NOUN 2020/2021 Admission Application Form Now on SALE
THIS is to inform all interested candidates that NOUN 2020/2021 Admission Application Form Now on SALE. The National Open University of Nigeria application forms for admission into Certificate, Diploma, Undergraduate, Post Graduate Diploma, Masters Degree, and Doctor of Philosophy Programmes for the 2020/2021 Academic Session is NOW ONGOING.
The sales of NOUN Admission form for the 2020/2021 admission was recently announced by the management of the Institution. And the School management has made the procedures to be very SIMPLE! Once again, NOUN 2020/2021 Admission Application Form Now on SALE
Step by Step Procedure on How to Apply for Admission
- Visit the site
- On the Home Page, go to the Menu Bar, Click on Apply for Admission
- Select either Undergraduate Programme or Postgraduate Programme. Other programme is not available at the moment
- Goto “Choose Faculty” (note it can be found at the left hand side of the screen)
- Select Faculty
- Fill displayed form
- Click below to view admission criteria
- Click “Apply” to proceed.
- Take note of the UNIQUE ID displayed
- Click ‘Continue’ button
- Select Bank Branch as payment type
- Click “Pay”
- Copy and take your RRR number to any bank branch for payment.
After payment
- Perform step 1 to 3
- Goto “Continue After Payment”
- Input Unique ID, RRR number and Programme
- Click “Proceed”
- Fill Form. Note: all fields marked with red star are compulsory.
After filling form
- Click “Submit”
- Print Admission Letter
- Visit the nearest study centre for screening
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