
How To Summarize NOUN Course Material and DOWNLOAD

NOUN SUMMARYis specially designed for students of the National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) sitting for E-exams or POP exams.

NOUN course materials are very bulky, We understand that some students find it very difficult to cover the course materials before the commencement of the exams. This is why we came up with a study pack that isconcise, andeasy to read.

Summary covers key points from NOUN course material and possible questions that are likely to come out in the forthcoming exams.


  • Summaries are available for 100 – 800 level students
  • Summaries are available for almost all courses
  • Self–Assessment Questions in the Course Material
  • Tutored Mark Assignment Questions in the course material
  • Possible Solved Past questions
  • All Key Points in the Course Material

We have two (2) types of summaries:

Course summaries: COURSE SUMMARIES consist of Summarized contents from the NOUN course materials(from A-Z). With our Course summaries, you wouldn’t need to read any other material at all!

How To Summarize NOUN Course Material

As we all know that NOUN course materials are bulky and not easy to cover, so how do you summarize them and make reading easier? Here are a few top tips to help you along your way:

With these tips, you will be able to summarize your course materials in few hours!

Read the material and understand it

This is a very crucial step in summarizing your course materials. To have a better understanding of the material, you need to read it and pay close attention to the keywords and statements. Don’t just read for reading’s sake but read to understand.

Pleasedon’t try tocramthe material because you won’t have a full understanding of it. Without proper reading and understanding, you will have to be going back to the chapters again and again and by doing so you will not be able to cover the course on time

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Start summarizing

Once you’ve read and understood the book, the next thing is to start writing it down in your notebook,pleasedon’t try to copy the material or write it word for word, learn to use your own English when you do this it shows that you really understood the course. To make the summary easier make sure you write down the summary of each chapter before moving on to the next one.

Pro tips:

  1. Solve all the tutor mark assessment questions in your course materials – NOUN usually set questions from there.
  2. Read the course material you want to summarize and be sure you understand it.
  3. Note down the major points and topical statements in the material.
  4. When summarizing a course material make sure you don’t copy from it, learn to use your own English.
  5. Make sure you write down the summary of each chapter before moving on to the next one.
  6. Keep your summary brief
  7. Practice past questions, you can get past questions hereDownload NOUN E-exam Past Questions and answers

I think you found this article useful in summarizing your NOUN course materials???

If you need summary for your course material, Call/Whatsapp:-08137981072

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