11 tips on How to pass Junior WAEC Jss3 Exam; www.waecdirect.org

The Junior WAEC examination is a mandatory examination written by all Jss3 (junior secondary school) students looking to pursue a senior secondary education. Before a junior secondary student will be qualified to be admitted into a senior secondary school or high school, he or she must first sit for the junior WAEC examination and pass with satisfactory grades. Passing the Junior WAEC examination which is also known as the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) determines that you are ready to proceed to the next level of education.

As a junior secondary student, after completing your junior high school, you’ll need to obtain a good grade in your Junior WAEC or BECE examination. Are you scared of the Junior WAEC examination? Or maybe you feel like you’re not ready or prepared enough to take the examination? That’s usually common amongst junior secondary students. But luckily for you, in today’s post, I’ll be giving you tips on how to pass your junior WAEC examination with excellent grades.

How to pass Junior WAEC with excellent grades

In today’s guide, I’ll be giving you 11 success tips you’ll need to pass your junior WAEC examination with excellent grades. Follow the instructions below diligently and you’ll surely make one of the best results among your peers.

1. Get to know the Junior WAEC exam format

The first step to passing your junior WAEC examination is getting to know the format of the examination. In the junior WAEC examination, you see required you will be given multiple-choice questions and theory-based questions for every subject. They will be divided into different sections. Every question in the multiple-choice section usually has the same number of allocated marks, while the theory sections will come with various sub-sections that may have different allocated marks. Get to know the number of subjects you will be writing during the exams and the format of marking from your teacher in school.

2. Study using the Junior WAEC Syllabus

After getting to know the format of the junior WAEC examination, the next step is to get the Junior WAEC syllabus and start studying. The junior WAEC syllabus contains the actual topics you are required to cover for the examination. It will serve as a guide during your study for the examination. Most students struggle to cover every topic taught in school, whereas, most of those topics will not be reflected during the examination. Hence, it is better and wise to cover more of the recommended topics contained in the syllabus.

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3. Create a study timetable

The best way to boost your study performance and keep track of the topics you’ve covered is to create a study timetable. Your study timetable should contain all the subjects you will be writing about during the examination. Also, set your daily targets and weekly goals for every subject and topic you will be studying on the timetable. Remember to adhere to your study timetable and not neglect it.

4. Find your weakness

As you study for your junior WAEC examination, try to find out which subject gives you the most trouble and put out more effort to tackle it. Most students find calculations quite difficult, while others struggle to pass reading subjects.

Once you’ve found your weakness, get a tutor to help you overcome them. Your tutor could be your fellow classmate or a senior secondary student. Tackling your weakness will help you be more confident during the examination.How to pass Junior WAEC Jss3 Exam

5. Practice with past junior WAEC questions

While studying for your junior WAEC examination, try to test yourself using the last junior WAEC questions. You can purchase the past questions and answers from any bookstore around you. Practice with the past questions will help you familiarize yourself with the junior WAEC examination. Do not check the answers while answering the questions, make sure you answer them completely without checking for answers first. Once you’re done, you can check for the answers, so you can correctly assess your performance and know if you’re getting better at that particular subject.

6. Eat and Exercise regularly

Eating healthy foods and exercising frequently help keep your brain sharp and healthy. Avoid eating junk foods, hydrate frequently, and eat foods rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc.JAMB Form

7. Avoid Distractions while studying

Whenever most students pick up their books, that’s when something interesting happens around them or online. Do not be among such students, because it might just be the cause of your downfall in the junior WAEC exams. There will always be time to play or interact with your friends, but when it’s time to read learn to stay focused and avoid distractions. It’s best to switch off your phone once it’s study time to avoid getting tempted.

8. Be time conscious during the examination

Remember you do not have all day to answer the questions during the exam. Hence, manage your time properly. Do not spend too much time on a single question. Move to the next one, until you have exhausted all answers you can readily remember before attempting to answer the more difficult ones. Check the marks allocation too while answering the questions.

9. Read the instructions carefully before attempting the question

Make sure you have thoroughly read and u understood the question before attempting to answer it. Most students rush to answer a question before reading the instructions and end up doing what they were not asked to do. Reading the instructions will give you a better understanding of the questions.

10. Do not depend on any external help (Expo/Apor)

The greatest mistake most students make is to depend on foreign or external materials to pass their junior WAEC examination. Sometimes the answers provided are wrong or do not tally with the questions asked. Depending on foreign materials means you’re giving up on all your study efforts. Once you depend on external materials to pass, you’ll eventually forget everything you’ve studied so far. Hence, avoid it!

11. Believe in yourself

Finally, to pass your junior WAEC examination, you need to believe in yourself and trust in your efforts. Most students panic and end up making a whole lot of mistakes because they do not trust themselves. If you have diligently followed the tips outlined above, then you have nothing to fear about the junior WAEC examination. Be calm and trust in your efforts. You’ll be amazed at how excellent you’ll perform in your exams.


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