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UK – International Scholarships

Table of Contents

1. Fully-funded International PhD Scholarships in Wild Mammalian Carnivores

  1. Phd
  2. Tuition fees + £15,609 p.a.
  3. 31 January
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Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD scholarship that will focus on understanding what factors predict wild mammalian carnivores’ ability to adapt to environmental changes, particularly within the context of rewilding. This PhD study is part of the University of Hull’s REWILD Research cluster (see “About the research cluster” below for more details of the cluster). The notion of rewilding is a controversial topic because many programmes focus on carnivores. Negative opinions can severely limit such programmes’ success, thereby wasting time, money, and effort. The PhD will therefore explore, among other things, the links between the psychology and behavioural ecology of wild mammalian carnivores’ adaptability to new environments, and how human perception of those species can facilitate rewilding success.

We are looking for an enthusiastic student with the following general qualities: 1) a keen interest and passion for wildlife, 2) experience conducting research involving trail cameras, 3) in good physical and mental condition suitable for working outdoors, 4) medical and car insurance, 5) a valid driving license, 6) a vehicle suitable for driving on country roads, 7) roadside car assistance (e.g., AA), 8) an interest and ability to work effectively in both the field and lab, and 9) a proficiency in, or willingness to become proficient in data analysis using R. Knowledge or a willingness to learn structural equation modelling is also highly desirable. Lastly, working in the field has many potential dangers (e.g., accidental injury) and must be done even when the weather is not ideal (e.g., cold and rainy days). Thus, the successful student must be willing to work safely and responsibly under such conditions, and potentially for exceptionally long hours (e.g., dawn to dusk).
The successful student will, among other things, set up trail cameras and puzzle feeders throughout our field sites to monitor animals’ visitations and behaviour at those locations. You will also use a combination of surveys and experimental methods to study the underlying drivers of human perception of wild carnivorans, particularly within the context of rewilding programmes. It is intended that there will be no direct human-animal contact and that animals will visit locations when people are not present. The successful candidate will be part of a collaborative, multidisciplinary and nurturing environment to help realise your potential, and will be provided with excellent opportunities for external networking. We will hold regular monthly meetings with the entire cluster, with opportunities to present and discuss research, invite internal and external speakers and collaborators and foster networking.
For informal enquiries, please contactDr Blake Morton.


Applicants should have a 2:1 or equivalent in a relevant discipline (e.g. psychology or animal behaviour). A masters in a related subject or relevant experience would also be an advantage.
For more details on our entry requirements please visit thepostgraduate admissions webpage.
This scholarship is available for full-time and part-time study.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


The successful applicant will receive a fee waiver and a maintenance grant/stipend forthree years (full time)orfive years (part-time), which covers the research period of the PhD. The fee waiver for 21/22 is £4,500 (Home fee) and the maintenance grant is £15,609. This rises each year in line with the UKRI’s recommended stipend allowance.


You will need to supply a personal statement when applying for this scholarship position.Find out more about writing a personal statement. Please also ensure you include the following information:

  1. What motivates you to pursue PhD study
  2. Why you are interested in this project
  3. How your skill set matches the requirements for your choice of project and/or any additional training you will need
  4. The wider significance of research in this area and potential future research directions for the project.

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Apply for this scholarship:
Full time|Part-time

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2. International PhD Studentships in Sustainable Biomanufacturing of Biogenic Magnetic Nanomaterials

  1. Phd
  2. £4,500 fee bursary + £15,609 p.a.
  3. 31 January
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The successful applicant should have been awarded, or expect to achieve, a Masters degree in a relevant subject with a 60% or higher weighted average, and/or a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree (or an equivalent qualification from an overseas institution) in Biochemistry or Bioprocess Engineering or Microbiology. Preferred skill requirements include knowledge/experience of Biochemistry or Bioprocess Engineering or Microbiology. Experience in biocatalysis and bioreactors would be valuable.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


This studentship includes a fee bursary to cover the Home fees rate and a maintenance allowance (subject to eligibility). The figures are yet to be confirmed. For reference, in this academic year, the maintenance allowance was £15,609 and the Home fees were £4,500.
Overseas Applicants
Overseas applicants may apply for this studentship but will need to pay the difference between the ‘Home’ and the ‘Overseas’ tuition fees. The difference between ‘Home’ and ‘Overseas’ tuition fees for 2022/23 is yet to be confirmed. For reference, in the 2021/22 academic year, the difference was £13,100.
As part of the application, you will be required to confirm that you have applied for or secured this additional funding.


