The History of Institute of Education (IoE) University of Ibadan


On behalf of the entire staff and students of the Institute of Education (IoE), I welcome you to this Website which is dedicated to the IoE, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

History of IoE, UI

The Department of Extra-Mural Studies was founded in 1949 and the Institute of Education was founded in 1956/57 academic session to train teachers. The pioneering Director and Head of Education was Professor Margaret Read from the Institute of Education, University of London.  Prof. Margaret Read was a member of the Elliot Commission that recommended the establishment of the University College, Ibadan. Initially, the classrooms for the students was at the old site of the University College at Eleyele although the students were housed on the new site. Margaret Read spent the first session (1956/57) planning the structure of the Institute and recruiting staff.  Since U.C.I. started off as a University College of London University, she naturally planned it on the lines of the London University Institute of Education.  The first set of 27 students was admitted in September 1957 for the 1957/58 session. They were for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education and the Associateship Certificate in Education. Professor Read did not complete the session.

Dr. Constance Geary, also from the London University Institute of Education, was appointed as the Director to get the programme started.  There were just five members of staff; Constance Geary, Donald Miller, Alan Brimer, Robert Stone and Noah Setidisho. In 1960 the Institute, with 45 students and a staff establishment of one Professor, two Senior Lecturers, five Lecturers and one Research Fellow moved into Faculty of Arts Building on the new site of U.C.I.

The Department of Extra-Mural Studies and the Institute of Education were merged together in 1962 and called the “Faculty of Education and Extra-Mural Studies”. The “Faculty of Education and Extra-Mural Studies” was based in the present Faculty of Arts before it moved to its present site. All Institute academic businesses were processed to Senate through the Faculty of Arts.

During the first free primary education scheme in the South-Western Region of Nigeria, the Institute of Education helped in training teachers for the numerous primary schools that suddenly sprang up and grew tremendously in population. Its first products were graduates trained for a year for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education and non-graduate trained teachers who were further trained for the Associateship Certificate in Education (ACE).  In 1962, the Institute of Education started the Bachelor of Education Programme and was renamed the Institute and Department of Education which was created in 1962 to solve the outcry of lack of qualified teachers to teach in the Nigerian secondary schools. At that time, the Director of Institute was also the Head of Department of Education.

From 1974/75 academic session, new Departments were created from this initial set-up. These were the Departments of Physical and Health Education in 1975/76 session (now Department Human Kinetics and Depart of Health Education), Educational Management, Guidance and Counseling and Special Education all in 1976/77 session. The Institute of Education reseeded its mandate of production of teachers at degree level to the new redesigned Teacher Education, from then, the Institute of Education focused on Certificates, Diplomas and Degree Programmes in the affiliated Colleges of Education. So, any education activities of the University outside the campus were assigned to the IoE while the Department of Teacher Education was saddled with the responsibility of producing trained teachers within the campus.

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There were three main functions:

1.      Training of teachers is full-time courses at the University;

2.      Research into educational problems;

3.      Public service through conference, refresher courses and advisory services to teacher Training Colleges, Ministries of Education and Voluntary Agencies engaged in educational work.

Initially there were two full-time courses:

(i)        The Postgraduate Certificate in Education – graduate in Arts and Science who went mainly into Secondary School teaching.

(ii)        The Associateship Diploma in Education for experienced non-graduate teachers who went back to important positions such as Primary School Headmasters/Headmistress, tutors in Teacher Training Colleges, and Primary School supervisors.  In 1960 a third course was introduced, namely.

(iii)      The Diploma in Child Study – designed for research workers and tutors in child psychology.  This course was suspended in 1963.


The Government white paper on the Ashby Commission Report (Seasonal paper No.3 of 1961) accepted the following recommendation in paragraph 36:

The Federal Government will welcome the association of the training colleges with the department or Institute of Education attached to the Universities.  So that research may be reflected in practice.  The assistance of Institute of Education should also be involved in the conduct of final examination at the training colleges.

The University College, Ibadan was quick to act on this recommendation. The Ashby Commission Report had envisaged two-year training colleges for the production of Grade 1 teachers, but these quickly evolved into Advanced Teacher Training Colleges with three-year programmes for the Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE).

