IELTS Test security;
There are numerous security measures in place to support test takers and protect the interests of organisations that rely on the integrity of IELTS results.
A strict set of protocols is in place to safeguard every aspect of the IELTS test. This includes:
- tight regulations surrounding test papers
- biometric test taker registration and verification systems
- training of test centre staff to help them identify imposters, detect fraudulent behaviour and prevent cheating
- strict test conditions
- routine scrutiny of test results before release.
This multi-layered approach to test security also includes a process for prospective test centres and strict protocols surrounding test centre operations and audits.
The IELTS Partners also work closely with relevant authorities worldwide, including migration and law enforcement agencies, to detect, prevent, and, where appropriate, take legal action against any cheating or fraud attempts in accordance with local laws.
Warning to test takers
Do not waste your money or risk your future by attempting to cheat. Do not trust anyone trying to sell IELTS results.
How to report IELTS test scams
If you have concerns relating to the security of IELTS (e.g. you have heard about suspected scams or suspected fraudulent activities), you can report them to us using this online report form.
Please note that this form is only to be used for the reporting of security concerns. If you would like to provide other feedback about IELTS, or if you would like to make a complaint about IELTS, please use this online enquiry form.