GMAT Score Calculator;

A well known test that business program wannabes frequently take is the Alumni The executives Confirmation Test or GMAT for short. The GMAT is a thorough however important expansion to a MBA competitor’s records. Numerous unfamiliar colleges and universities require candidates for their MBA projects to present a GMAT score. Countless candidates who sit for the test consistently can pass judgment on the ubiquity of the test.There are GMAT test centres around the globe that help students sit for the exam.

The GMAT is a good indicator to judge a student’s ability to study and complete business and management programs. There are separate sections in the exam to evaluate the test taker’s critical thinking, problem-solving, English language skills, and writing abilities. 

GMAT Exam Pattern

The GMAT is made up of four sections: quantitative aptitude, verbal reasoning, analytical writing, and integrated reasoning. The quantitative aptitude section contains mathematical questions, and data sufficiency questions to judge problem-solving skills. The verbal reasoning section decides the candidate’s skills of reading comprehension, critical thinking, and sentence correction. The integrated reasoning section determines the test taker’s reasoning skills. The duration of the exam is 3.5 hours long. Check out the complete GMAT Exm Pattern here.

How the GMAT score is calculated?

The GMAT’s results is not a pass or fail result but a total score of all four sections in the exam. The score scale that one can receive is:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment: 0 to 6
  • Integrated Reasoning: 1 to 8
  • Verbal reasoning: 6 to 51
  • Quantitative aptitude: 6 to 51
  • Total score (verbal and quant together): 200 to 800
GMAT Section Score Range Incremental Score
Verbal 6 – 51 1
Quantitative 6 – 51 1
AWA 0 – 6 0.5
IR 1 – 8 1

On completion of the test, a complete GMAT score report displays all sections except the analytical writing section. The analytical writing section is an essay section that is scored by a human. The final score is the total score and a percentile ranking. The percentile ranking is a percentage of test-takers who have scored below a particular rating. The higher the percentile, the more competitive the score. The final score is delivered some 20 days later with the analytical writing score.

The table given below will give you an idea of GMAT scores (600 and above) and their corresponding percentiles:

GMAT Score GMAT Percentile
760-800 99
750 98
740 97
730 96
720 94
710 92
700 89
690 87
680 85
670 83
660 80
650 77
640 73
630 71
620 68
610 65
600 62

GMAT Score Calculator

The GMAT score calculator is a chart that one can use to determine how much they need to score in each section to get a desired total test score. The score calculator grid has verbal scores on one side and the quant scores on the other side. Since the verbal and quant section forms the bulk of the final score in the test, these two sections are considered for the calculator.

GMAT Score Calculator: How to Use

To use the GMAT score calculator is quite easy. The quantitative section scores range from 6 to 51, with percentile scores below it. The verbal scores range from 6 to 51, with percentile scores below it. To read ratings, one needs to take the raw total number of the quant section and verbal section and read the associated 800-scale score. For example, for a score of 44 on the verbal and 48 on the quant section will result in 750 on the 800-scale. The calculator is a combination of verbal and quant scores and the final 800 scale score. Learn everything about the GMAT Score here.

How is the GMAT score affected?

Several factors affect the final score. The three main factors are:

  • The number of questions answered correctly. Out of 31 questions in the quant section and 36 in the verbal section, not all will count on the final score. Marks are awarded only on the correctly answered questions.
  • Total questions answered. One has to attempt each section in a particular amount of time. Usually, the time limit is, in quant 31 questions in 62 minutes.
  • The difficulty of the question answered. The GMAT is a mixture of questions of varying difficulty levels. Correct answers to a medium difficulty question; then, the rating goes up.

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