The University of Ibadan response to the challenge was to differentiate the functions of the Institute into two:  internal and external as Margaret Read had forecast.  A Department of Education was established to look after the teaching of internal full-time programmes while the Institute was to take charge of the external relationships and advisory services.  It was reasoned that the cost of maintaining the Institute should be borne by the Federal Government outside the normal university budget.  The then Principal of the University College, Professor Kenneth Dike, accordingly applied to the Federal Ministry of Education for financial support for the new concept of the Institute.  Professor Dike’s letter F. 6102.183 of 2nd March, 1961 summarised the position thus:

Whereas the Department is concerned almost entirely with teaching and research within the college, the institute, as you will see from the attached paper from Professor Taylor, is concerned with our relationship with Teacher Training Colleges and advisory activities and In-service Training Courses and, as is fully indicated in this paper, the finance of the Institute of Education should be borne by the Federal Government.

Professor A. Taylor was at this time the Director of the Institute of Education, but he also headed the Department of Education.

Government’s reaction was positive.  However, Government decided not to create a separate vote for the Institute but to increase the University College subvention to cover the expenses of the Institute.  Accordingly, by a letter ED/H.8?S/116 of 16th October 1962, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education informed the University that an extra subvention of E15,000 for the Institute of Education was included in the half yearly subvention for the University College.  This then was the beginning of separate budgeting for the Institute of Education and Department of Education.

Meanwhile, it was realized that with the new role and concept of the Institute, it was the important to bring in the Government and other external agencies into the governance of the Institute.  Accordingly, a draft constitution was prepared and submitted to the Joint Consultative Committee on Education (JCCE) Reference Committee on Education which approved the constitution on 25th April 1961.  The main J.C.C.E. subsequently approved the constitution in December 1961.

The Constitution was also submitted to Faculty Board of Arts in April 1961.  On the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Arts, Senate approved the Constitution of the Institute of Education in the same year.

By this Constitution, the Governance of the Institute of Education was vested in a “Board of Delegates” which is responsible to Senate and through Senate to Council, and a “Professional Committee” which is responsible to the Board of Delegates.  The Board of Delegated held its first meeting in January 1963.  It has met regularly since then to direct the affairs of the Institute till Institute became part of the Faculty sometimes in the late 70s.


Emergence of the Faculty of Education

When the University College became a full-fledged University in the 1962/63 session, a Faculty of Education and Extra-Mural Studies was established, comprising the former Department of Extra-Mural Studies and the Department and Institute of Education.  In terms of governance, however, the main link of the Institute to the Faculty was the fact that the posts of Director of the Institute of Education and Head of Department of Education were held by the same person.  The governance of the Institute continued through the Board of Delegates as had been approved in 1961.  The section of the original Institute that became completely absorbed by the Faculty Board of Education governance was the Department of Education.

Thus all the internal courses were run in the Department of Education and the Department of Adult Education which succeeded the Department of Extra-Mural Studies.  Institute involvement with examinations and teacher training courses was concentrated on the external programmes in the constituent advanced Teacher Training Colleges, namely the N.C.E and later the Associateship Certificate in Education (ACE) and the Nigerian Defence Academy certificate of Education (NDACE).

While Professor Taylor was Head of the Department of Education and Director of the Institute of Education he attempted to recruit somebody else to become the Director of the Institute of Education.  He brought in Canon Donald Mason; Retired Principal of Christ’s School, Ade-Ekiti.  Mason spent about a year in the Institute.  I am not aware of his reasons for not taking up the job.  But he resigned and went away without the appointment taking place.

At the end of his term of office Professor Andy Taylor was succeeded by Professor Miller.  But strangely Miller was appointment only as Head of Department of Education.  He was just asked to “look after the affairs of the Institute in an acting capacity”.  Those of us in the Institute could only speculate on the reason.  It seemed Taylor was still bent on appointing a separate Director of the Institute and had discussed his plans with the Vice Chancellor, Professor Lambo.

Naturally Miller was not happy about this situation and deliberately went all out to destroy the Institute.  All members of the Department and Institute had been recruited into the Institute of Education. Miller transferred all of them into the Department where they carried out, according to him, “Institute type activities” – a new term for the moderation of the NCE Colleges of Education and other affiliated Institutions and public services activities.  Only the Secretary of the Institute was left in the Institute.

In August 1973, Miller was succeeded by Professor Majasan as Head of Department but as Director of the Institute.

By this time Taylor had left the University of Ibadan to head the Education Department in the University of Wales, Cardiff.  Out of the blue I was summoned by the Vice Chancellor to his house one evening.

“It has been decided,” he said to me.  “Council will appoint you Director of the Institute of Education.  Expect your letter of appointment within the next four days.”

Meanwhile rumour went round that Yoloye was trying to upstage his seniors and create a kingdom for himself by breaking the Institute away from the Department and getting installed as Director.

My letter of appointment never came. Meanwhile high level political lobbying was going on.  By this time there, was a new Vice Chancellor, Professor Oritsejolomi Thomas.

