University of Jos

College of Health Sciences


Welcome to College of Health Sciences

The New Medical School at the University of Jos formulated its aims and objectives in 1997, that to date remain the goal for developing an institution which would best meet the needs and aspirations of the nations. It was recognized that there was a need to define objectives for the new school; objectives which would relate to the nations goals in terms of health care, taking into account the abilities of the nations youth, while creating an institution with undoubted distinction and uniqueness relevant to it’s geographical location. The group also believes that the school should have clearly defined goals towards which and that mechanism should be evolved which would enable periodic self-assessment to take place and allow for modifications of objectives or modes of implementation to be effected. Four years later, some progress has been made towards these goals and the first review of the objectives and their implementation has been made.


1.The primary aim of the college of Medical sciences of the university of Jos is to participate in meeting the national objectives on Medical Education and health care delivery.

2.The college in this regard will aim to evolve an educational system based on the production of health care team. This concept emphasizes the key role of the doctor, working in close collaboration with other health personnel in health care delivery.

3.The product of the college will be an individual with the appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding to meet to meet the present and future health needs of the community and who will continue to further his own personal education.
4.The college will aim to develop a center of scholarship and research.

1.In pursuance of these goals the college will be organized into faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy as well as other faculties that may be required to produce leadership cadres in the various health disciplines.

2.Trainig in these various faculties, will be organized in such a way as to inculcate the idea of a team. The college of Medicine will achieve this, by exposing it’s members wherever practicable at various stages of their training, to the same learning experiences. When various team members receive specialized instruction relevant to their own disciplines, the interaction with and the roles of other team members will be emphasized.

3.The college of Medicine will actively participate in the promotion of health care in areas within easy reach of the university; through the establishments of teaching units in local hospitals and through the organization of community Health programmes.

4.The college recognizes that traditional medical training exposes students largely to selected clinical situations and to achieve our stated goals members of the health team will be exposed at some stage in their training, to health problems typically manifested in the general population, through participation in health care at rural and district hospital levels.


Ask a Librarian

The “Ask a Librarian” page provides directions, answers and descriptions to the facil

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FAQ section provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions that University of Jos library users will always want to ask:

Q1. Where can I find University of Jos Libraries?

A. The Bauchi Road Campus Library is located along Bauchi Road opposite the Federal College of Forestry Jos. It hosts the Library Administration, Documents, Cataloguing and Classification as well as the book finishing units. Collections here service Faculties of Agriculture, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Natural Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science and Veterinary Medicine. There is Serials Section, Systems Unit, Reserved Books, and Circulation Sections. Naraguta Campus (sometimes called Permanent Site) Library houses the Education, Management Sciences, Social Sciences and Arts collections and is located on the Naraguta Campus along Zaria Road . Law Library is located on the Bauchi Road Campus and houses the law collections. It is adjacent to the Online Legal Research Library on the first floor of the Law Faculty. Medical Library provides services for the students and faculty members of Faculty of Medical Sciences. Located on the Township Campus along Murtala Mohammed Way , it has its own eGranary Digital Library version 2.0 to supplement the CD-ROM and hard copies of medical collection.

Q2. How is the University of Jos Library organised?

A. The University of Jos Library is organized on Subject Division basis, with three broad units; namely the Administration, Subject Libraries, and Support Services. Support Services include the Bindery and Technical Services (includes Orders, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials and Reprography). This Unit is generally responsible for the acquisition and processing of all library materials. The Library Administration which includes the Systems Unit ensures the effective running of the University library. The Systems unit is responsible for the computerization and digitization of the library. Subject Libraries are service points, eight in number – corresponding with the number of faculties in the university, the subject libraries seek to concentrate at one point and for the convenience of the reader, the range of library materials of interest to clients irrespective of their format. Each subject library is headed by a librarian; whose primary duties include: the development of the collection (in conjunction with lecturers and students) and provision of reference and information services to the clientele. You should get to know your librarian whose name and picture are posted on the library display board. Each subject library has a collection of encyclopedia, dictionaries, handbooks, other reference materials, serials and related materials.

Q3. Who can become a University of Jos Library user?

A. All staff, and students duly registered for the undergraduate and post-graduate programmes of the University of Jos are eligible to register as bona fide library users. Approach the Circulation Desk with your Identity Card, or Receipt of School fees payment and the Circulation staff shall verify and register you on-line, after which the following number of cards are issued:- for academic staff: ten borrower’s cards and a reserved book card; senior non-academic staff: six borrower’s card and one book reservation; junior non-academic: two borrowers’ card and one book reservation; postgraduate students: six borrower’s cards and a reserved book card; undergraduate: four borrower’s cards and one book reservation card

Q4. Where can I locate reference materials?

A. General Reference materials are to be found in the General Reference Section of the Library. However Subject reference materials are located in the respective Subject Libraries. The Subject Librarians, apart from other responsibilities, are also Reference Librarians in their respective subject areas

Q5. I am starting my project/theses and I am looking for some suitable topics. Where can I find them in the Library?

A.The University of Jos Theses and Dissertation collection is housed in the Documents Section located at the Bauchi Road Campus Library. A catalogue and a list of this collection are found in the section. Undergraduate projects are no longer kept in the section for lack of space; however, undergraduate students are permitted to consult other materials, such as government, and other special collections for their projects, term papers, and assignments.

Q6. There’s an NNPC Scholarship advert on the Guardian Newspapers. Where can I find this and other very current information?

