Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Syllabus for Government; https-jamb-gov-ng

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Government is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the objectives of the course in Government. These objectives are to:

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  1. appreciate the meaning of government;
  2. analyse the framework and specify the institutions of government;
  3. explain the concept of citizenship and define the duties and obligations of a citizen;
  4. appreciate the process of political development;
  5. evaluate the political development and problems of governance in Nigeria;
  6. assess the role of Nigeria as a member of the international community and the workings of international organizations.

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Below are some of the benefits you will derive from having the JAMB Government syllabus:

  • Getting the Government syllabus will enable you know the topics you need to prepare for.
  • You will get to know what you’re expected to know from each of the topic.
  • The recommended texts section also outline the list of Government books (titles, authors, and editions) you can read.

Follow the link below in-case your device can’t display the document above (Note: You will however need a device that is capable of opening PDF files to access the list).

Download JAMB Government Syllabus

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