GMAT Integrated Reasoning Preparation Tips: How to Improve GMAT Integrated Reasoning Score;

To succeed in the business world, you’ll need to analyze information from a variety of sources, develop strategies and make decisions from that information. Integrated reasoning section of GMAT is meant to measure your ability to evaluate information presented in multiple formats, from multiple sources – skills you already use, and skills you need to succeed in this data-rich world.

  • Time: 30 minutes
  • Format: 12 questions
  • Tests: Table Analysis, Graphics Analysis, Two-Part Analysis, and Multi-Source Reasoning

The Integrated Reasoning section consists of four question types, which require you to analyze data in different formats and from multiple sources.

  • Graphics Interpretation – Interpret the graph or graphical image and select the option from a list to make the answer statements accurate.
  • Two-Part Analysis – Select one answer from each column to solve a problem with a two-part solution. Possible answers will be presented in a table with a column for each part.
  • Table Analysis – Sort the table to organize the data so you can determine whether certain conditions are met. Each question will have statements with opposing answers. Select one answer for each statement.
  • Multi-Source Reasoning – Click on the page to reveal different data and recognize which data you need to answer the question.

Here are the current percentile rankings for the 1 to 8 IR scoring scale:

Percentile  Score
92%  8
81%  7
67%  6
52%  5
37%  4
24%  3
12%  2
0%  1

GMAT IR: Skills Measured

  • Analyzing information presented in graphics, text, and numbers
  • Assimilating relevant information from different sources
  • Organizing information to see relationships, to solve multiple interrelated problems
  • Combining information to solve complex problems that depend on information from one or more sources

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GMAT IR Questions: Things you should know

The Integrated Reasoning section involves questions from both Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning separately or mixed. Some of the questions require more than one response.

  • All answer choices for a single question are presented on the same screen
  • Submit responses to all parts before moving to the next question
  • Answer all parts of a single question correctly, so, you receive credit. As no partial credit is given
  • One cannot go back and change the answer after answering a question
  • Some questions may include a set of data or a graphic. In case you answer a question incorrectly then it does not mean that all other questions of the same pattern will be incorrect
  • Questions might contain quantitative data, however, it is not a quantitative skills test. An online calculator having basic functionality may be available, but not necessary for this section.

GMAT IR Tips: Graphics Interpretation

Graphics interpretation question require a candidate to answer questions that are accompanied with charts and graphs.

  • Candidate must read the text carefully
  • Do not lose sight of the units of measurement
  • You must practice the art of finding relationships between the data that has been presented
  • Be careful about absolute increase/ decrease, percentage increase/ decrease, trends, correlation, etc.

GMAT IR Tips: Table Analysis

These questions are presented with a data set in a table that you can sort by column. Answers will be a set of statements having two opposing answer options either in Yes/No or True/False.

  • Examine the table and the text to get the type of given information
  • Go through the question carefully to determine the data analysis required and know the choice you have to make
  • Check whether the given condition can be met

GMAT IR Tips: Two-Part Analysis

In these questions, a brief scenario or problem and you have to select two answer choices related to the data. The answer choices will be connected to each other in some or another way.

  • Go through the information carefully that may include verbal, quantitative content, or a combination of both. Even if you are familiar with the subject matter, make sure it does not influence your response. Also, use only the data presented in the question.
  • Check what exactly is the question is asking. At times, the response columns do not have enough details that can help you understand what you need to do.
  • Review the choices available before deciding the answer. Check whether the tasks are dependent or independent. Few questions have two tasks that can be handled individually while others may have one task with two dependent parts.
  • Make sure that the same answer choice is the correct response for both columns. One answer option may be true for both the response columns.

GMAT IR Tips: Multi-Source Reasoning

In Multi-Source Reasoning question, there are 2-3 tabs where the data is provided in the form of text/ table/ graph. Other half of the screen will have the corresponding question (MCQ, Yes/ No, True/ False, etc.)

  • Quickly go through the data and then read the question. This will help you save time since you know where to look for the data
  • You can follow RC strategy of summarizing the content
  • You can divide your rough paper into 2-3 columns and summarize the data over there

GMAT IR Tips: Guidelines

Here are some tips to guide you through this new section of GMAT exam:

  • Sharpen your time management skills to make sure you attempt all the questions and sub-questions.
  • Write down notes of each tab as it will help you keep track of the volumes of information in multi-source reasoning.
  • For table analysis questions, don’t waste a lot of time reading the introductory paragraph. Instead jump to the question and table immediately because everything you need comes from the table.
  • Very carefully read the introductory paragraph of the two-part analysis questions.
  • Look at the answer options in the menu for graphics interpretation questions before you start analyzing the question.
  • Check the value of each increment on the axes of bar and line graphs so you calculate accurately.
  • Prepare yourself for the online calculator by practicing with the calculator installed on your computer.

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