A.Go to the Serials section. Newspapers are available in this section of the library. Scholarly Journals, periodicals, and other primary literature. These are sources of primary researches conducted in diverse disciplines

Q7. I am writing a Term Paper/Assignment and I want to browse for them in the Library, how do I go about that?

A. There are three Computer Laboratories managed by the University Library: one in Naraguta Campus Library, one in the Bauchi Road Campus Library, and a third in the Medical Library. The computer laboratory of the Library is more or less a research lab with internet connectivity through which access to the databases subscribed to by the University Library and other electronic resources is possible. On the Library’s Web page (, there are a number of buttons. The “Resources” button is a collection of selected free Internet resources on different disciplines. Click your cursor on “Resources” and select an appropriate subject from the drop down menu

Q8. What Online electronic resources does University of Jos Library subscribe or has access to?

A.The University of Jos Library has in recent years through licensing, and solicitation acquired institutional access to appropriate databases to supplement the hard copy collections towards meeting the research, teaching and learning needs of the entire research and University of Jos communities. Some of these are: ACM Digital Library, African Digital Library, BioOne Online Journal, eGranary, EBSCOHost, Elsevier ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, AGORA, HINARI, IMF eLIBRARY, Oxford Journals, JSTOR, DATAD, OARE, Nigerian Virtual Library.

Q9. How do I access these Online electronic resources?

A.Brief instruction on how to navigate through the library website,access the Online electronic resources, and usage of these databases is available.

Q10. I am doing some research on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and Code of Conduct Bureau, where can I find relevant materials on these and other Government and Non-government Publications?

A. Documents Section. Collections in the section include: University Archives Bauchi-Benue-Plateau Special Collection, Government parastatals, Nigerian Civil War, Northern Central Nigerian Tribes, Intergovernmental Organizations, etc

Q11. What is eGranary?

A. eGranary is an informative archive and an Intranet that provides informative and resourceful materials in various academic disciplines. It allows users to search and even upload their materials.

Q12. What is an Institutional Repository (I.R)?

A. An Institutional Repository is an online store for collecting, preserving, and disseminating – in digital form – the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution. University of Jos Institutional Repository is an attempt to provide global visibility to the University’s intellectual output and other materials.

Q13. Who are the users of the UniJos I.R?

A. Staff, Students and researchers world-wide.are users, but outsiders (from other institutions) can view our I.R. Users need to register with the I.R (using the Unijos e-mail address) before they will be eligible to Upload their works.

Q14. How do I locate the UniJos I.R?

A. Type in at the address bar of your web browser.

Q15. How do I Register with Unijos Institutional Repository (I.R.)?

A.From the Unijos Institutional Repository address (, at the Click to Navigation Bar on the left corner of the page, Click on Edit ProfileClick to Navigation Bar on the left corner of the page, Click on -this takes you to another page. Click on New user? Click here to register link & this also takes you to another page, type in your Unijos email address in the field provided on the page and click on Register. A token will then be sent to your Unijos mailbox. Click on the token link and then fill the Registration Form and Submit.

Q16. What is OPAC?

A. A. Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) , is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. Users search a library catalog principally to locate books and other material physically located at a library. The University of Jos OPAC is located at:

Q17. I am an undergraduate; can I use all sections of the Library?

A.Undergraduate students can use all sections of the Library. However the use of some sections is limited. For instance, undergraduates of the university can use the Documents and Serials Sections only for consultations, not as reading rooms.

Q18. Who do I Ask on Library Administrative Issues?

A. Dr Stephen A. Akintunde – University Librarian akins[at][at][at]

Education Resources
Dr. G.G. Gupiyem – Education Librarian/Coordinator, BLIS. gupos[at]

Subject Libraries
Mrs Taiwo D. Oluwatomisin – Head, Naraguta Campus/Subject Libraries/ Management Sciences Librarian taiwoo[at]

Medical Sciences Resources
Dr Daniel Abubakar – Medical Sciences Librarian. abubakara[at]

Environmental Sciences Resources
Dr. V.C Nwokedi – Environmental Sciences Librarian. victorchuksnwokedi[at]

Cataloguing and Classification Issues
Augustine U. Sani (Mr) – Head, Cataloguing Unit sania[at]

Social Sciences Resources
Kachollom M. Chollom (Mrs) – Social Sciences Librarian ajaor[at]

Specials Collection, Documents and University Archives
Garos Choji (Mrs) – Documents & Special Collections Librarian

Arts Resources
J. E. Adah – Arts Librarian adahj[at]

Veterinary Medicine Resources
Grace Nwokedi (Mrs.) – Veterinary Medicine Librarian grace.nwokediv[at]

Serials Desk
Sunday Malan Adamu – Serials Librarian adamus[at]

Natural Sciences Resources
Olufunmilayo Iyabo Fati (Miss) –  Natural Sciences Librarian


Circulation Desk
Martins Ikekhai – Circulation Librarian ikekhaim[at]

Law Library Resources
Subrina Ogwa Opara (Mrs) – Coordinator, Law Library oparas[at]

Pharmaceutical Science Resources
O.T Akanni (Mrs), – Pharmaceutical Science Librarian taiwoak[at] oluseunakanni[at]

Agricultural Sciences Resources
Judith Ogbole(Miss) – Agricultural Sciences Librarian

Engineering Resources
M. B. Dakur (Mr) – Engineering Librarian

Center for Continuing Education Resources
Sunday John (Mr) – Coordinator, CCE Library

University of Jos Electronic Resources , Library Computer Laboratory, Web Searches and related issues
John Agwom Itse (Mr) – H

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