How to Calculate SAT and ACT Superscore;

Before we delve into how to calculate your SAT and ACT Superscore. Let us first know about the exams and what superscore is all about.

SAT – Scholastic Assessment Test or more commonly referred to as SAT is a standardized test that is conducted by The College Board. Students who are looking to pursue higher education abroad mostly in countries such as the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia among others are required to appear for this written based exam. SAT is broadly classified into two parts, SAT General Test and SAT Subject Test.

SAT General Test assesses the candidates reading and writing capabilities while the SAT Subject Test assesses the candidates’ knowledge about select subjects for further studies. Candidates who are registering for the exam are required to pay a SAT Fee, choose a date and appear for the exam. They can expect their results to be published online. Subject tests are offered in areas such as Literature, History, Mathematics, Sciences and Foreign Languages.

ACT – On similar lines, American College Testing or more commonly referred to as ACT is a standardized test that is required to be taken by students looking for admission in undergraduate schools based in the US and Canada. Candidates wanting to appear for the exam are required to register for the exam, pay an ACT Fee and appear for the exam. There are many colleges that accept both ACT and SAT colleges and many that accept either. This is solely on the discretion of the admission cell of the university/college the student plans to enroll.

What is Super Scores?

A lot of times, students are unable to achieve their desired scores and are unable to apply to their college/university of choice. Here, students are required to reapply for the same to achieve a higher score. So basically a superscore is calculated, taking into the highest scores achieved by the candidate irrespective of the number of attempts.

Plainly put colleges that superscore are those colleges/universities that take into consideration the students highest score in every section that the student has received on all the dates he has taken the test. The college/university would then calculate an average of the highest section scores together for a new composite score for that particular student. Colleges that superscore SAT/ACT use your best section-level scores, even if they were from different tests. Check out colleges that accept SAT Superscores and colleges that accept ACT Superscores here.

Calculating your SAT Superscore

Test Taken SAT Math Score/ SAT Reading+Writing Section Composite Score
1 SAT Math Score: 650SAT Reading+Writing Section: 680 1330
2 SAT Math Score: 690Reading+Writing Section: 740 1430
3 SAT Math Score: 720Reading+Writing Section: 700 1420
Super Score  SAT Math Score: 720Reading+Writing Section: 740 1460

Calculating your ACT Superscore

Test Taken Scores Composite Score
1 English 30Math 28

Reading 32

Science 20

2 English 32Math 26

Reading 30

Science 30

3 English 26Math 25

Reading 35

Science 25

Superscore English 32Math 28

Reading 35

Science 30


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