How to Print Jamb Acknowledgement Slip 2023/2024;

If you’re a student in Nigeria, we believe at one point or the other you’ve heard of something called an acknowledgment slip.

Then the question is, do you know what it means? Do you know how you can print your JAMB acknowledgment slip? Do you know how crucial it will be in your application for admission to a higher institution in Nigeria? Have you considered the steps it will take you to get it done?

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If your answer is no to these questions, there is nothing wrong with it, we’re here to help you with everything you need to know about it. So, take a seat, grab a watering can, and let’s explore! But First, what is a JAMB acknowledgment slip?Jamb

What Is a JAMB Acknowledgement Slip?

A Jamb acknowledgment slip is a paper form printed out from the computer that has all the necessary information you need to enroll as a UTME candidate & direct entry candidate in a Nigerian institution.

Your bio information, including your full name, state of origin, preferred universities, accurate date of birth, email address, and UTM result, is all included in the acknowledgment slip.

How To Print JAMB Acknowledge Slip Via JAMB Portal

If you’re having issues with how to print out your JAMB acknowledgment slip via the portal the following steps will serve as a guide.

  • Login to the Jamb website/portal.
  • Use your active email address and password to access your profile. Male sure is the one you used while registering for the examination
  • Locate the “DE examination slip” choice by scrolling down and selecting it.
  • Fill out the appropriate space with all the necessary information, and the slip will appear ready to be printed out on the next page
  • If you’re using your personal computer, ensure it’s connected to a printer and select “print” to continue.

However, If you are browsing the internet Using your mobile phone, download the slip by tapping the PDF file or download that is available on the website already. Then, visit any nearby cybercafé to print the slip out.

How to RePrint JAMB Acknowledgement Slip For Direct Entry

Reprinting your JAMB acknowledgment slip for direct entry can be done easily through the following process:

  • Log in to the JAMB portal using a personal computer.
  • Type in your correct password and active email address (used for the JAMB profile account registration).
  • Search carefully for phrases including “reprint document”
  • Click on it, continue with the payment process, and then print the invoice.
  • This step can only be necessary if printing your slip requires an extra payment.
  • then sign in once more to process (reprint) the desired document

How To Print JAMB Acknowledgement Slip Using Your Email Address

Making use of your email address is another essential way to print out your JAMB acknowledgment slip. You can do this at home by yourself or at any good cyber cafe close to you and below are a few simple and detailed steps you can get it done without complications:

  • Get access to your email account on your mobile or laptop
  • To find the slip, look for emails sent from
  • You will find the linked document when you open the letter that contains your slip.
  • Now, download the file in PDF format to your computer or smartphone.
  • To be able to print it out, a cyber cafe attendant can help you and it is possible to get it printed out yourself if you own a mini printer at home.
  • Make sure you make enough photocopies of it at the same time because you will need them in the long run


When Can I Possibly Print Out My JAMB Acknowledgement Slip?

Simply put, you can only print or reprint your JAMB acknowledgment slip while your registration for the examination is still active. However, once the registration period is over, you can no longer print or reprint your acknowledgment slip. The time frame for the JAMB registration process is at least 6 weeks or roughly 2 months.

Additionally, the JAMB registration deadline usually corresponds with the UTME period. You have a long enough time to print or reprint your acknowledgment slip as a result.

Is JAMB Acknowledgement Slip Important?

Yes. The JAMB acknowledgment slip is important because it provides you with all the necessary information you need to be admitted to one of the higher institutions as a direct entry student

It helps you to take full participation in the examination process knowing that your JAMB registration was successful.

Printing out your JAMB acknowledgment slip helps you to know your JAMB registrationion number, date of your examination, your center, and your seat number. Also, you get to know the exact time for your examination and

When Is The Deadline For Printing Direct Entry Slip

The jamb acknowledgment slip can no longer be printed out once the time specified for it elapsed, Even so, you should not reprint it once it’s the deadline because it can end up being useless for the intended purpose.

Make sure you immediately print the acknowledgment slip and use it to complete the registration or admission procedure. Your ability to participate in the examination processes may be in jeopardy if you fail to print it out at the proper time.

How Much Will It Cost Me To Reprint My JAMB Slip?

Reprinting of the JAMB acknowledgment slip is free for both UTME and Direct entry candidates.

However, you may be charged some amount of money in certain places ranging from 300 to 500 hundred nairas.

Can I Reprint My JAMB Slip Anywhere Available?

Yes, you can. You can reprint your JAMB acknowledgment slip anywhere so long as you have a personal computer, mobile phone, A4 paper, printer, and access to the network connection.

Also, you can print it out at any nearby cyber café; it must not necessarily be done at the CBT location where you registered for the examination.

How Can I Reprint MY JAMB Slip Without Email

Here is how to reprint your JAMB acknowledgment slip without email if you haven’t linked your email to your JAMB profile or if you’re unable to do so; it’s quite an easy process.

  • Visit the JAMB Services Portal at

to access your JAMB profile

  • Select “UTME 2023/2024 Main Examination Slip” from the menu
  • Type in your registration number into the available space with your JAMB.
  • Lastly, select “Print Examination Slip” from the menu

Your 2023 JAMB acknowledgment slip will appear ready to be printed out.

Ensure to print a copy of It out so you can have it with you during the examination because it will help you locate your examination venue and seat number.

The Bottom Line

It is necessary to print out your JAMB acknowledgment, but fortunately doing so is straightforward if you follow the above instructions. We hope the information presented above was useful and that it satisfied all of your inquiries about printing JAMB acknowledgment slips.


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