SAT Test Centers and Dates in Gambia;

According to the College Board, there are 1 test centers for SAT and SAT Subject Tests in Gambia. Please note that before you register either of the SAT exams, you should choose your test date and test location. Each testing location is affiliated with an educational institution, such as high school, community college, or university. The following test centers administer one or more of 2019 and 2025 SAT tests in Gambia.

SAT Test Centers and Dates in Gambia

2019 – 2025 SAT Test Dates in Gambia

  • March 9, 2019
  • May 4, 2019
  • June 1, 2019
  • August 24, 2019
  • October 5, 2019
  • November 2, 2019
  • December 7, 2019
  • March 14, 2020
  • May 2, 2020
  • June 6, 2020
  • August 29, 2024
  • October 3, 2024
  • November 7, 2025
  • December 5, 2025

SAT Testing Centers in Gambia


Address: American Corner, Fajara, Gambia, The
Center Code: 77512

More about Gambia

  • REMZFAMILY: Modern history of Gambia from World War I to today, covering all major events on politics, economy, society, and technology.


According to the constitution, which came into force on January 16, 1997, the Gambia is a presidential republic. The head of state, head of government and commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president, who is directly elected for a period of 5 years (multiple re-election possible). He is endowed with far-reaching powers, determines the guidelines of politics, appoints the vice-president and the members of the cabinet and can govern by decree in the event of an emergency. The legislature lies with the National Assembly, 53 of whose 58 members (legislative period 5 years) 53 are elected by majority voting in individual constituencies (voting right from the age of 18) and 5 are appointed by the President.

National symbols

The national flag, introduced in 1965, is horizontally striped red over white over blue over white over green, the stripes are in a ratio of 6: 1: 4: 1: 6. The blue stripe stands for the Gambia river, the white stripes for the peaceful on the banks cohabiting peoples. Red symbolizes the sun, green the natural treasures.

The coat of arms of the Gambia was awarded in 1964 by the British Queen Elizabeth II. In a green and silver bordered blue shield it shows crossed in gold ax and hoe as symbols for the two largest Gambian peoples, the Malinke (ax) and the Fulbe (hoe). At the same time, both devices are used in agriculture. The upper coat of arms is a stech helmet with a blue and gold helmet cover and bulge, from which a fruit-bearing peanut bush rises. Shield holders are two red-tongued and armored, looking lions that are reminiscent of British colonial rule; today they also stand for courage, dignity and stability. Under the coat of arms is a silver banner with the inscription “Progress, Peace, Prosperity” (progress, peace, prosperity).

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The national holiday is February 18, it commemorates the gaining of independence in 1965. Check healthvv to see Gambia As a Destination Country.


The ban on political parties, which has been in force since 1994, was partially lifted in 1996 and completely lifted in 2001. Important parties are the Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction (APRC; founded in 1996), which dominated until 2017, the United Democratic Party (UDP; founded in 1996), the Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC; founded in 2016), and the People’s Democratic Organization for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS; founded 1986), the National Reconciliation Party (NRP; founded 1996) and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP; founded 1959).


The total strength of the “National Army,” including a small naval element and a small air force unit, is 2,100 men. The troops are divided into two infantry battalions and the presidential guard in company strength.


The Gambia is divided into eight administrative units (Local Government Areas), which are divided into 35 districts. The capital Banjul forms its own Local Government Area.


Legal pluralism exists in the Gambia. Secular national law is essentially based on English common law. In addition, traditional customary law and Islamic law apply, especially in family and other private law. The highest court of justice is the Supreme Court, which also decides on constitutional complaints. Subordinate to it are an appeals court, high courts and magistrate courts. Traditional and Islamic law are applied at regional and local levels. The Secretariat of the African Convention on Human Rights is based in Banjul.


The school system is based on the British system, and Koran schools are also very important. School attendance is compulsory for nine years, but this is not always met. The six-year primary level begins at the age of 7, followed by a two-level secondary school area (three-year junior and senior secondary school). The language of instruction is English. In 1999 a university was established in Banjul. The Gambia College (established in 1995) trains primary school teachers as well as agricultural and health professionals.


Strict media controls, threats of punishment and the persecution of journalists restricted independent reporting. The most important mass medium is the radio.

Press: The government-affiliated »The Daily Observer« and the independent papers »The Point« and »Foroyaa« are among the most important newspapers.

News agency: “Gambia News Agency” (GAMNA, state).

Radio: The state “Gambia Radio and Television Service” (GRTS) broadcasts radio programs in English and various national languages, especially Malinke, as well as the only national television program. There are also some small private radio stations and private television channels that can only be received via satellite.


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