For formal enquiries about the projects contact Alfred Fernandez-Castane:a.fernandez-castane1@aston.ac.uk
Submitting an application
As part of the application, you will need to supply:

  • A copy of your current CV
  • Copies of your academic qualifications for your Bachelor degree, and Masters degree; this should include both certificates and transcripts, and must be translated in to English.
  • A research proposal statement\*
  • Two academic references
  • Proof of your English Language proficiency
  • A Personal Statement: Please include the supervisor name, project title, and project reference in your Personal Statement

Details of how to submit your application, and the necessary supporting documents can be foundhere.

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3. Postgraduate International Studentships in Marketing

  1. Master
  2. £5,900
  3. 5 June
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Academic merit. The successful candidate will have an outstanding academic record and show strong potential for high achievement at postgraduate level.Financial need: Priority will be given to applicants who can demonstrate that they would not otherwise be able to afford the course.

  • Applicants are required to have graduated with a 1st class or 2:1 undergraduate degree.
  • This studentship is not open to applicants to other programmes.
  • You are expected to meet the general entry requirements for MSc study within the Department of Management.
  • The studentship is being offered for entry only and cannot be deferred.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


  • The value of the scholarships is £5900 per award for a full-time Home/EU/international student.
  • The scholarship will be paid as £5900 for a full-time Home/EU/international student or as £2,950 per year for a part-time Home/EU/international student, depending on chosen mode of study.
  • The scholarship will be paid as a fee award.


  • Candidates will only be considered once they have been offered a place on MSc Marketing, MSc Marketing Communications or MSc International Marketing.
  • To apply for the studentship, please download and complete theapplication formandemail to Jide Gbadamosi.

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4. PhD International Studentships in Next-Generation Technologies

  1. Phd
  2. Tuition fees + £15,500 p.a.
  3. 31 January
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Project outline
Current strategies for evaluating personal protective equipment (PPE) adhere to well established, standardised test regimes. For example, swatches of PPE material can be evaluated in isolation by measuring the breakthrough times of toxic chemicals. More realistic testing requires the evaluation of whole suits when worn by volunteers (wearing passive chemical dosimeters) whilst undertaking physical tasks in a contaminated environment. Such exposures are necessarily limited to relatively non-toxic chemical contaminants. Moreover, the use of passive dosimeters precludes a temporal resolution of suit performance.
The aim of this project is to further develop an animated mannequin equipped with real-time chemical sensors to enable the assessment of protective ensembles against a wide range of toxic chemicals. This is a substantial, multidisciplinary project that will provide a unique and broad training opportunity for the successful candidate. The project aims to contribute towards the understanding of PPE testing and provide scientific evidence to support the development of new and effective PPE.


Applicants must hold, or be about to attain, a first class or upper second-class (2:1) Honours degree or equivalent from a recognised institution or a masters degree in a relevant subject. Self-motivated candidates with excellent problem-solving skills are encouraged to apply.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


The PhD studentship is open to UK and international students. The successful students will receive a stipend and have their tuition fees paid. Please note successful international applicants will have to pay their own visa and travel costs.


Applicants are required to provide the following documents:

  • a completed application form
  • a cover letter explaining their interest in the project (personal statement in the application form)
  • your qualification certificates and transcripts
  • a copy of your passport photo page
  • two academic references.

Please send completed applications to the Doctoral College at doctoralcollegeadmissions@herts.ac.ukusing the following format in the email subject line: PhD Studentship: Next generation technologies for real-time evaluation of protective suits against toxic materials

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5. Felix Scholarships for Indian Students at University of Reading

  1. Master, Phd
  2. Tuition fees + £15,038
  3. 30 January
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To be eligible for all the Felix Scholarships offered, you must be applying to start a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Reading. You must be able to demonstrate academic excellence and financial need and are expected by the Trust to return to work in your home country after completing your studies.

  • You must be an Indian national and not currently be living or studying outside of India.
  • You must have not previously studied for one year or more outside India.
  • You must have at least a first-class bachelor’s degree from an Indian university or comparable institution. Those with an upper second-class degree at a bachelor’s level may be considered if they hold a first-class degree at master’s level.
  • You must not hold a degree from a university outside of India.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


The scholarships cover tuition fees at the international rate and provide a stipend (maintenance grant) to cover living expenses (around £15,038). They also provide generous allowances for clothes, books and a return flight home.


