Institution and SIWES Requirements

The Institutions

 The institutions are to:
Establish SIWES Directorate with a separate account, adequately staffed and funded to ensure effective operation of the scheme.  The unit must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. A full-time Head/Director of SIWES, rank should not be less than that of a Reader in a related discipline
  2. An Administrative Office (to assist the Head)
  3. At least 4 full-time Industrial Coordinators to operate the scheme at Institutional level
  4. A Secretary/Typist/Data Entry Clerk
  5. A Driver
  6. A Clerk
  1. Adequate office space and well furnished
  2. A personal computer
  3. A photocopying machine
  4. A separate SIWES account
  5. A functional car
C. The Institutions will also do the following:
  1. Appoint SIWES Coordinator in Schools;
  2. Prepare and submit Master and Placement lists to the respective coordinating agency and ITF
  3. Place students on attachment with employers;
  4. Organise orientation programmes for students to prepare them for industrial training;
  5. Supervise students on attachment and sign their logbooks.  A minimum of three visits should be made to the
  6. students by the institution’s supervisors during the period of attachment;
  7. Work out industrial tailor-made programme with the employers-based supervisor on the National Training Guidelines for each course;
  8. Submit completed ITF Form 8 to the ITF;
  9. Submit comprehensive reports on the scheme to the ITF after the programme.


  1. Accept students and assign them to relevant on-the-job training;
  2. Provide tailor-made training programmes for the students;
  3. Attach experienced staff to students for effective training and supervision on a ratio of 1:10 (staff : students);
  4. Control and discipline students like permanent staff;
  5. Provide medical care for students within the limit of employers conditions of service;
  6. Permit representatives of ITF and Institutions’ based supervisors to visit the students on attachment and
  7. Grade students in the assessment Form and the ITF Form.


  1. To attend institution’s SIWES orientation programme before going on industrial attachment;
  2. Comply with the employers rules and regulations;
  3. Keep proper records of training activities and other assignments in the logbook;
  4. Arrange their own accommodation during the period of attachment;
  5. Submit Log Books, Reports and other documents related to SIWES as required by their institution at the end of the training period;
  6. Submit to ITF through their institution, Evaluation Form (ITF Form 8) completed by the students the employer and the institution;
  7. Avoid changing of place of attachment except in special circumstances and with the permission of your Centre Director and the SIWES Directorate.
  1. Master List
  2. Placement List
  3. Summary Sheet

 All students accepted for SIWESS must be given an orientation on SIWES by their institutions during which ITF staff must be in attendance.


Students on attachment are to be supervised by the professional ITF staff and the institutions supervisors (comprising staff of Schools and the Directorate).

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