In response to the scuttling of his planned appointment as Director Institute of Education, Yoloye presented a proposal to the Board of delegates recommending separate headship for the Institute of Education and presenting his ideas on the structure of an Institute under a separate headship from the Department of Education.

Professor Majasan was then Director Institute of Education and Chairman of the Board of Delegates.  A Committee chaired by Professor Miller was set up to consider Yoloye’s paper.  Somehow a decision was not made until the term of office of Professor Majasan expired.

A word of explanation is necessary in respect of the Associateship Certificate in Education.  This was the title of a course formerly run in the Department of Education.

In 1970, however, the newly created Headmasters’ Institute, Benin-City, sought affiliation to the University of Ibadan through the Institute of Education for the purpose of running an Associateship Certificate in Education programme.

In approving the affiliation and programme, Senate directed that the Associateship Certificate in Education certificate to be awarded should be labelled “External” to distinguish it from the one run by the Department of Education.  However, the Faculty Board of the Education preferred a different kind of distinction.  It was reasoned that the term “Associateship” was, in fact, more appropriate to courses run in affiliated colleges.

The internal one should be “the” Certificate in Education. Accordingly, with the approval of Senate, the internal course run by the Department of Education was called Certificate in Education while that run by the Institute was designated Associateship Certificate in Education with effect from 1971/72 session.

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Separation of Headship of Institute and Department

1.         During the 1968/69 session, Senate directed the Board of Delegates to re-examine the structures of the Institute with a view to determining whether the existing modes of governance and headship should continue.  A subcommittee chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor C.M. Eddington, was set up to examine the issues.  Subsequently, Senate in 1970 approved the following recommendations:

i.          that the present system whereby the business of the Institute of Education is channeled through the Board of Delegates to Senate is desirable and should continue;

ii.         that the Institute and the Department of education should be separate bodies and members of staff of each body should be so listed in the calendar;

iii.        that, however, there should be cooperation between the staff of the Institute and the staff of the Department;

iv.        that the Professor and Head of department of Education should be the Director of the Institute;

v.         that there should be a Deputy Director of the Institute of Education who should be responsible to the Director of the Institute;

vi.        that this arrangement should be reviewed after two years.

At the same time, the constitution of the Institute was modified to reflect the new post of Deputy Director.  I was appointed as the first Deputy Director while Professor J.A. Majasan was Head of Department and Director of the Institute.  The recommended review of the situation did not take place until 1975.  Eventually on the recommendation of the Development Committee Senate on January 26, 1976 approved the following recommendations:

(a)   that the Headship of the Department of education be separated from the Directorship of the Institute of Education;

(b)   that the post of Director of the Institute should be of professorial rank;

(c)   that the Director shall be the professional, academic and administrative head of the Institute;

(d)   that the Director should be identified by the normal university processes of appointment and promotion;

(e)   that any programmes of development of the Institute be first submitted to the Development Committee for consideration before embarking on their implementation.

These decisions were accompanied by a second revision of the constitution to reflect the changes. Through the process of rotation of headship of academic units in the University I had become the Head of Department of Education and Director of the Institute of Education.  I now had the task of deciding which of the two units (Department of Education or Institute of Education) I wished to head.  I opted for the post of Director Institute of Education.  Professor Okunrotifa of the Department of Education was appointed Head of Department of Education.

The Institute is a link between the Faculty of Education in particular, and the University in general on the one hand and the field of Education outside the walls of the University on the other, especially as related to formal education, teacher education, research and advisory services.  The Institute of Education therefore plays a professional role as well as a public relations role.

The style of functioning of the Institute has accordingly been to a very large extent the coordination and harnessing of academic manpower from the various faculties of the University in the services of education outside the University both at national and international levels.



Institute business is normally processed through:

(i)         The Professional Committee to

(ii)        The Board of Delegates and finally to

(iii)       Senate.

Matters concerning undergraduate courses in affiliated Institutions are processed through Faculty Board of Education to Senate.

Matters concerning higher degrees run in the ICEE were processed through the Faculty Postgraduate Committee to the Board of the Postgraduate School and finally to Senate.


These are listed on pages 102 and 103 of the 1985/86 University of Ibadan Calendar.


·         The Vice-Chancellor (Ex officio)

·         The Director of the Institute of education (Chairman)

·         The Director, Teacher Training, Federal Ministry of Education

·         The Heads of affiliated Institutions

·         Two academic members of staff nominated by Senate

·         All moderators of examinations of constituent colleges

·         Six academic staff of the Institute of Education representing the six units

·         The Chief Inspectors of Education from Ministries of Education which elect to join the Institute

·         One representative of the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT)

·         The President, Nigerian Conference of Principals of Teacher Training Colleges

·         The President, Nigerian Conference of Secondary School Principals.


