The Faculty of Law History IN The University of Ibadan



The University of Ibadan is proud to have one of the most vibrant Law Faculties in Africa. The Faculty is situated in the serene environment of the main campus of the oldest and best university in Nigeria. The Faculty parades experts   in   diverse   areas   of   Law.   This   expertise   is   enhanced   by multidisciplinary approach to teaching and research designed to broaden the outlook and education of students,  enhance the production of highly qualified, legal personnel, combat the problem of acute shortage of qualified personnel in diverse legal fields.

The establishment of the Women’s Law clinic in the Faculty where indigent women have free access to justice has justified the town and gown principle of the University of Ibadan. The clinic has its temporary site within the Faculty  and  the  permanent  site  on an  expanse  of  land  and  building bequeathed to the Faculty by late Chief Olasupo Morohundiya at Idiose, Moniya Ibadan.

The Postgraduate programme in the Faculty has served a wide range of lawyers who yearn for additional knowledge and it is one of the best rated in Africa.

The Faculty of Law, University of Ibadan, Nigeria is involved in the advancement of Legal education through public lectures, seminars and  Faculty publications.

In its over four decades of existence, students of the Faculty have continued to excel in all walks of life. Many alumni are Senior Advocates of Nigeria, while a significant number have proven themselves in their chosen fields. Some are serving as Justices of High Courts, others have distinguished themselves in their chosen areas – the corporate world, the judiciary, academia and private practice.

Our present crop of students are taught using the clinical legal education teachingmethod which is learner centric. This has improved the quality of learning for the students resulting in good results.  The students are involved in healthy debates  and competitions, both within and outside the University, and have excelled.

The Faculty of  Law  has  close  working  relationship  with  national and  international organisations such as the Network of University Legal Aid Institution (NULAI), Council   for   the   Development   of   Social   Science   Research   in   Africa (CODESRIA),  International  Federation  of  Women  Leaders(FIDA)  and  the Nigerian Bar Association(NBA).

Our e-library funded by the MacArthur Foundation is one of the best in the country. The main collection contains thousands of volumes with access to a range of electronic resources.

Thank you. May God bless us all. Amen.

The Law of programme in U.I. is twenty six years old. It commenced when the Department of Law was established in 1981 within the Faculty of the Social Sciences. In 1984, the Department became a fully-fledged Faculty of Law in line with the mandatory requirement of the Council of Legal Education.
Initially, it was conceived of as a school for students who had already taken first degrees in other disciplines. This has however been modified to take students through UME.
The Faculty has since inception been involved in the advancement of legal education through public lectures delivered by eminent jurists, seminars and publications of its journal the Ibadan University Law Review and other publications.
Students of the Faculty continue to excel in all walks of life. To date six alumni have been made Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), and several others have distinguished themselves in the corporate world the judiciary, academic and private practice.

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Vision and Mission


To be a world class Faculty of Law, dedicated to excellent legal training, research and development aimed at meeting the needs of the society


1. To expand the frontiers of legal knowledge through learning and research.

2. To produce law graduates who are worthy in character, learning and sound judgement.

3. To contribute to the transformation of society through legal creativity, research and clinical legal education.

4. To serve as a dynamic custodian of society’s legal rights and values and thus sustain its integrity.

5. To be a center of excellence in research for legal models of cutting edge global issues.

6. To be a focal point and voice for law faculties and legal education in sub Saharan Africa

Faculty Award Prize

The following prizes exist in the Faculty:

Col. Yohana Madaki prize in Environmental Law

Professor C.S. Ola prize in Land Law and Taxation

Hon. Justice Kayode Eso prize in Jurisprudence and Legal Theory

Prince Bola Ajibola prize in Labour Law

Frank James & Company Ltd. Prize for best Female Student and for the Best Male Student – –

Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku-Akpolopolo prize for the best Essay Writer

Chief (Mrs.) Pheobe Chidi Ajayi-Obe prize for best Graduating Student in Law

Departmental prizes for the Best Final Year Students in the Departments of Public and International Law and Private and Business Law

Objectives of CDP Phase II

The objectives of CDP Phase II are as follows:

  1. To continue to provide free legal services to less privileged (indigent) women in Ibadan and its environs;
  2. To continue to train law Students using the Women’s Law Clinic in the practice of law by utilizing techniques of Clinical Legal Education;
  3. To research and document the basic problems  on women’s  access to justice; And
  4.  To carry out intervention programmes in order to facilitate women’s Access to Justice.

