GMAT Test Centers in Cameroon;

GMAT Testing Location

We have found 1 GMAT test centre in Cameroon. For specific test dates of 2019, please refer to the end of this page.

GMAT Test Centers in Cameroon

SIS Technology

System Integration Service
Rue Gallieni 1476, Akwa
Same Building with SIS-INFORMATIQUE
15126 Akwa- Douala
Phone: 243604120 233428459

Test Center Information

Storey Building Opposite Scienti LABO behind CINEMA du WOURI, Same building with SIS-INFORMATIQUE on first floor, Rue Gallieni 1476, Akwa. Reserved packing space in front of building for employees and candidates.

GMAT Exam Dates in Cameroon

Unlike some paper based exams, the GMAT is computer based. Therefore, there are no fixed test dates for GMAT. Wherever you are in Cameroon, all test centers are open from Monday through Saturday throughout the year. Some even offer the exam every day of the year.  However, some test centers are not open on Sundays and national holidays. For example, most college-based test centers might be closed for extended periods around holidays. For precise testing dates in Cameroon, please visit test-maker website –

More about Cameroon

  • ITYPEAUTO: Overview of arts and crafts in Cameroon. Also includes film, dance, music, and literature in this country.


Until the mid-1980s, Cameroon was known as the »Switzerland of Africa«. Mismanagement, decline in production of the main source of foreign exchange, crude oil, falling world market prices for the most important agricultural export products (cocoa, coffee, palm oil) and others. led from 1986 to a severe economic crisis, which was fought since 1988 by structural adjustment programs of the IMF and the World Bank. However, the Cameroonian government delayed the required reform of the banking sector, privatization of state-owned companies, decentralization and the fight against corruption. The basic macroeconomic data have been improving since 1998, the gross national income (GNI) rose to (2017) US $ 1,360 per resident, the gross domestic product (GDP) achieved a growth rate of 3.2% in 2017. Cameroon is still one of the poorest countries in the world. Since 2000, it has benefited from the HIPC debt relief initiative for heavily indebted countries ( Heavily i ndebted p oor C ountries) and reduced foreign debt from US $ 8.5 billion (2003) to US $ 4.2 billion (2013). The high investment backlog, particularly in the maintenance and expansion of the infrastructure, caused the foreign debt to rise again to around US $ 7.5 billion by 2016. Check weddinginfashion to see Economy of Central Africa.

Foreign trade: The foreign trade balance has been negative since 2010 due to the unfavorable development of world market prices (import value 2016: 4.9 billion US $; export value: 2.1 billion US $). The most important export goods are cocoa, wood, petroleum, cotton and aluminum. Mainly industrial goods, mining products and fuels as well as agricultural products are imported. The leading trading partners are China, the Netherlands, France, Belgium and Italy.



62.0% of the workforce work in the agricultural sector, but only generate 16.7% of GDP. A good fifth of the country’s area is used for agriculture (16% as arable land and permanent crops, 4% as meadows and pastures, especially in the north). Cameroon is one of the world’s largest cocoa producers. Other export goods are coffee and cotton, which, like cocoa, are mainly grown by small farmers, as well as bananas, palm oil and rubber (grown on large plantations on the Cameroon Mountain). Manioc, corn, millet, yams, sorghum and rice are mainly produced for personal consumption.

Forestry: Cameroon has one of the largest forest areas in Africa, even if only 39.8% of the country’s area is covered with forest (tropical rainforest in the south, savanna forest in the north). The important wood sector is in foreign hands. Decades of uncontrolled felling could not be contained until the end of the 1990s through new forest laws. Cameroon is committed to sustainable forest management within the Congo Basin Forest Partnership.

Fishing: Fishing is carried out in the Gulf of Guinea, in the Logoni, Schari and Benue rivers and in Lake Chad. The catch cannot meet the demand and has decreased mainly due to outdated fishing gear and declining fish stocks.

Natural resources

Despite declining production volumes, the oil produced in the offshore area off the coast of Cameroon (near Limbe) continues to generate more than 55% of export revenues. Cameroon has an 8% share in the proceeds of the Chadian oil shipped in Kribi. Larger natural gas and oil reserves suspected off the Bakassi peninsula led to a longstanding territorial conflict with Nigeria, which the ICJ decided in 2002 in favor of Cameroon; In 2008 Nigeria finally ceded the peninsula to Cameroon. Other important mineral resources are bauxite (deposits are estimated at around 1 billion t; mines in Minim-Martap and near Ngaoundéré; aluminum smelting in Edéa), iron ore (estimated deposits: 3 billion t), cobalt, gold and diamonds.

Energy industry

Thanks to the energy potentials of oil, hydropower and wood, Cameroon is energy self-sufficient. Over three quarters of the energy is generated by hydropower (largest hydropower plants in Song-Loulou [398 MW] and Edéa [265 MW], both on the Sanaga ). In addition to other hydropower plants, the development of alternative energy sources (thermal power, sun) is planned.


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