Art Subjects for WAEC See List of Compulsory Subjects;

Art Subjects for WAEC 2023 – Are you participating in the upcoming 2023 WAEC examination as an Art student? If yes, then it’s essential that you know the Compulsory Arts subjects you need to sit for during this year’s WAEC examination.

Knowing the Compulsory Art subjects you need to sit for will help you prepare well for them and register appropriately. Most people fail to register the right subjects and end up sitting for an auxiliary O’level exam just to make up for the subjects not on their WAEC certificate.Art Subjects for WAEC

Senior secondary schools in Nigeria are usually grouped into Science, Social sciences, and Arts. This is basically to create a solid foundation for their career path as they aim to further their education.

In today’s post, I’ll be showing you the Art subjects you must write during your WAEC examination. See more details as you read on.Information Guide Nigeria

About the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC)

The West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) was established in 1952 as an examination board that will determine the examinations required in the public interest in English-speaking West African countries.How to Identify NYSC Certificate Number

They are also tasked with conducting the examinations and awarding the necessary certificates which are comparable to those issues out by equivalent examining authorities internationally.How to Improve NYSC Scheme in Nigeria

The West African Examination Council has greatly contributed to the quality of education in Anglophonic countries of West Africa.WAEC Result

The WAEC board also formed an endowment fund program to help contribute to the education quality in West Africa through various lectures and aid students who cannot afford education.Npower Recruitment

The vision of this great body is to become a world-class examining body that would add value to its stakeholder’s educational goals. WAEC aims to become Africa’s foremost examining body, and to provide quality and reliable educational assessment.JAMB Form

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Art Subjects for WAEC Examination 2023

When registering for the West African Examination Council (WAEC) exam, it is important that you blend the required WAEC subject combination with a few other subjects.

You are only required to pass five (5) subjects to qualify for admission into tertiary institution, but it’s important to add more courses from both science and social science to complete the recommended nine (9) subjects for the WAEC Examination.JAMB Result

The compulsory subjects for art students in the WAEC examination are:

  1. Mathematics
  2. English
  3. Civic Education
  4. Literature-in-English
  5. History or Geography
  6. Agricultural Science or at least one vocational subject.

When registering for your WAEC examination, ensure that you register the above courses first, then you can pick any other subject to make up the recommended nine (9) subjects for the exam.

See other subjects you can pick from below:

  1. History
  2. French
  3. Nigerian Languages (Igbo, Yoruba or Hausa)
  4. Music
  5. Islamic Studies
  6. Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK)
  7. Dyeing & Bleaching
  8. Photography
  9. Painting & Decorating
  10. Tourism
  11. Visual Art
  12. Catering Craft Practice
  13. Clothing & Texture
  14. Cosmetology
  15. Food & Nutrition
  16. Garment Making
  17. Home Management
  18. Best Subjects Combination for Art
  19. Mathematics
  20. English Language
  21. Civic Education
  22. Economics or Food and Nutrition
  23. Literature-in-English Language
  24. Government
  25. CRS/IRS
  26. Nigerian Languages (Yoruba or Igbo or Hausa)

Tips to Pass WAEC Examination

After registering for the WAEC examination, the next step is to sit for the exam. Here’s a few tips that can help you achieve success in your WAEC examination:

  1. Make use of the WAEC syllabus while studying for your WAEC examination. The syllabus will help guide you during your studies. Cover every topic contained in the syllabus as they will appear in the exam.
  2. Get the WAEC past questions and answers and use them to study. WAEC usually repeat questions, so studying past questions could be of great help, also it gives you an idea of how the exam would look like.
  3. When you’re in the exam hall, make sure you read the instructions carefully before attempting any question, and always follow the instructions. Most people fail because they did not follow the instructions, and rather went ahead to answer questions they weren’t asked to find.
  4. Start with the questions you can answer first. Skip any question you cannot answer or you’re not sure of, and completely answer all the questions you can correctly answer first. When you’re done, you can now go back to attempt the difficult ones.
  5. Be time conscious as you write your exam, do not spend too much time on a single question. Skip and move to the next question. You can return back after answering all other questions.

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