 The clinic takes a multidisciplinary approach to the representation of indigent women: It provides free legal and counseling services; educates women on their rights and follows-up on its cases, encourages alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (besides litigation), that remedy wrongs and at the same time maintain the integrity and harmony of the community.

The Clinic while providing basic legal advice and skills in letter writing, gives students an opportunity to learn interviewing and letter-writing skills, they also recieve training in client counselling and professional responsibility when dealing with clients. The Clinic is University-based and introduces students to actual legal problems experienced by women in the course of their daily lives. It also brings into focus the barriers faced by women in accessing justice. These experiences widen students’ perspectives on the potential of law to deliver justice.

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The final year undergraduate students of Criminology, Public & International Law; 700 level (masters programme) students of Comparative Family Law and Comparative Criminal Law and Procedure are involved in the clinic

History of Women’s Law Clinic

The Women’s Law Clinic was inaugurated on the 18th of July, 2007 at local and national levels.

The Women’s law clinic is a specialized clinic for women and women-related issues: Clients come to the clinic on a walk-in basis.

The Women’s Law Clinic is an initiative of the Consortium for Development Partnerships (CDP) established under the CDP Project on ‘The Rule of Law: Access to Justice.

The main objective of CDP Phase I was the establishment of the women’s law clinic at the Faculty of Law, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The successful operation of the Clinic provided the impetus to embark on projects under CDP Phase II.

The Clinic provides free legal and counseling services, educated women about their rights, worked with the community to make the legal clinic both relevant and legitimate in the community, and encouraged dispute resolution mechanisms that remedy wrongs while maintaining the harmony of the community. The clinic exposes the students to a wide variety of problems affecting the poor in the communities. Students are given a window into the real world of practice.


The Faculty of Law, University of Ibadan hereby calls for papers to be considered for publication in its Faculty Journal. The maiden edition will be published in October 2011 and consequently, it will be published twice a year.

Guidelines for Contributions

1.      Papers must be well researched and original and as much as possible, deal with contemporary legal issues.

2.      Contributors are to provide a short abstract of the paper of not more than 300 words.

3.      Author(s) should state title of paper, brief personal details, e-mail and postal address, on a separate page.

4.      CITATIONS should follow the following formats:

(a)  BOOKS: Authors surname and initials, Title of the book

in italics,the edition, (place of publication: Publisher,

year of publication), page number.

(b)  JOURNALS:  Authors surname and initials, Title of the

article in inverted commas, Volume Number (year), Title

of  the Journal in italics and page number.

(c)  CASES:  Name of case (in full and in italics), the

year reported (in bracket), Volume of the law

report, page number.

(d) STATUTES: Full name of the statute; and year

of enactment.

(e)  WEB PAGES: Web address and date material

was  assessed.

5.    OTHER FORMAT:  Papers should be typed on A4 paper size; processed in MS Word: 1.5 line spacing; 15 to 25 pages with corresponding (automatic) footnote; Font: Times New Roman: Size: body text 12, footnotes 10.

6.   REFERAL:  Articles will be Peer Reviewed for accuracy and relevance. Contributors are implored to do thorough proof reading of their works before submission.

7. SUBMISSION of articles is via email to Articles received will be acknowledged. The publication date is December, 2011. Deadline for submission is the 30th day of November, 2011. Submissions are always ongoing.

8.      CORRESPONDENCE:  All correspondence and – enquiries should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, Faculty of Law Journal, University of Ibadan, Nigeria or via email to Tel.08033233204


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