Preparation Tips for GMAT Quantitative (Quant) Section;
Table of Contents
The Quantitative section of the GMAT Test measures essential numerical abilities. It tests a’s comprehension competitor might interpret rudimentary ideas in math learned at school and the capacity to quantitatively reason. The segment includes taking care of quantitative issues, thinking utilizing quantitative strategies, and deciphering realistic information.
Albeit one requirements to have great numerical abilities to address the inquiries in the Quants area, in any case, the math that one necessities is shown in auxiliary school. In this article, we have given planning tips for GMAT quantitative segment, so you can get ready better for the quants area.
Test Section Duration: 75 minutes
Format: 37 questions
Tests: Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency
The Quantitative section consists of two question types.
- Problem Solving Problem solving questions are standard 5-choice multiple-choice fq.
- Data sufficiency questions consist of a question followed by two statements. Your job is to decide whether the information in the statements is sufficient to answer the question. These questions require much less calculation than standard problem-solving.
GMAT Math Section: Skills Required
Ability to reason quantitatively, solve quantitative problems, and interpret graphic data
Understanding problems involving arithmetic, elementary algebra, and common geometry concepts
Evaluation of the amount of information needed to solve quantitative problems
Analyzing a quantitative problem
Recognizing which information is relevant
To be able to determine at what point there is sufficient information to solve a problem
Tips for Problem Solving Questions
Problem-solving questions test your ability to use logical and analytical reasoning to solve quantitative problems. Candidates need to solve the problem and mark the answer from the given choices.
- Increase speed: Keep on checking the screen-timer during the test. Do not waste too much time on a problem you are not able to solve and move to the next question. Try to finish the complete section.
- Read every question carefully: Read every question carefully to understand the given data and what is being asked. read every sentence carefully and translate the data into equations to solve the problem.
- Use the erasable board: Use the erasable notebaord given at the test center. Solving the questions in writing may help you in getting the right answers and avoid mistakes.
- Take a glance at the answer choices: Before giving the answer go through the options given for the answer. Else, you may spend time on getting an answer that is not given in the choices.
- Do not focus on one question for too long: If a question is taking too much time then move to the next one. Check out the choices and eliminate the ones you think are wrong and select the best option and move to the next question.
Tips for Data Sufficiency Questions
Data Sufficiency tests your ability to analyze a quantitative problem, recognize which data is relevant, and also determine at what point is there enough data to solve the given problem.
- Check whether the problem allows a range of values or only one value: You only have to determine whether you have enough data or not.
- Avoid unwarranted assumptions based on geometric figures: It is not necessary that figures be drawn to scale.
GMAT Math Prep: Important Topics
One needs to have basic mathematical skills to solve the Quantitative Reasoning Section of the GMAT exam. Some of the areas where you need to focus and increase your Maths knowledge are
- Arithmetic – basic arithmetic including fractions, statistics, integers, and probability, and powers and roots
- Algebra – how to solve different types of equations and topics like variables and functions
- Geometry – properties of geometric objects, including triangles, circles, quadrilaterals, solids, and cylinders
- Word problems – geometric principles to solve problems, blending arithmetic, and algebraic
GMAT Quantitative Tips
- Know math formulas before you take the GMAT.
- Make sure to prepare a list of formulae during the course of your preparation. These formulae must be revised on a daily basis
- Take advantage of your scrap paper. Use it to draw pictures, work out formulas, and cross out wrong answer choices.
- Since you will not need the keyboard for the Quantitative section, move it aside to give you more desk room for writing on your rough paper.
- Advanced topics such as trigonometry and calculus are not tested on the GMAT. To score well, you only need to be familiar with school-level arithmetic, geometry, and algebra.
- Do not rely on your visual judgment to answer geometry questions. One common mistake is to assume that 2 lines must form a right angle, when this is not stated anywhere in the text.
- Spend at least 30 seconds reviewing the diagrams. Many facts can be drawn from the illustrations.
- Similarly, spend 30 seconds reviewing the graphs and tables. Graph problems are supposed to test your ability to interpret and use graphs and tables and do not require hard calculations.
- However, you can rely on visual estimates for bar graphs and line charts. The test writers will not use visual tricks on these questions.
- Learn how to work backwards. If you are completely stuck on a question, you can select an answer choice and work backwards to see if it makes sense.
- Do not rush through the easy questions and make careless mistakes.
- Eliminate answer choices that do not make sense.
GMAT Math Prep Sources
Those who have engineering background should not be too overconfident about this section. You never know what question might pop up on the test. It is much better to prepare for every section. We have mentioned a list of basic books that you must practice in order to score well on this section:
- GMAT Official Guide: The importance of this GMAT official guide is unparalleled. It contains the actual questions that have appeared on the GMAT. You must practice this book cover-to-cover.
- Manhattan GMAT Guides: Manhattan GMAT books are extremely detailed and are a must-have for any GMAT candidate.
- Manhattan GMAT Advanced Quant: Do not shy away from this book. It contains really good questions for practice. Once you are done with the base books, you must solve this one as well.
- CAT Formulae: You must make short notes of formulae from CAT books. Since CAT quantitative aptitude section is tougher that GMAT, it will be helpful for the students to solve GMAT questions with ease.