasses a great variety of roles, professional settings, and opportunities for advancement. The work of managing an organization’s resources, time, and people is, to put it in layman’s terms, the essence of business administration.

Professionals in the field of business administration are responsible for making it their mission to ensure that companies and organizations are managed in an effective, efficient, and profitable manner. To pull this off successfully requires experience and expertise in a wide variety of fields.

People who are successful in business must also be able to communicate in a way that is both clear and effective. Working in groups and on projects requiring cooperation is a requirement that frequently arises in the field of business administration. Managing the workload is only one aspect of the challenge; being a reliable member of the team upon which your coworkers and superiors can rely is an essential component of successful business.

WAEC Subjects Combination for Business Administration

The approved WAEC subjects’ combination for Business Administration include subjects such as.

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Commerce
  • Economics
  • Government

That means for your chances to get admission into an institution that offers Business Administration, one has to make sure in WAEC that he/she gets at least a C6 in Mathematics, English, Economics, Government, and Commerce. Other additional subjects that the candidate can write include Civic Education, Igbo, Efik, Hausa, Edo, Yoruba, Geography, Fishery and many others.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What can I do with business administration degree in Nigeria?

A business administration degree in Nigeria gives you opportunities to engage in companies and organizations with departments such as general operations, administration, finance and accounting or human resources.

What are the subjects for Business Administration for Waec?

The approved WAEC subjects’ combination for Business Administration include subjects such as Mathematics, English, Economics, Government, and Commerce. The candidate has to make sure in WAEC that he/she gets at least a C6 in these subjects.

Can I study Business Administration without mathematics?

A basic knowledge of mathematics is needed to study business administration in the university as mathematics is an integral part of the course

How many years course is Business Administration in Nigeria?

Business Administration is a 4-year course in most Nigerian universities. After 4 years of study, a bachelor’s degree in business administration is issued.

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