Only those candidates who have been accepted for admission will be considered for short listing. You can apply online for amaster’s or PhD on our website. Short listing by all three universities will take place in March and April.
When you have an offer of admission, then you will be able to complete the scholarship application form which is available onme@reading portal.

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6. Queen Mary Principal’s PhD Studentships in Environment

  1. Phd
  2. Tuition fees + £17,609 p.a.
  3. 30 January
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Please see the link for available projects.


Please see the individual projects within the link for eligibility details.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


The studentships will cover tuition fees, and provide an annual tax-free maintenance allowance for 3 years at the Research Council rate (£17,609).

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7. Edinburgh Law and Ewen Cameron International Scholarships in UK

  • Phd
  • Tuition fees + £15,700 p.a.
  • 2 February
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Candidates for these scholarships must be seeking to start their first year of full-time or part-time PhD study in the Edinburgh Law School within the academic year 2022/23 (September 2022 or January 2023 entry). UK and international students are eligible to apply. Please note that international students are not eligible for part-time study.
To be considered for these scholarships, you must meet our standard minimum entry requirements. The successful candidates normally exceed these requirements, having obtained the highest classification in at least one of their degrees, and provide a strong research proposal which has a close fit with research within the School.
When making our decisions we will:

  • Consider the applicant’s academic achievements, research proposal, research potential, and the degree of support provided by references.
  • Not take into account factors such as financial status and nationality.

Successful applicants will be expected to firmly accept the offer when the results of the application process are announced. Candidates who already have an offer of financial sponsorship from elsewhere will not be eligible.
Applications are welcome across the full range of legal and law-related subjects.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


Tuition fees and an annual stipend in line with UKRI rates (approximately £15,700 per annum). The stipend will be paid in equal monthly instalments for a maximum of three years, subject to satisfactory progress. Awards will be paid pro-rata for part-time candidates.


Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application (after applying for admission to the PhD Law programme). The online scholarship form is located in EUCLID.
Access the application form
Please note that you will not be able to access the online scholarship form unless you have applied for admission to the PhD Law programme.
How to apply for a PhD

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8. International Student Support Contest 2022-2023

  1. Master, Bachelor, Course
  2. Multiple awards
  3. 31 January 2023

KAS Applications are now open for a scholarships contest programme for the year! Our goal is to provide financial assistance and mentorship to students without the necessary means who demonstrate alignment with our values and want to further their education academic year.
Do you have a special academic interest, or are you passionate about something on a practical or theoretical level? Would you like financial support for your research project, dissertation, project, or anything else? Then you should participate in our competition! Create a strong paper and receive a fine reward!


The applicants must be:
  • College students on Diploma, Bachelor’s or Master’s programs
  • High School senior attending an undergraduate institution in Fall of the year
  • Residency: global, international
  • The winners will be required to send us proof of their academic status or enrollment.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


Multiple prizes:
  1. 1st place – $2000
  2. 2nd place – $1000
  3. 3rd place – $500


Required documents:
  • High School Transcripts (unofficial is sufficient)
  • Acceptance Letter (POE) for the undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters only) institution that the student will be attending in the 2021-2022
  • More awards can be foundhereand applied for separately.
  • Self-report GRE or GMAT scores (optional) in the Standardized Tests tile in the Academic History section.

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9. EPSRC PhD International Studentships in Mathematical Sciences

  1. Phd
  2. £15,609 p.a.
  3. 11 February
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Applicants need to hold a first degree in mathematics, physics, statistics or a related relevant area and have obtained at least a 2.1 degree.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


Stipend/maintenance grant at the UKRI level (£15,609 per annum). Studentships will be available to commence in September.
In accordance with UKRI guidelines, these studentships are available on a part-time basis in addition to full- time registration. The minimum registration is 50% FT and the studentship end date will be extended to reflect the part-time registration.


Applications should be submitted via ouronline application system . Applicants do not need to provide a research proposal, but should indicate on their application form which project(s) they are interested in undertaking should their application be successful.

