GMAT Test Centers in Ukraine;

GMAT Testing Location

We have found 1 GMAT test centre in Ukraine, located in Kiev. For specific test dates of 2019, please refer to the end of this page.

GMAT Test Centers in Ukraine


Degtyarevskaya 48, 4 floor, office 411
Phone: [380] 44 390 73 35

Test Center Information

Our testing centre is located near subway Beresteyskaya, Shulyavskaya, Dorogozhychi and Lukyanovskaya. To get the testing centre from Beresteyskaya or Lukyanovskaya (if you use Degtyarevskaya Str.) you should use tram #14, bus #9 or minibus #14, 417. To get the testing centre from Shulyavskaya or Dorogozhychi you should use trolleybus #27 or minibuses. Our center is located in the seven-storeyed building on the 4th floor. Any additional information you can find on our site

GMAT Exam Dates in Ukraine

Unlike some paper based exams, the GMAT is computer based. Therefore, there are no fixed test dates for GMAT. Wherever you are in Ukraine, all test centers are open from Monday through Saturday throughout the year. Some even offer the exam every day of the year.  However, some test centers are not open on Sundays and national holidays. For example, most college-based test centers might be closed for extended periods around holidays. For precise testing dates in Ukraine, please visit test-maker website –

More about Ukraine

Ukraine borders Romania (Danube Delta) and Moldova in the southwest, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland in the west, Belarus in the northwest, the Russian Federation in the north and northeast, and the Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea in the south. More than 90% of the country belongs to the Eastern European lowlands, which on the one hand consists of lowlands that decrease in height towards the Black Sea, on the other hand they rise towards the Carpathian Mountains and form large ridges (plateaus). These have altitudes between 200 and 400 m above sea level, the Wolynische plate in the northwest (especially in the areas of Volyn and Rivne), the Podolian Plate, which stretches from the Ternopil region in the west between the Southern Bug (in the north) and the Dniester (in the south) to the Black Sea lowlands, the Dnieper plate between the Dnieper rivers (in the north and east) and the Sluch (in the west)) and Southern Bug (in the south). The Dnieper and Podolian plateaus are connected to the west in the Ternopil region. To the east of the great Dnieper bend (with the Dnieper breakthrough) follow the Azov heights. The north-east of the country (Kharkiv and Sumy regions) is reached by the southern foothills of the Central Russian Heights (sloping from 230 to 100 m), to which the Donets Ridge (up to 367 m high) joins south of the Donets. Check clothingexpress to see The Huge Potential of Ukraine.

Both the ridges and the Azov heights are cut by deep valleys. Less than 10% of the country is in low mountain ranges. Low mountain ranges in the west of the country are the Forest Carpathians (Hoverla [Russian Gowerla], highest mountain in Ukraine, 2,061 m) with their slopes to the Dniester (in the north) and the Tisza (south) and on the Crimean peninsula the Crimean Mountains (Roman-Kosch, 1,545 m), which rises in layers from the north and drops steeply to the south to the sea. Both mountains are part of the Alpine Folded Mountain Zone. The lowlands (except for the Pripjet), but also the ridges, consist of partly thick loess deposits, the subsoil is mainly formed by the Precambrian Ukrainian massif. In the north extends from west to east the lowland of Polesia with the Pripet, in the northern center of the country the Dnieper lowlands and in the south the Black Sea lowlands, which extend to the north of the Crimean peninsula.



The Ukraine is rich in rivers, dominated by the Dnieper and its tributaries Desna and Pripjet, the Southern Bug as well as the Dniester and Donets are also important; In addition, in the west (in the Lemberg area) the Western Bug begins its course to the Vistula, in the southwest, on the border with Romania, the lowest Danube touches the country. About 10% of the Danube Delta is on Ukrainian territory.

  • GLOBALSCIENCELLC: Overview of arts and crafts in Ukraine. Also includes film, dance, music, and literature in this country.

Country facts

  • Official name: Ukraine
  • License plate: UA
  • ISO-3166: UA, UKR (804)
  • Internet
  • Currency: 1 hryvnia (UAH) = 100 kopecks
  • Area: 603 550 km²
  • Population (2018): 44.6 million
  • Capital: Kiev
  • Official language (s): Ukrainian
  • Form of government: Presidential-parliamentary republic
  • Administrative division: 24 regions, 2 independent cities and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
  • Head of State: President Volodymyr Zelenskyi
  • Religion (s): Christians (Orthodox, Catholics)
  • Time zone: Central European Time +1 hour
  • National holiday: August 24th

Location and infrastructure

  • Location (geographical): Eastern Europe
  • Position (coordinates): between 45 ° and 52 ° north latitude and 22 ° and 40 ° east longitude
  • Climate: temperate continental climate, subtropical in the south of the Crimea
  • Highest mountain: Howerla (2061 m)
  • Road network (2012): 169 694 km (paved), 3599 km (unpaved)
  • Railway network (2014): 21 733 km


  • Annual population growth (2018): 0.04%
  • Birth rate (2017): 10.1 per 1000 residents.
  • Death rate (2018): 14.3 per 1000 residents.
  • Average age (2018): 40.8 years
  • Average life expectancy (2018): 72.4 years (women 77.4; men 67.7)
  • Age structure (2018): 16% younger than 15 years, 16.5% older than 65 years
  • Literacy rate (15 year olds and older) (2015): 100%
  • Mobile phone contracts (pre-paid and post-paid) (2017): 127 per 100 pop.
  • Internet users (2017): 52.5 per 100 residents.


  • GDP per capita (2017): US $ 2,640
  • Total GDP (2017): US $ 112.2 billion
  • GNI per capita (2017): US $ 2,388
  • Education expenditure (2014): 5.9% of GDP
  • Military expenditure (2017): 3.5% of GDP
  • Unemployment rate (15 years and older) (2017): 9.5%

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