SAT Test Centers and Dates in Ghana;

According to the College Board, there are 8 test centers for SAT and SAT Subject Tests in Ghana. Please note that before you register either of the SAT exams, you should choose your test date and test location. Each testing location is affiliated with an educational institution, such as high school, community college, or university. The following test centers administer one or more of 2019 and 2025 SAT tests in Ghana.

SAT Test Centers and Dates in Ghana

2019 – 2025 SAT Test Dates in Ghana

  • March 9, 2019
  • May 4, 2019
  • June 1, 2019
  • August 24, 2019
  • October 5, 2019
  • November 2, 2019
  • December 7, 2019
  • March 14, 2020
  • May 2, 2020
  • June 6, 2020
  • August 29, 2024
  • October 3, 2024
  • November 7, 2025
  • December 5, 2025

SAT Testing Centers in Ghana


Address: 1 Jungle Road, East Legon, Accra, Ghana
Center Code: 77610


Address: 6 Patrice Lumumba Road, Accra, Ghana
Center Code: 77606


Address: 2 Second Circular Rd, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana
Center Code: 77600


Address: Pakyi No. 1 Off Kumasi Obuasi Road, Kumasi, Ghana
Center Code: 77648


Address: #126/21 Reindolf Road, Accra, Ghana
Center Code: 77608


Address: Akim Oda Rd, Swedru, Ghana
Center Code: 77617


Address: Sos Hermann Gmeiner Intl College, Tema, Ghana
Center Code: 77652


Address: Off Tema Akosombo Rd,opp Afarwaa Frm, Tema, Ghana
Center Code: 77650

More about Ghana

  • REMZFAMILY: Modern history of Ghana from World War I to today, covering all major events on politics, economy, society, and technology.


Thanks to its rich natural resources, Ghana has good prerequisites for positive economic development. At the time of independence in 1957, Ghana was the richest country in West Africa, but has lost, among other things, since the early 1960s. as a result of political instability, state mismanagement and long periods of drought, much of its economic power. It was not until the mid-1980s that economic reconstruction could begin with the support of the IMF and World Bank. The focus was on the privatization of high-loss state-owned companies, the increase in gold production and the expansion of cocoa cultivation, the timber industry and tourism. With a gross national income (GNI) of (2017) US $ 1,490 per resident and economic growth of (2014) 4.0%, Ghana is now one of the most stable countries on the African continent. The gross domestic product (GDP) is 49.8% in the service sector, 29.5% in industry and construction and 20.7% in agriculture, forestry and fishing. In terms of economic development, the state has great hopes for the oil and gas deposits discovered in the Gulf of Guinea, the production of which began in 2010. Check shoefrantics to see Africa Agriculture.

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Foreign trade: The foreign trade balance is negative (import value in 2014: 14.6 billion US $; export value: 13.2 billion US $). The main export products are gold, cocoa, oil and wood. The main imports are consumer goods, machines, chemical products and food. The main trading partners are the Republic of South Africa, China, the USA, Great Britain and Germany.

Energy industry

The energy industry is largely based on the Akosombo and Kpong hydropower plants on the Volta reservoir. The severe energy crises due to falling rainfall at the end of the 1990s led to the construction of several thermal power plants (mainly gas combustion) in Sekondi-Takoradi, Tema and Kumasi.

Natural resources

In addition to considerable gold deposits, Ghana has diamonds, bauxite, lead, chromium, copper, manganese, mercury, tin, zinc, crude oil and natural gas. Gold is the country’s most important export good and comes mainly from underground mining in the western Ashanti highlands. The diamond mining centers are north of Axim and near Oda in southern Ghana. The oil and gas reserves off the Ghanaian coast were only discovered in 2007.

Ashanti gold weights

“Gold is like a slave – if you abuse it, it will run away,” says an Ashanti proverb. With them gold symbolized the life force of the deity who created the world and all life, and it stood for the never-ending fire of the sun. Goldsmiths were privileged craftsmen who were also responsible for the manufacture of weights, scales and other accessories for the trade.

The Ashanti knew 57 different weights with which they weighed gold. Researchers were unable to identify a mathematical dependency, because the weighing items increase in a manner that cannot be determined by calculation. Grains from various plants were used as the basis for determining the weight; other weights were based on the equivalent value required for certain objects, such as B. a hoe that was to be paid in gold. In this way, the Ashanti achieved the necessary equivalents by multiplying or halving. In a deal, the partners compared their weights with one another and refused to be too heavy or too light. In the event of differences, you could agree on an intermediate weight or weigh gold dust as well.

The weighing pieces were initially very simple: flat, octagonal or round disks, which were later decorated with reliefs. Since the 18th century, the Ashanti created figural weights that were based on nature and represented seeds, fruits or insects. In addition there were everyday devices, weapons, tools and finally human figures. All items are shown in great detail and provide information about traditional Ashanti life. Some weights also symbolize proverbs that play a major role in the everyday life of the Ashanti.


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