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You may also like: Top Scholarships to Study in United Kingdom

10. CU Group Undergraduate International Scholarships in UK

  1. Bachelor
  2. £5,000
  3. 30 June
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This award is worth £5,000 to each successful applicant who enrols in one of the intakes between January – July at our CU group campuses in Coventry, London and Scarborough. This award is only available once you have successfully completed the enrolment process.


You must:
  • Be self-funded and paying international tuition fees.
  • Hold a conditional offer for a CU campus undergraduate course at CU Coventry, CU London or CU Scarborough.
  • This scholarship is applicable for the undergraduate year one (stage one) entry only
  • You can be a full time or part time student but must be an on campus learner. Please note that this scholarships is not applicable for students studying a Coventry University 100% Online Degree (CUOL).

You should be prepared to represent the CU group as a student advocate alongside your studies. You may be asked to help us by providing promotional information, which may include contributing to a blog, videos and interviews.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.




We will automatically consider you for this award if you hold a conditional offer for an undergraduate course. You must successfully enrol for one of the intakes from January to July to receive the award. You do not need to fill out a separate application form for this award.

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11. PhD International Studentships in Radiation-Inactivated Virus

  1. Phd
  2. Tuition fees + £15,609 p.a.
  3. 31 March
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The project is a collaboration between the University of Surrey (Radiation and Medical Physics GroupandSection of Immunology, School of Biosciences and Medicine) and theNational Physical Laboratory.


Candidates must hold a First or 2:1 UK honours degree in a relevant subject area, or a 2:2 alongside a good masters degree (a distinction is usually required).
IELTS requirements: An IELTS Academic of 6.5 or above with 6 in each individual category (or equivalent qualification from other agencies). For more details on English Language requirements seeEnglish Language requirements.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


UK and EU fees covered. Annual stipend of £15,609 per annum.


Applications can be made through ourPhysics PhD course page. Please state the project title and supervisor clearly on all applications.

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12. Mischon de Reya Scholarships for International Students at Queen Mary University of London

  1. Master
  2. Full tuition fees
  3. 3 May
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  • You must have a conditional or unconditional offer for the London LLM programme
  • You must be a full-time student;
  • You must have the strongest academic record;
  • You can have either a UK or International fee status;
  • You must have made and application for the London LLM programme by 06 April;
  • You must not be in receipt of funding from another source.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


Full international student tuition fees.


In order to apply for this scholarship please complete and sign the online application form (the link is on the bottom of this page) and a 1000-word (maximum) statement in response to the following;
‘Please explain why you want to study the LLM in London at Queen Mary University of London, specifying the modules you have a particular interest in. What you will bring to the programme and why you feel you should be awarded a scholarship; focusing on your academic and professional achievements (if relevant) and financial need.
We will also take into consideration the following documents submitted with your programme application. Please ensure these are all uploaded to the Queen Mary application portal.
  • Transcripts of your law degree and any other legal qualifications.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • 1 x reference letter.

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13. Copty Scholarships for Palestine Students at Queens University Belfast

  1. Master
  2. Tuition fees + accomodation
  3. 14 April
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Please see the link for full eligibility details.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


Tuition fees for an eligible PGT Programme and accommodation.


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14. INTO Progressors International Scholarships at Queen’s University Belfast

  1. Phd, Master, Bachelor
  2. 10% of tuition fees
  3. 16 September

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New international students progressing from INTO Queen’s with unconditional offers for the academic year 2022/23 may receive an INTO Progressors Scholarship which offers a 10% reduction on net tuition fees when paying their tuition fees in full\* by the deadline.


Please see the link for full eligibility details.


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.Start practicing IELTS today!


10% of net tuition fees.


Students wishing to avail of the INTO Progressors Scholarship must email proof of payment to International Scholarships. Students who do not confirm their payment to International Scholarships may find their discount is not applied.

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15. Intake Education Taiwan Scholarships in UK

  • Master
  • £2,000
  • 31 July

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The University of Sheffield and Intake Education Taiwan are delighted to offer a joint scholarship exclusively for students from Taiwan for entry. This scholarship is worth £2,000 towards the cost of tuition fees, for one year of study.


  • You must have applied to the University of Sheffield through Intake Education Taiwan
  • You must have an offer of a place to study on a one year taught Masters degree programme at the University of Sheffield, starting in September
  • You must be a Taiwanese national or permanently domiciled in Taiwan
  • You must be classified as overseas for fee purposes


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.Start practicing IELTS today!



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