GMAT to GRE Score Conversion;

GMAT to GRE Score Conversion: Wondering what your GMAT Score will be after converting it into GRE (GMAT to GRE Score Conversion)? Also, you must be thinking of how to convert your GMAT Score into GRE Score? A lot of students have this query. Students set specific goals before giving these standardized exams. However, due to academic compulsion, you can’t choose which exam you want to give. Keeping this in mind, in this article we’ll answer all your queries related to GMAT to GRE score conversion.

We understand that these two exams are completely different. Generally, students who have already attended a B-school but want to pursue a Ph.D. convert their GMAT Score to GRE Score (GMAT to GRE Score conversion). Appearing for the GMAT exam makes sense when you want to get into a good business school, however, when it comes to pursuing graduate courses or Ph.D., GRE is the better option. Those who are going to pursue an advanced degree in Science courses need to convert their GMAT Score into GRE Score.

In order to cater to a large amount of population, more colleges are accepting both GMAT and GRE scores. There are conversion tables’ with the help of which aspirants can find out their GRE Score from their GMAT Score and vice versa. Also, note that these tables are not completely accurate, always keep a little margin of error while using these tables to convert your score. Even the ETS’ admitted that its’ comparison tool (ETS GRE to GMAT converter) is not 100% accurate. Generally, GRE Scores are required to get into Ph.D. programmes. So, if you have at least one of your scores ready, you can convert it using the score you have with you.

Many B-schools are accepting GRE scores today, we have given the list of the top B-schools accepting GRE scores below. Also, those who have already given GRE and want to convert their scores to GMAT can learn GRE to GMAT score conversion. Students can also look at the GRE to GMAT conversion table. However, traditionally, the GMAT is the first preference of the business programs. GMAT is specifically designed for MBA programs, whereas, GRE gives candidates a wider choice to select a program across different subjects.

List of top MBA programs accepting GRE Score

University of Chicago – Booth New York University – Stern
University of California Berkeley – Haas Harvard Business School
Dartmouth College – Tuck Stanford Graduate School of Business
Duke University – Fuqua Wharton School
Columbia Business School Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Sloan
Cornell University-Johnson University of British Columbia – Sauder
Northwestern University – Kellogg York University – Schulich
HEC Montreal University of Toronto: Rotman
University of Western Ontario – Ivey University of Manchester
HEC Paris INSEAD France
Cranfield University Oxford University – Said
London Business School University of Cambridge – Judge
National University of Singapore (NUS) Nanyang Technological University

GMAT to GRE Conversion: Those who have already given the GMAT at the time of going to a B-school may not wish to give GRE for getting a higher education degree but due to academic compulsions, they need GRE Score. So, with the help of the conversion charts, you can get the GRE Score quickly and have a clear idea of where you stand.

Note: ETS, the body that conducts GRE accepts this conversion of scores and it also points out that GMAC, the body that administers GMAT does not approve this comparison.


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