·         The Librarian, University of Ibadan

·         The Bursar, University of Ibadan

·         The Examinations Officer, University of Ibadan

Secretary:        The Secretary to the Institute of Education, University of Ibadan


These are listed on pages 104 and 105 of the 1985/86 University of Ibadan Calendar.


·         The Vice-Chancellor (Chairman)

·         The Director of the Institute of Education

·         The Dean, Faculty of Education

·         The Registrar

·         The Bursar

·         The Librarian

·         The Examinations Officer

·         The Principal, International School, University of Ibadan

·         The Headmistress, Staff School University of Ibadan

·         The Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education

·         The Permanent Secretaries of the State Ministries of Education which are members of the Institute

·         Eight Senate Representatives selected on the basis of one per faculty

·         All academic staff, Institute of Education

·         All Heads of Department, Faculty of Education

·         The Heads of affiliated Institutions

·         The General Secretary, NUT

·         The Registrar, Nursing Council of Nigeria

·         The Secretary, Nigerian Careers Council

·         The President, Nigerian Conferences of Principals of Secondary Schools

·         The President, Nigerian Conferences of Principals of Teacher Training Colleges

·         Secretary:        Secretary to the Institute of Education, University of Ibadan.

Laboratory schools

There are two laboratory schools – Staff School and International School, Ibadan (ISI)

Professor Andy Taylor the third Director of the Institute of Education came up with the idea of a secondary school to serve primarily the children of academic and administrative staff of the university. It is likely that he got an external funding to set up what became as the International School which ran courses leading to award of:

1.      West African School Certificate

2.      London GCE O’Level and A’Level

3.      International Bacalaureate.

This was to enable children of expatriate staff get admission to universities in their various countries. Administratively, the International School and the Staff Schools were placed under the Institute of Education. Officially, the Vice Chancellor is the chairman of the Board of Governor of both schools but the Director, Institute of Education stands in for the Vice Chancellor for day to day administration. The Board of the two schools are committees of Council and therefore are not under the jurisdiction of Dean or Senate. To some extent the two schools are also used as laboratory schools for teaching practice and research


•      Between 1965 & 2005, the Institute completed well over 30 Research Projects for National and International Organizations with some of them being multiple year in span and scope.

•      Between 2005 to 2015, completed another cohort of well mover 20 research portfolios for

–          UNESCO,

–          UNICEF,

–          the World Bank,

–          African Development Bank (AfDB),

–           International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA)

•      Between 2015 to 2019, the Institute has worked for :

–          Lagos State Government

–          WAEC

–          NECO

–          UBEC

–          DAWN


1.      AfDB——      Baseline Study and Participatory Rapid

2.      Assessment Covering Gender, Teacher/Instructor Gap Analysis, Labour Market and Informal Sector.

3.      Lagos State/World Bank—Training of Teachers of Core Subjects in the Lagos EKO Secondary School Project

4.      Lagos State/World Bank—-Training of School Administrators in Enhancing Monitoring and Evaluation Capabilities in the Lagos EKO Secondary School Project.

5.      UBEC— Monitoring of Federal Teachers Scheme in Oyo and Osun States


As at now (2019), IoE has one Emeritus Professor, 11 Professors, two Readers, four Senior Research Fellows, two Research Fellows I, two Research Fellows II and two Junior Research Fellows. One of the Professors is currently the Registrar and Chief Executive of National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) in Benin City. Another Professor is on accumulated leave.

IoE has one Centre and four units:

a.       International Centre for Educational Evaluation (ICEE);

b.      Links Programmes and Outreaches Services Unit;

c.       Research and Publication Unit;

d.      School Services and Quality Control Unit;

e.       Computer and Technical Services Unit

International Centre for Educational Evaluation

ICEE, is responsible for academic programme

i.                    Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) jointly ran with the Department of Teacher Education. The programme is suspended now because it can no longer sustain itself. Hopefully, we may resuscitate it when there are sufficient students who will be interested in the programme.

ii.                  Master Degree (M.Ed.) in Educational Evaluation has been in operation since 1973 to date. It has also gone through different curriculum review. In the late 90s and early 2000s, In-Service was introduced. This is to take care of those who are working and are interested in the programme. In 2017/18 session, we decided not advertise for the programme base on the same reason that the programme cannot sustain itself since lecturers are to be paid from the proceeds of the programme.  The regular M.Ed. programme continued since that is the primary assignment

iii.                Master Degree (M.Ed.) in Curriculum Development option had 6 components:

a.       Arts and Languages

b.      Information Technology

c.       Mathematics

d.      Pre-Primary and Primary Education

e.       Science

f.        Social Sciences

Since these also were In-service programmes, they had been suspended due to the same reason

