GMAT Verbal Preparation Tips: How to Improve GMAT Verbal Score;
Table of Contents
The verbal section of the GMAT exam measures the test taker’s ability to read and comprehend the written material, reason and evaluate arguments, and correct written material to express ideas effectively in standard written English. The GMAT Verbal section is difficult to crack. Very few test-takers get a perfect score of 51. In this article, we will give you tips and strategies to handle the GMAT Verbal questions accurately.
Time: 65 minutes
Format: 36 questions
Tests: Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction
GMAT Verbal Section: Skills Measured
- Understanding statements
- Understanding the logical concepts in the reading passages
- Drawing conclusion from facts and statements
- Understanding the development of quantitative concepts as they are presented in verbal material
GMAT Verbal Section: Reading Comprehension Questions
Reading Comprehension passages are up to 350 words long. Because the Reading Comprehension section includes passages from several different content areas, the student may be generally familiar with some of the material.
GMAT Verbal Section: Reading Comprehension Tips
There are 3 common types of topics for comprehension passages. The way you go about answering the question will be slightly different for each.
- Entries managing technical studies, for example, science and science are verifiable and direct.
- Entries managing the sociologies, for example, history and geology will introduce numerous indisputable inquiries, so you need to gradually understand them.
- Sections managing business-related regions are intense, as they have troublesome designs, and may try and request that you decide the creator’s state of mind and feelings
- While responding to a verifiable inquiry, remember that they are the most clear sort of inquiry.
- At the point when you are approached to depict the tone of the entry, the tone is bound to be positive or unbiased than negative. In a science section, being neutral is reasonable.
- As you read, center around the primary subject, the writer’s tone, and section points as opposed to the particular subtleties of the entry.
- Peruse the main inquiry before you read the section. You will have a superior thought of what to zero in on.
- While responding to a reality question, painstakingly read both the entry giving the information – and a few lines before it.
- You should rehearse the craft of summing up the passages and distinguishing the primary thought
GMAT Verbal Section: Critical Reasoning Questions
Critical Reasoning questions are designed to test the reasoning skills involved in making arguments, evaluating arguments, and formulating or evaluating a plan of action.
GMAT Verbal Section: Critical Reasoning Tips
- You must learn to identify the structure of the argument
- Read the question first so you know what kind of question you have to answer before you read the argument.
- For ‘strengthen’ or ‘weaken-the-argument’ questions, determine what type of reasoning the author uses and choose an answer that either helps or hurts that way of reasoning.
- For questions that ask you to draw conclusions, choose an answer that contains the basic idea of the author.
- The answer must be a logical extension of the argument in the passage. Never choose an answer simply because you feel it is true.
- Try to guess the correct answer before you read the answer choices. This will help you focus on the best answer.
- Read all the answer choices. Eliminate the ones you know are wrong, and analyze the remaining ones with a focus on identifying the one that presents the most correct answer.
GMAT Verbal Section: Sentence Correction Questions
Sentence Correction questions ask you which of the five choices best expresses an idea or relationship. The questions will require you to be familiar with the stylistic and grammatical rules of standard English.
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GMAT Verbal Section: Sentence Correction Tips
- The correct answer will have these 4 characteristics:
- No grammar errors
- Correct sentence structure
- No diction errors
- No changes to the sentence’s intended meaning
- Look out for multiple errors. A common mistake is to find one error in the sentence, without noticing that there are other errors in the sentence.
- Compare the answer choices. Seeing how the choices differ from one another is a good way to find out what errors might be in the underlined text.
- Say the choices in your head and see whether they sound right.
GMAT Verbal Preparation
GMAT verbal section is challenging, and students need to prepare thoroughly for this section. We have provided a list of resources that you can follow for GMAT verbal section preparation.
- Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides: Make sure that you read these books from cover to cover. Do not miss even a single question from these books. Try to make short notes when you read the theory. These books will provide you with a strong base.
- GMAT Official Guide (GMAT OG): After you have completed the Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides, you must solve GMAT OG. There is no escaping from this book. You must try to solve the GMAT OG at least twice before the main exam.
- Online Resources: Make sure to utilize the following online resources:
- GMAT Club Forum and GMAT Club YouTube Channel
- Beat The GMAT
- Thursday’s with Ron
- Magoosh YouTube Channel