GMAT Test Centers in Venezuela;

GMAT Testing Location

We have found 1 GMAT test centre in Venezuela, located in Miranda. For specific test dates of 2019, please refer to the end of this page.

GMAT Test Centers in Venezuela

Servicios Educativos Softrain

Avenida Libertador con Calle Alameda
Torre EXA, Piso 2 Oficina 213 El Rosal
Caracas, Chacao, Miranda 1060
Phone: 58-212-9537222

Test Center Information

Av Libertador, Cerca de Salud Chacao, frente al Mcdonals, al lado de la Unidad de Transito Chacao

GMAT Exam Dates in Venezuela

Unlike some paper based exams, the GMAT is computer based. Therefore, there are no fixed test dates for GMAT. Wherever you are in Venezuela, all test centers are open from Monday through Saturday throughout the year. Some even offer the exam every day of the year.  However, some test centers are not open on Sundays and national holidays. For example, most college-based test centers might be closed for extended periods around holidays. For precise testing dates in Venezuela, please visit test-maker website –


More about Venezuela

Venezuela [Spanish bene s  ela], officially Spanish República Bolivariana de Venezuela, German Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, state in the north of South America with (2018) 28.9 million residents; The capital is Caracas.

  • TRAVELATIONARY: Overview of arts and crafts in Venezuela. Also includes film, dance, music, and literature in this country.


Slightly more than half of the population are of mixed race, mostly from the combination of whites and Indians. The roughly 3% blacks live mainly in the Caribbean coastal area. The proportion of whites (around 44%) has increased noticeably since 1945 due to immigration.

The indigenous population (a good 2%) lives mainly in the Orinoco Delta and in the south of the Guiana Mountains.

The south of the country is very sparsely populated: only 8% of the population live here on 58% of the country’s area. The average population density is 35 residents / km 2. The main settlement areas are the Caribbean mountains, the Mérida cordillera and its peripheral zones. 89% of the population (2015) live in urban settlements, 6.7% in the capital district alone. Large urban centers are also Maracaibo, Valencia, Barquisimeto and Ciudad Guayana. The strong rural exodus and the influx of often illegal immigrants from neighboring countries lead to great social differences in the cities. Since there are not enough jobs and living space, new poor areas (barrios) are constantly emerging on the outskirts of the cities.

Social: Over 30% of the population live below the poverty line. Health care is inadequate, especially in rural areas. Many children suffer from malnutrition.

In 1967 a social security system was introduced to cover the risks of illness, old age and accidents. The “Barrio Adentro” program launched by the government aims to improve medical care for the population, especially the poorest classes.

The biggest cities in Venezuela

Biggest Cities (Residents 2017)
Maracaibo (with San Francisco) 2 198 200
Caracas 2,084,500
Valencia (with Los Guayos, Naguanagua, San Diego, Tocuyito) 1,557,000
Barquisimeto 1 070 600
Ciudad Guayana 865 200


The constitution guarantees religious freedom (enshrined in law since 1834). The “Office for Religions” is responsible for relations between the state and religious communities. – Different data collections provide different results.

After that, no less than 80% belong to the population of the Catholic Church, approximately 10-17% (after-) Reformation religious communities (Baptists [about 0.2%], Pentecostals, Darbysten, Moravian Church, Presbyterian, Lutheran, etc.; a total of about. 180 denominations), about 0.1% Orthodox churches. The few Anglicans belong to the Anglican Diocese of Venezuela (seat: Caracas) as part of the Protestant Episcopal Church. – The Jehovah’s Witnesses (approx. 1.3%), Adventists(approx. 0.3%) and Mormons (0.2–0.5%) form separate religious communities with references to Christianity.

Non-Christian religious minorities are Muslims (a good 0.3%), Bahais, Buddhists and Jews. The Jewish community in Venezuela (today’s center of Caracas) was founded in the first half of the 19th century by Jews who immigrated from Curaçao.

European Spiritism (Kardecism) is also widespread. Traditional religions have survived among the indigenous population (less than 1%). An African American religion that originated in Venezuela is Maria Lionza. More than 5% (including atheists and agnostics) are without religious affiliation.


The climate is tropical and humid, cooler in the mountains with increasing altitude (Tierra). The north-west is dry (annual rainfall on the Paraguaná peninsula 250 mm). The summer rainy season brings high levels of rainfall, particularly on the mountain slopes (Mérida 1,750 mm) and in the Guayana mountains (over 3,000 mm). In the Llanos, the amount of precipitation increases from the east (Ciudad Bolívar 1 000 mm) to the west (Barinas 1 900 mm). Check rrrjewelry to see South America Climate.


Over half of the state’s area is forested. Mangroves grow on the coasts, tropical rainforest stretches on the lower slopes of the Andes, in the Orinoco Delta and in parts of the mountainous country of Guyana. In the Llanos, gallery forests runthrough the vast grass savannahs, which are used by extensive livestock farming. Parts of the Caribbean coast and Isla Margarita are semi-deserts with cacti and thorn bushes.

Nature conservation: Around 53% of Venezuela’s land area is protected, including 43 national parks and 36 natural monuments.


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