However, more regular programmes are at proposal stage. These are:

1.      Large Scale Assessment Option (Executive and Regular Mode)

2.      Test and Measurement Option

3.      Curriculum Development and Evaluation Option

4.      Educational Programme Evaluation Option

5.      Proposed Curriculum for Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation

Links Programmes and Outreaches Services Unit

This Unit is responsible for:

a.       Seeking linkages between the Institute and academic institutions, academic associations, bilateral organizations and relevant civil society groups within and outside Nigeria

b.      Establishing partnership and collaboration  with Centres and Foundations within and outside the University in Nigeria and abroad

c.       Seeking grants for Institute’s programmes and activities

d.      Sourcing fellowships for the Institute

e.       Ensuring greater visibility of the Institute in many ramifications and through close harnessing of the different activities of the various Units that need publicity and projection

f.        Bringing linkage and exchange programmes, fellowships and grants to the awareness of staff and students

g.      Conducting/coordinating training workshops ;

h.      Organising Conferences, Staff seminars and lectures

i.        Organising  Guest lectures;

j.        Writing and submitting training proposals to organizations and individuals who may need such services for their staff capacity building.

k.      Sourcing areas of partnership/collaboration with both the ‘Town’ and other units within the University.

l.        Carrying out all other duties that may emerge as relating to the office

Research and Publication Unit

This Unit is to strengthen the research and publication base of the Institute through:

a.       Conducting research in all aspects of education at institutional level

b.      Generate research proposals and activities for local, national and international funding

c.       Coordinate publication requests from Publishing Companies and other Bodies

d.      Solicit publication opportunities

e.       Be in constant liaison with the Publications Unit of the University

f.        Undertake and ensure the timely publication of:

ü  Journals (the WAJE and ER)

ü  Abstracts of thesis,

ü  Newsletter,

ü  Institute Annual Report

ü  Handbook for Students and

ü  other Institute occasional publications

g.      Carry out all other duties that may emerge as relating to the Unit

School Services and Quality Control Unit

The unit is responsible to do the following:

a.       Undertake the supervision of the Staff School and the ISI

b.      Solicit and carry out supervision of private schools keen on maintaining standards, drawing from the wealth of knowledge and experience of the staff in the Institute

c.       Undertake the responsibility of ensuring quality assurance among staff and student activities in the Institute

d.      Working in conjunction with the ICEE, coordinate internship programme for our students.

e.       Undertake collaboration with the Distance Learning Centre (DLC)

f.        Carry out all other duties that may emerge as relating to the Unit

Computer and Technical Services Unit

The functions of this Unit are to:

a.       Organize computer training programmes mainly for staff, students and the public.

b.      Provide technical support for staff, students and public in the use of various aspects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

c.       Coordinate the data base of the Institute

d.      Gives advice/recommendation on ICT related matters and purchases for/in the Institute

e.       Liaise with organizations and Bodies within and outside Ibadan for possible collaboration on ICT related matters

f.        Carry out all other duties that may emerge as relating to the Unit

g.      Publicizes the activities and events of the Institute of Education through electronic media.

h.      Manages the website of the Institute of Education.

i.        Organises workshops, seminars and short courses on software application to Measurement and Evaluation for capacity building for staff, students and general public

j.        Collaborates with the Psychometric unit on the running of the psychometric laboratory.


Institute occupies a land mass of ………. Square metres.

The institute site is to accommodate three different buildings to be completed in three phases. The first phase is the office complex and some lecture rooms; second phase will be the large lecture theatre; and the third phase will be the library and more office accommodation. Presently, the first phase is completed and has 26 Academic Staff Offices with 15 toilets, Office space for 14 Non-Teaching staff, Porters Lodge, Drivers Rest Room, Common Room for 24 people, (with kitchen and store), Students Secretariat, eight general toilets, ICT Room (capacity: 25 people). It also has 3 Lecture Halls (capacity: 40, 40, 100 people), Library (60 people) with store / librarian. The Director’s wing has 60 seating capacity Board Room with kitchenette, Director’s office with toilet, Director’s Secretary office, Secretary to the Institute’s office with toilet, General Office (6 people seating capacity), Finance Office (3 people seating capacity), Sub – Dean’s Office with toilet / secretary, Executive Programmes Office, Public Examining Office, Exam and Records Office, Research and Publications Office, Ramp / Staircases and Generator room.

Presently, the Institute has a car jeep (KIA) and a Hummer bus


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